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October 2024


Facebook’s Big Brother contingency: the new arbiters of what constitutes hate speech and what does not

And Lord knows, who better to act as the conscience of the nation’s acceptable social media dialog than a bunch of cubicle-dwelling 20-somethings whose entire life experience can be distilled into a concentrate of PC propaganda, anti-conservative university instruction, and a combination of graphic novels / Comicon Conventions.

Here’s the skinny, which I posted (in a slightly altered form) on Facebook. Because that’s who and what I am:

Facebook has twice censored posts that use the word “chiggers,” evidently unaware that these common arthropods are damaging little buggers that exist on nearly every continent. And that’s because Facebook — who is protecting the speech of the “Kill Zimmerman” movement — is violently offended by the insensitive use of a common pest’s actual name, sounding as it does like a naughty no-no word that only blacks and Quentin Tarantino are allowed to use.

My Oriental rug could not be reached for comment — but even if it could, one suspects it would ask why the fuck a few dweebs are reading his shit anyway. (Yes, my oriental rug has a Facebook page; he’s not on it much, but when he is, it’s to try to reconnect with old college floor coverings he used to, er, shag.)

Next up, Facebook to ban so-called “gardening” threads that cryptically deploy the word “spade” to ostensibly talk about “moving dirt around.” Because not only are the overseers at Facebook reading your posts (and sharing your info), but these one-time victims of swirlies and Atomic wedges can see into your racist souls. And they won’t stand for such dog whistling meant to attract the rednecks and white supremacists and TEA Party types who are aiming to tear down the diversity of this nation with their dangrous and inflammatory talk about chiggers, spades, hoes, eggplants, watermelon, chicken, greens, or any other thinly-veiled racist hate speech.

Basketball talk is still allowed, though Facebook would prefer that it be kept to a minimum by non-Blacks. Same goes for Jazz. And “cribs.”

Meanwhile, Facebook’s righteous politburo has determined that “Kill Zimmerman” is merely a political statement, meant only in a figurative sense — just as the bounties placed on his head by the same New Black Panthers AG Holder refused to prosecute for voter intimidation (these are “his people,” he told us, and he doesn’t go after his own) is really just a kind of ironic bit of rhetorical activism.

Completely separate from those Affirmative Action bake sales the creepy ass crackers from College Republican organizations always put on. Exhibiting the kind of hate that it is morally justified to censor. In fact, it is required. Facebook — and its progressive brethren — are intolerant of intolerance. As would be any non-sub human. And it is their basic goodness that allows them to police the world, violently if necessary, in order to bring about an egalitarian to Utopia.

In which they will decide what is utterable and what is not. For the tolerance.


(h/t JohnInFirestone)

35 Replies to “Facebook’s Big Brother contingency: the new arbiters of what constitutes hate speech and what does not”

  1. Shermlaw says:

    And, yet another reason I refuse to have a Facebook account. That, and I have a lot of relatives who post tons of f-ing cat photos.

  2. JohnInFirestone says:

    The link to your intolerant of intolerance piece includes comments from the esteemed Prof. Ric Caric! I’d forgotten about the good perfesser…

  3. scooter says:

    So posts containing the words “Chicago” and “golf” are similarly censored.

  4. dicentra says:

    I’ve always said that Facebook is full of spiders.

    They must be the mortal enemies of chiggers.

  5. cranky-d says:


  6. JimK says:

    Shagging carpets! What low life.

  7. BigBangHunter says:

    – Eventually, when the childrens allowance finally gets cut off, and it already has to some extent and it will get worse as time goes on (see Commywoods box office problem for signs of same), all the “social network” crap will come to a screeching halt, other than the 24/7 texting, which just constitutes children telling other children whatever they’re doing is way cool and shit.

    – The day of Progtardia is coming to an end some time soon.

  8. leigh says:

    OT: The Wan is speechifying. It’s the same speech we’ve heard since 2007.

  9. Ernst Schreiber says:

    And here I was going to start a facebook page dedicated to classic black and white movies

  10. BigBangHunter says:

    – You don’t hide your open bigotry toward movies of color very well Ernst. racisssssssst!!

