
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

September 2024


October government shutdown fundraiser [sticky; new posts below; THURSDAY UPDATE; FINAL UPDATE]

This one is simple:   want to put a halt to ObamaCare?  Donate generously to me.

Because while I have no direct influence on how and when the GOP establishment figures out a way to surrender, I can assure you that I will have had nothing to do with it.  And in this day and age — when other Republicans are already tripping over themselves to undermine an attempt to weaken or delay or defund an unpopular law — I promise not to be one of them.

Unless I need a government service that happens to be closed, and I find myself inconvenienced.  At which point all bets are off.

Pragmatism, you know.  I’m sure you understand.


Thursday update:  Not sure what to say, really. So far, this has been my worst fundraiser ever.  I appreciate all who’ve contributed; but I fear that none of this augurs well for the relative health and reach of my voice.

Oh well.  There’s always Twitchy.

Tuesday update: I’ll be pulling this down at the end of the day. Thanks again to all who contributed!

59 Replies to “October government shutdown fundraiser [sticky; new posts below; THURSDAY UPDATE; FINAL UPDATE]”

  1. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks to palaeomerus!

  2. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, McGehee!

  3. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks Will P for the flood survival kit!

  4. Diana says:

    I wish I could … although I did contribute $500 to rubbish removal. It’s a start. Still love reading you.

  5. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Geoff B!

  6. Diana says:

    It’s not much, but might pay for a few rounds.

  7. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Diana!

  8. McGehee says:

    Jeff is just as grateful for a donation of $100 as he is for $10,000.

  9. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, SW!

  10. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, cranky-d!

  11. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, John B!

  12. John Bradley says:

    $100 donations? Are my blog costs set to necessarily skyrocket?

    I distinctly recall being told that if I liked my blog, I could keep my blog.

  13. McGehee says:

    It’s okay, it’s just a tax.

  14. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, di!

  15. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Bill Q!

  16. […] October government shutdown fundraiser [sticky; new posts below] | protein wisdom […]

  17. dicentra says:

    Paypal now has a feature wherein you can set up monthly payments.

    Just sayin’

  18. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Brenda!

  19. McGehee says:

    So I could set up mine for the last day of each month and get thanked before anybody else?

    At least until somebody sets theirs for the second-to-last day?

  20. Darleen says:

    Well, my county paycheck didn’t bounce …

    yet …

    so I hit the paypal button!

  21. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Terry H!

  22. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Darleen!

  23. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks so much, Blake!

  24. Blake says:

    Darleen, with the way things are going with LA Unified, it’s only a matter of time before checks start bouncing.

    LA Unified: Half Billion dollar school, check
    LA Unified: Billion dollar iPad fiasco, check
    LA Unified: 1.5 billion ????????? (although, it could be the chessboard mathematical progression)

  25. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Patrick C!

  26. serr8d says:

    Wait…should I contact PayPal ?

  27. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, SDN!

  28. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, serr8d!

    (Note: my email was under attack and I’ve had to had numerous filters applied to it to keep it useful. As a consequence, I’m receiving certain emails days late; and I’m not receiving notifications from PayPal. So if I miss your donation I apologize; I’m checking manually).

  29. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Raymond G!

  30. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Squid!

  31. dicentra says:

    Looks like protein wisdom is not immune from the ill effects of the gubmint shutdown.

    I don’t know how you wingers can expect non-essential gubmint personnel to hit the tip jar when they can’t even afford to pay attention.

    Non-essential gubmint personnel comprising the bulk of the pw readership, that is.

  32. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Arthur L!

  33. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Fred W!

  34. Mueller says:

    Did you know that 5 oz. of red wine only has 2.5g of carbs. But now you know where the rest of the donation went.

  35. serr8d says:

    97 calories in 1 oz of gin, Mueller. Good points?
    No saturated fat.
    No cholesterol.
    Very low sodium.
    No sugar.
    Bad point?
    Contains alcohol.
    Which is also a good point, AFAIC.

  36. palaeomerus says:

    Oh good. It looks like donations picked up.

  37. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Jonah C!

  38. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Evan C!

  39. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Lee P!

  40. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Robert D!

  41. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Daniel K!

  42. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Brad M!

  43. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Kevin K!

  44. Mueller says:

    Fuck you. Althouse!
    I mean Goldman.
    I need another drink.

  45. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Pietra!

  46. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Timothy!

  47. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Richard M!

  48. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Stuart B!

  49. palaeomerus says:

    I’m thinking about buying a low-end Ar-15. Yeah, DPMS “oracle” ($700)or Bushmaster’s Carbon-15 ORC w/ red dot($800). If you buy by December then with either one you can get a free cleaning kit and four Intrafuse plastic 30 round magazines by mail as part of a new buyer incentive program. There is a .308/7.62 version of the DPMS but it’s $1100.

    Also, I saw that Cabela’s has some Mosin Nagants in. $200 as is. I’ve always wanted one of those.

    Of course if I do this then I cant get the new game consoles when they come out.

    I dunno. I’d probably just lose the guns in boating accidents anyway.

  50. palaeomerus says:

    Sorry. I meant to put this on the ‘private homeowners’ thread. It’s what I get for keeping too many tabs open at once.

  51. Mueller says:

    I dunno. I’d probably just lose the guns in boating accidents anyway. – See more at:

    That happens a lot.

  52. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Mark N!

  53. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, James L!

  54. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Samuel M!

  55. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Steven S.

  56. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Douglas E!

  57. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Pam k!

  58. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks again, Pietra B!

  59. Jeff G. says:

    Thanks, Pablo!

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