Which, if I understand Pelosi math, means that all that food stamp usage is actually growing the economy, forcing funds into the private sector, while all the job growth is just gravy, creating as it does new tax payers to fund the food stamp programs that infuse the economy with capital!
The logic is unassailable: more money into the economy = good. More jobs = more taxpayers x higher tax rates = good. I know this because the impartial watchdog group Media Matters found economists who very strongly, and without any kind of political agenda, agreed with the astute former Madame Speaker.
So. If I’m being fair, I’d have to give Obama, et al., a B+ at this point on the economy. While noting, with the independent-minded statesman John McCain, that the President’s work on race relations has been “impressive.”
— Making the unhelpful tone of this CNS piece truly puzzling. I mean, don’t they even understand economics over at that den of bitterclinging, latent domestic terrorists? Or is it all just that voodoo “trickle down” bullshit that they continue cling to like Ollie North to a flag, or Michael Moore to a half rack, a pot of cobbed corn, and a sheet of corn bread?
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said yesterday that the Obama administration has pulled the nation from the depths of the “Great Recession” with the creation of 7.2 million private sector jobs.
Here’s what Mr. Carney didn’t say:
Since February of 2009, the first full month of Obama’s presidency, 9.5 million Americans have dropped out of the labor force. Nearly 90 million Americans are not working today!
That means that 1.3 Americans have dropped out of the labor force for every one job the administration claims to have created.
There are 15 million more Americans on food stamps today than when Obama assumed office.
At the end of January 2009, 32,204,859 Americans received aid from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. As of April 2013, there were 47,548,694 Americans on food stamps.
That means that more than two Americans have been added to the food stamp rolls for every one job the administration says it has created.
Under Obama, 1.6 million more Americans are collecting disability insurance. In February 2009, 9,334,369 Americans received disability payments. Today, that number is 10,953,733.
Again, as noted economist Nancy Pelosi would likely remind these backward-looking supply-siders, with their reactionary anti-tax, anti-welfare dogma, is that when 1.6 million new Americans are collecting disability insurance, that’s 1.6 million new Americans who are spending that money, which in turn creates growth and helps the private sector grow. And all the government, who has made this boom in capital into the marketplace possible, asks in return is higher taxes, higher regulatory costs, higher food and gas prices, higher electricity prices, higher clothing prices, and a centralized administrative state waiting to give 11-20 erstwhile pre-Americans the same kinds of welfare and unemployment benefits that infuse cash into the economy and create the kind of strong growth we’ve seen over, like, 5-straight summers of recovery.
God. It’s like these conservative morons never learned basic math.
You forgot the best part. All those food stamps and disability payments are dispersed with freshly printed and borrowed dollars which are busy sucking the life out of any savings account or 401(k) the bitter clingers may have, because savings are so racist. So, you know, win-win-win!
What cannot go on forever… simply won’t.
People in NYC apparently have excessive amounts of food stamps that they use to purchase food for their relatives in distant lands. These foodstuffs are packed in barrels that are coincidentally sold at the markets in which they shop.
Once we are all Detroit then Detroit will be back, to equal, with all.
It’s like these conservative morons never learned basic math.
I was told there would be no
methmath.If you only look at one of the columns of numbers in a profit/loss statement, everything looks grand!
So by Pelosi’s math, we owe George Zimmerman a vote of thanks for freeing up a job for some other addled teenager.
– I was told there would be no myth.
– Looks like we’re fast approaching the “Russian epigee” point, which was described by one peasent just after the crash as:
– “The remains of the glorious peoples economy, where the government gives us ‘Hero’s of the Motherland’ medals for spending useless money we don’t really have for over priced goods that do not really exist.”
Myth would be too epic. We just get the same old lies and then get told that we should not refute them again. That would just be “stale.”
“I am here to say this needs to stop,” Obama said
– Just for starters the 230 souls aboard TWA flight 800 would agree with you, but they are unavailable for comment Jackass.
Guess again, Barry. We’re going to keep having these “stale debates” until we gets some answers.
Obama stood athwart prosperity yelling, “Stop!”
WAY OT, and I apologise, but just had a visit from 2 Obamabots from either First Energy or Energy First, was so pissed I forget. Anyway, they started saying something about my November energy bill, I asked them who they worked for. No answer. I asked them to leave my property, saying Obamabots are not welcome here. One of them, the white guy, actually wanted to fight me….BAD mistake.
This is what we are up against. True believers that will go to any lengths to get what they want, even violence when on private property. I guess the question is? Are we willing to fight back? And the answer had better be YES.
I hope they left a business card or something. Some reporter might like to know about this, Blitz.
Not here Leigh, I’m a masshole. However, I’ve lived through Nixon ( much maligned unfortunately the whole EPA thing aside ) Carter….
And here’s what I think. IF we all stick to it and never give in.
– The only way the shit will ever stop is when their idiocies actually start to hurt the morons.
I’d think just from a municipal stand point, you have people trying to shake you down at your place of business. Fuck that. Call the mayor’s office or the city manager.
It was my home Leigh, which is very close, but not there.
Sdferr? Yeah…that one was close, but the idiot backed down. Never been in trouble, never want to be. Maybe he learned a lesson, maybe not.
SO sorry for hijacking…I’ll go back to the thread now.
We’re all about the hijacking here, Blitz. No worries.
