
Jeff's Wish List

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September 2024


The reckless, incoherent strategy of a government shut down, day 1

Got up this morning to take my oldest to school and, because I indulged in a number of rum drinks last night, couldn’t find my car keys anywhere.  And when, in a bit of a panic, I’ll admit, I dialed up Senator Udall’s office, some little punk of a staffer who answered his phone — when pressed to tell me where I’d left the stupid things (and yes, I explained to him that my not being able to find my keys would necessarily lead to a halt in my son’s education, and that I needed the Senator’s help for the children) — literally told me to get serious, then hung up on me.

— Which, don’t for a second think I’m going to forget this when the next ABC push poll asks me whom I blame for losing my car keys.  The goddamn Republicans with their confusing and not terribly smart plan to shut down the government, that’s who.

I mean it’s one thing to be for principles in the abstract.  But it’s quite another to lose your car keys and find that, because of the extremist TEA Party faction of the Republican Party, I may not be able to find my keys until I either sober up, or my youngest son shows up with the fob in his mouth.



6 Replies to “The reckless, incoherent strategy of a government shut down, day 1”

  1. geoffb says:

    Top Dem. Senators think that they can do “Blazing Saddles” II.

    Meanwhile all of the DC city workers are declared “essential.” But on the federal level only the real essential services will be running.

    This would be a good time to make a list of just what the Democrats find to be “essential” and what they think isn’t.

  2. Shermlaw says:

    One of the benefits of having a 17 year old son is that he drives the younger to school, leaving me to enjoy the loving embrace of the authoritarian nanny state until 7:30 AM.

  3. sdferr says:

    It’s a blessing that so few of our fellow citizens wonder how it is that we must have DEMOCRACY, yet that in those politicians and functionaries who most claim to demand the condition, we find those least willing to listen to the demos when it speaks. That is, a blessing lest there be a pre-modern, formerly human style uprising: a spontaneous, widespread, violent reaction to punish the authoritarian left for its simple two-facedness.

    So little, indeed, is the plain contradiction observed that the greedy grubby politicians needn’t even evince an awareness of the possibility. Finally, the mere act of graft is its own reward. Now’s the time! Pour it on, grabbers, you’re bound to succeed!

  4. TaiChiWawa says:

    N S A …..file 900-32G-125330

    Car keys at [redacted]: sweat pants pocket, laundry hamper

    You’re welcome


  5. ccs says:

    The prezzident just said on TV that since he has cut the deficit by 50%.

    How can you believe any of the sob stories that he’s trotting out. “Starting today thanks to the ACA you can now get affordable health care. Go on the intertubes and check it out at $@$!”. …All morning i’ve heard that the website is down.

  6. SmokeVanThorn says:

    Jennifer Rubin – as honest and intelligent as she is beautiful.

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