
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

March 2025


Hoist the Black Flag, neocons!

At 3 PM EST.  Today’s guest is Mark W. Smith, author of Disrobed: The New Battleplan to Break the Left’s Stranglehold on the Courts, who, as Ace notes, will “be floating the idea that future victims of terrorism can sue the NYT on an ‘aiding and abetting’ theory.”

Listen in at Rightalk.  Call in number is 866-884-TALK.

16 Replies to “Hoist the Black Flag, neocons!”

  1. ahem says:

    Did they finally give you some equipment so we don’t have to listen to your little tinny voice?

  2. Rusty says:

    Once a month?  Did I break the ratings or what?

  3. Jeff Goldstein says:

    It’s that we’re so good, we’re being used as a tease, of sorts.  “You want some Ace and Jeff goodness.  Fine.  But you’re gonna have to wait an entire month.  Meantime, check out Buzz Patterson!”

    We’re like crack, man.  And those other shows are the few weeks a year Robert Downey Jr spends pretending to clean up.

  4. actus says:

    “be floating the idea that future victims of terrorism can sue the NYT on an ‘aiding and abetting’ theory.”

    I’d love to see the discovery in this case.

  5. Jeff Goldstein says:

    You can listen to the show in reruns.

  6. Bald Eagle says:

    I’d love to see the discovery in this case.

    Let me start by saying I know almost nothing about law. Discovery aside, doesn’t the plaintiff merely have to convince a jury that the complaint has merit? Somewhere, some idiot jury will agree to anything.

  7. actus says:

    Discovery aside, doesn’t the plaintiff merely have to convince a jury that the complaint has merit?

    well, to win you have to show that you win on a preponderance of the evidence. But think what sorts of evidence this trial will have: details of all of our terrorism programs—in order for the jury to gauge how they have been affected. Thats going to be a great moment, when the plaintiffs, so worried with nailing the new york times, have to detail our terrorism protections.

  8. err says:

    Thats going to be a great moment, when the plaintiffs, so worried with nailing the new york times, have to detail our terrorism protections.

    So the plaintiffs will just give them copies of old new york times articles, I don’t see anything great about that…

  9. Eric says:

    to win you have to show that you win

    There is no need to finish what hasn’t begun to finish.

  10. Great Mencken's Ghost! says:

    One Hung Lo, Goss—want some more racists?  How about Cynthia McKinney and her dear old dad?  How about the New York Dem (former Panther) who told a public meeting, ‘sometimes I feel like I just have to smack a white person, or I’ll go crazy?” How about Pelosi sandbagging Cold Cash Jefferson while she supports ‘Ethics’ Mollohan?

    And of course Byrd renounced his racist heritage.  At ten bucks a head as a Klan recruiter, he made his nut in no time at all…

  11. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Crap. Wrong thread.

  12. actus says:

    At 3 PM EST.  Today’s guest is Mark W. Smith, author of Disrobed: The New Battleplan to Break the Left’s Stranglehold on the Courts, who, as Ace notes, will “be floating the idea that future victims of terrorism can sue the NYT on an ‘aiding and abetting’ theory.”

    It was cute. If you toss causation out the window, you can sue just about anyone! And the best part? that “anything is possible” in the modern court system.

    But thats just so far.

  13. searp says:

    Um, are we talking the Supreme Court here?  I think this issue is total crap, and always has been crap.

    Why do conservatives have to feel victimized all the time?  Can’t you be happy with complete control of the government?  Just watch Fox News, read NRO, listen to the president and be happy.

  14. McGehee says:

    Can’t you be happy with complete control of the government?

    That’s only Phase 1. Next comes total control of every woman’s uterus, and then undisputed control of every human being’s thoughts.


    Oops, did I just reveal Darth Rove’s fiendish plot outside of the double_secret_right_wing_neocon_hegemony.listserv…?

  15. JJ says:

    Listened and enjoyed the show.

    Particularly wanted to mention that your “devil’s advocate” point on NYT leak was what I would have asked. (Been reading Barbara Walters’ handbook on interviewing, I assume?)

    However, answer by guest was light. Close to hitting good answer, but slipped by.

    Here’s one actual effect: Say Swift, say good-bye money trail.

  16. Pablo says:

    searp spewed:

    Can’t you be happy with complete control of the government?

    Oh, we’re not there yet. But we’ve got just a couple of Justices to go, and then we’ll have total domination.

    Once that happens, I’m gonna throw a great big party with an enormous rotisserie. You wanna come? It’s gonna be a lot of laughs! Do you like screaming?

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