  11. BigBangHunter says:

    OT: The Wan is speechifying. It’s the same speech we’ve heard since 2007.

    – The press is actually mocking this 19th version of the “tour”, but its not nuanced enough so it goes right over the Progs heads.

  12. leigh says:

    Royal baby upstages the Wan when his name is announced: His Royal Highness George Alexander Louis of Cambridge.

  13. leigh says:

    Make that HRH Prince George.

  14. TaiChiWawa says:

    Even if you could reach your Oriental rug for comment, you know they all lie.

  15. BigBangHunter says:

    -“Top 10 reasons why Detroit will be disbanded or bankrupt and closed.”

    * Reason #6: Late to every dance, or looking for scam money in all the wrong places. The freebees boat connected to the Treyvon Outrage ponzi scheme has sailed.

  16. TaiChiWawa says:

    And you know rugs; they all want to get laid.

  17. guinspen says:

    Jiggers, it’s facedad!

  18. The thing about rugs is, they’re afraid of commitment — not like wall-to-wall carpeting.

  19. BigBangHunter says:

    – I Lean toward throws. Rugged individualism for me always.

  20. Squid says:

    You don’t want cahpeeeeet! You want an ahhhreaah hraahg!

  21. steveaz says:

    “Because not only are the overseers at Facebook reading your posts (and sharing your info), but these one-time victims of swirlies and Atomic wedges can see into your racist souls..”

    The solution, of course, to WebBizs’ inference-based categorizations of their users is for their users to occasionally visit sites whose content regularly and incisively contradicts the buisinesses’ pixilated impersonation of “them.”

    This is simple to do, and it can be fun. If you’re worried that FB is forging an online simulation of “you” that insinuates that you are “racist,” then go to any googleapp-mediated dating service that boasts a FB plugin, and deliberately peruse the ads of ladies or gents advertising the complexion /ethnicity, or “type”, that FB’s facsimile of you implies you would, by nature, avoid.

    Ditto so many of the Progressive’s other implied tropes and scolds. Cast as not “envi-ernmental enough,” than hangout at the Woods Foundation site, send a form at Greenpeace, or join in a fight for the “Envi-ernmentalists” at the comments at Huffington Post. And if, by implication, FB’s divined caricature accuses you of being “insensitive to gays,” or of “gay-bashing,” then swerve to Craigslist’s “Men Seeking Men” section on purpose.

    Any aware user of the web MUST know that web-based media models prospect advertisers’s contracts by wielding their users posts, personal information and political identities as data-bait. But, us adepts can take heart, too, for we know that it just takes a little bit of careful ‘straying’ off of these companies’ categorical plantations to fry their algorithmic projections of “Us.”

  22. bgbear says:

    Just curious if “chigger” was interpreted as a portmanteau of Chinese and n—-r? There are quite a few Asians here in the Silicon Valley. I have never heard it used but, I can imagine someone creating such a term.

  23. I think a more likely portmanteau would be “nink.”

  24. leigh says:

    I guess all the stores that sell a product called “Chigger-Rid” are in some big trouble.

  25. Libby says:

    You’re just niggling about the Left’s double standards again.

  26. If standards are good, double standards must be doubleplusgood.

  27. sdferr says:

    Q: How many chiggers does it take to run a city into bankruptcy?

    A: None. Chiggers are incapable of running cities.

  28. JohnInFirestone says:

    Bigger niggardly chiggers re-jigger my figger.

  29. leigh says:

    This is so much nit-picking or is that too much like picaninny?

  30. What a lousy topic.

  31. leigh says:


  32. John Bradley says:

    Y’know who was an Evil Racist Bitch by today’s ‘standards’? That Velma chick, of Scooby-Doo fame. Sure, she said “Jinkies!”, but we know what she meant.

    She really hated the Chinese. Or Chinese Jews, possibly.

  33. bgbear says:

    Roy Rogers called his horse “Trigger”. Bastard.

  34. happyfeet says:

    facebook is fucking gay

    it’s for retards

    my most cherished goal in life is to retire without ever having a legit linkedin page

  35. […] Protein Wisdom on Facebook and censorship. […]

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