BBH, that speech really is a stinkburger. I just read the transcript and I suspect that the Wan may have written this one his ownself. Good god! How many tired clichés and mangled metaphors, not to mention bad grammar can one man cram into one speech? A lot, apparently.
Meanwhile, Detroit’s bankruptcy is okayed to go forward per the courts this afternoon.
If I may play devils’ advocate here? (and I do understand the huge jump in entitlement cheating) There are people who need it. What do we do with those unfortunates? Local is for shit because Obama is coming within a razors edge of ruining those, and religious orgs are folding faster than a poker player with a pair of 2’s….
There DOES need to be a safety valve, I just don’t know where.
In regards to my last, I have taken in homeless people many times, and have found that most are drug addicts, thieves or otherwise bad charachters. So * I * (meaning us as individuals ) am not the answer.
I’m friggin’ clueless on this one.
As a reformed bleeding heart, I say it’s time for some tough love. There will always be around 5% of the population who are truly incapable of taking care of themselves and we have institutions for them. I’m talking about the seriously mentally ill, as well as the physically and mentally handicapped who are too burdensome for their families to care for. I’m all for seeing vagrancy and pan-handling become crimes again. Shelters usually have some pretty tough rules and those who break them get the bounce.
It’s all academic anyway, since we’ll run out of money before we ever find a solution.
No Leigh, we don’t have institutions for them. I’m talking about someone like a friend of mine, broken back and neck, worked his whole teen life. He’s totally ambulatory, but has NO immediate family. And then there’s the family of say,4? that because of Obumblefuck have no income. Those people don’t deserve tough love. In the former case? permanent. The latter? They need temporary help. I have never been a bleeding heart kind of guy, but what if I need it someday? What if You do?…
Well, we’re talking about two different things, Blitz. I’m talking about bums and you about folks who are having hard times.
Does your friend get disability? He has a friend in you, but you are stretched pretty thin with the kids and grandkids. Does he have a place to stay even if it’s a studio close to the busses? The family of four should qualify for all kinds of aid from food to housing to medical care. They need to get in touch with Social Services. Sometimes there are people at church who can help with that sort of thing, as well.
Lives with me Leigh…I have extra now that the kids are gone. The other was a hypothetical. BUT The FDA, nanny asswipes all over the Country and Moosechelle are stopping free feeding programs for the homeless. You can google it and everything!! ( sorry for the Pikach language )
OH!!! My little one is pregnant. She is amazing. I’m normally scowling at her BF, but….we’ll see.
Congrats, Gramps. BF has a job, I hope?
Works at Ratheon painting shit. Dumber than a brick, thinks he’s a better mechanic than me because he races his POS Honda. But? It’s a Union job, he’s paid well. I really don’t like him, but with a baby? shit goes out the window, you know?
Yes, I know what you mean. I keep praying that when my boys decide to settle down it’s with someone smart. So far, they are sticking with paying down their debt (eldest) and getting prepared for college (youngest) and staying away from girls (Thank God!) because they are distracting and expensive.
Can you teach BF to twist a wrench or will you end up braining him with one?
Your boys are a LOT smarter than my girls…Mine work like hell, 40 ( Tiner ) to 80 ( Ash ) hours a week, but they have horrible taste in men. BOTH have 2 baby daddys’. This does not make me proud.
I tried, REALLY tried to instill a sense of honor into them, all I got was work ethic. But on the bright side? I get the babies all the time!! Izzy is about to start first grade, and I wish her the best. Kayla is going into Kindergarten, and god help her teacher, that little one iis a sharknado!!
Anyway, it’s the public school system. I’ve tried to get the girls to let me homeschool ( I don’t work much anymore ) but? No go.
Dad is a retired Army officer. There is no backtalk at chez leigh. Unfortunately, this didn’t work so hot with his daughters he had before we met. One had a kid, the other is a sucker for “true love”. Thankfully, I wasn’t around for any of that drama.
No Montessori?
Oh…IF he didn’t think he was this so special privileged person? You know, one of those ” you’re so talented honey ” types, yes I could teach him. I’ll never forget getting in his “race” car and saying “so what can you do with this POS”…
Anyway, yeah. braining him if I can find it.
No Leigh, I tried. Neither will allow.
Leigh, do you do facebook?
I hope you know to pick out the spot where no one will find him, just in case someone would happen to miss him, Blitz, before you and he talk about when he’s going to man up and “assume the responsibilities”
… as they used to say.
If I had read further before commenting, I would have worded that differently.
Yes, I do. Blitz. I’ll send you a friend request, okay?
Ed Davis right?
I had a moment at work today – sorta related to where this thread went.
A guy who works in the kitchen knocked up his girlfriend. A few months ago, I was disheartened to hear him say (to someone else) “just because we’re having a baby is no reason to get married.” They baby is a month or so now.
I’ve been slowly working on him (politically) and he’s always asking me stuff. Well, tonight, he brought the extended family to the restaurant and proposed. Afterwards, he was looking at me and I gave him the big thumbs up.
change. One at a time.
you’re like flo alice and vera all rolled up together sans grits-kissing
Now you’ve got to work on both of them so they stay together and give their kid(s) a better than even chance at a good life.
you’ll need a soundtrack for sure
Carin: The Progg Whisperer.
Small victories, Carin. They add up.