Here, Rahm. Have a fish head. On us.
January 24, 2011
Tar baby
David Gregory, laying the trap for Eric Cantor on this weekend’s “Meet the Press”. Having first insisted that “many on the right” are engaging in “crazy talk” in calling for the release of Obama’s birth certificate (Chris Matthews, on the other hand, is given a pass, because his reasoning for calling for the release is the good and righteous kind), Gregory then goes on to try to wring an admission
“The State Against Blacks”
From the WSJ’s weekend interview with Walt Williams: “Sometimes I sarcastically, perhaps cynically, say that I’m glad that I received virtually all of my education before it became fashionable for white people to like black people,” writes Walter Williams in his new autobiography, Up from the Projects. “By that I mean that I encountered back then a more honest assessment of my strengths and weaknesses. Professors didn’t hesitate to criticize
“Federal agency to spearhead new drug-development center”
Citing specific examples from the linked article, spot the rhetorical spin. Extra credit: discuss the irony of use of the term “marketing” as deployed in this story. You have 30 minutes to complete your test. Good luck! (h/t Right Bias)
“Going broke by going green”
Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr. and Niger Innis: Skyrocketing energy prices and lost jobs also mean millions of otherwise healthy Americans are subjected to new health threats: higher air conditioning, heating, transportation and other energy bills. For those who cannot afford the increased costs, this can mean death from heat stroke and hypothermia; reduced budgets for healthy food, proper healthcare, home and car repairs, college, retirement, and charitable giving; and psychological