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March 2025


“Alderman to Chick-fil-A: No deal”

So now a Chicago petty tyrant pol joins with the bigoted mayor of Boston to declare that, to the contemporary “liberal,”  tolerance is nothing more than policing conformity of thought — and that he will proudly cast himself as intolerant of intolerance!

And if to do so he needs to engage in a kind of thought policing and religious discrimination?  Well, too bad.  The secular religion of statist authoritarianism demands we surrender such quaint notions as the ungodly and way too fucking forgiving  First Amendment if we’re ever going to have true tolerance, where everyone is tolerant of everyone else because everyone is compelled to parrot the same politically-approved speech (and, if we can figure out a way to do so, the same politically-approved thoughts).

Liberals everywhere will cheer this on — even as it is a quite direct statement about the ability of citizens to make choices themselves based on their own beliefs.  The government will fight your personal battles for you — once they tell you what those battles are.  You, citizen, can just sit off to the side and clap like a trained seal.

Chicago Tribune:

Ald.Proco “Joe” Moreno announced this week that he will block Chick-fil-A’s effort to build its second Chicago store, which would be in the Logan Square neighborhood, following company President Dan Cathy’s remarks last week that he was “guilty as charged” for supporting the biblical definition of marriage as between a man and woman.

“If you are discriminating against a segment of the community, I don’t want you in the 1st Ward,” Moreno told the Tribune on Tuesday.

Moreno stated his position in strong terms, referring to Cathy’s “bigoted, homophobic comments” in a proposed opinion page piece that an aide also sent to Tribune reporters. “Because of this man’s ignorance, I will now be denying Chick-fil-A’s permit to open a restaurant in the 1st Ward.”

Notice that the purported problem is not that Chick-fil-A denies homosexuals a tasty chicken sandwich and delicious waffle fries.  It’s that the companies president is “ignorant,” according to some petty twerp who evidently believes he’s the kind of civic god who can determine with metaphysical certainty that a given position, steeped in religious belief — and having nothing whatever to do with the purveyance of chicken sandwiches and waffle fries — is reason to deny permits.

Up next? Permits denied to “global warming deniers” or “racists” — easily identified, as a certain Va. state senator shows us, by their Party affiliation and (ironically) skin color.

Christ, how I can’t wait for the revolution to get here.  In the meantime, though, I plan to double my consumption of Chick-fil-A.

Civil disobedience has never tasted so delicious! — and defense of the First Amendment from the forces of government-aimed political correctness never so child friendly and welcoming!

(thanks to JD)


112 Replies to ““Alderman to Chick-fil-A: No deal””

  1. DarthLevin says:

    Wonder if Chick-Fil-A can do a version of KFC’s Double Down? That would be some serious awesome.

  2. The Monster says:

    This guy is clearly a homophobophobe. Why doesn’t he see that some people are just BORN into homophobia, and therefore it’s just WRONG to hold that against them?

  3. JohnInFirestone says:

    So, a deeply Christian man at a deeply Christian organization clearly states his beliefs (I didn’t read anything in there that said those were Chick-Fil-a’s beliefs) and his company suffers?

    I didn’t read that he wanted to deny anything to anyone.

    Why is this a big deal? Where did all this outrageous outrage come from?

  4. Squid says:

    One of the few times I’ve ever single-handedly ruined a dinner party came about because I made the mistake of telling my gay friends, “The problem is that you don’t want tolerance, you want acceptance. It isn’t enough that Christians tolerate you; you want them to embrace you and promote your lifestyle as perfectly acceptable. I’m happy to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you to defend your human rights and dignity, but I’m not willing to see my Christian neighbors forced by the State to withdraw their disapproval of your choices. You need to be as tolerant of them as you expect them to be toward you.”

    Fortunately, it was pretty late in the evening (we’d obviously had plenty of wine by that point), so the awkward silence didn’t last too long.

  5. BigBangHunter says:

    – We’ll no doubt hearon ABC from a Brian Ross how this is teh racist also.

    – Because after all, its obvious Holmes stick figures are just carefully disquised minorities.

    – For the chilin’.

  6. Abe Froman says:

    I’ve always been of the opinion that corporate officers should keep their fucking mouths shut about this kind of thing, and politics in general, but it was never because I anticipated brazen left-wing fascists like this clown. Nobody said the alderman can’t continue sucking cock. That’s about all any Chicago politician is good for.

  7. Mike LaRoche says:

    Chick-fil-A is fast becoming my favorite fast-food restaurant. Keep it up, libtwits.

  8. Mike LaRoche says:

    Of course, as many a troll has demonstrated here, keeping it up is something lefties are incapable of doing, hence the never-ending anger, rage, and frustration.

  9. dicentra says:

    “No one is going to force your stupid church to perform same-sex weddings.”

    Of course not. You’ll just make us all wear a yellow cross on our lapels so you’ll know whom to loathe and persecute.

    And round up, when the time comes.

  10. BigBangHunter says:

    – Hopefully Chick-fil-A will benefit from these attacks, which would be poetic justice, maybe even ‘social justice’. *snort*

  11. William says:

    Good for you, Squid. Someone needs to tell them that before their PC utopia collapses. I’m not willing to explain for an hour my religious beliefs to them, but I am willing to buy flowers. Which would they really prefer?

  12. OCBill says:

    Since the alderman was so forthcoming in the reason for his refusal to apprrove a new Chik-Fil-A, it seems like Chik-Fil-A would have an excellent First Amendment case. I mean, isn’t it prohibited for government or individuals to discriminate based on religious beliefs?

  13. DarthLevin says:

    “No one is going to force your stupid church to perform same-sex weddings.”


  14. BigBangHunter says:

    – Anaheim is possibly the opening volley indicating the Left and the minorities sense Bummblefuck is in deep doodoo, and so they’ll trout out the old tried and true ‘social extortion’ ploy, steadily intensifying as the elections approach .

    – Bring it on.

  15. BigBangHunter says:

    – As far as the Chick-fil-A nonsense, I doubt getting between a certain demographic and their beloved ‘fried chickin’ is a winning narrative,

  16. leigh says:


    Got that right, Darth. Some months back, I was attempting to explain to one of my lefty friends the objections of the Catholic Church to homosexual marriage. He fired back with “No church is going to have to perform marriages. There are laws.”

    Man, I laughed in his face.

  17. bh says:

    Aldermen in Democratic strongholds often have very strong feelings about which businesses should be allowed in their wards.

  18. BigBangHunter says:

    – Watermelons always win in the end.

  19. leigh says:

    Dan Cathy explicitly states that there is no such thing as a Christian business. When asked about his own church and its beliefs, he spoke of a traditional view of the Bible and its teachings. He never condemned anyone. It wasn’t part of the question or part of his answer.

    I see a niche market here. Teaching people to read for content.

  20. sdferr says:


    Vi Ripken was abducted at gunpoint this morning and later located unharmed. The mother of Orioles legendCal Ripken Jr.has been known to deliver some headline-worthy quotes, especially when talking about her son. Here are some of her most memorable quotes in The Sun.

  21. jcw46 says:

    No where has anyone claimed that Chik Fil A discriminates in hiring, or serving.

    And I’m sure that if there was even a whiff of that, we’d have heard about it.

    So this is discrimination for the man’s BELIEFS and for his EXPRESSING them in public.

    Um. Mr. Moreno; you may THINK that Chicago politics trumps the First Amendment but I think you’ll find you’re wrong if you follow through on your childish threats.

    Or Chik Fil A may just take their taxes and jobs and go elsewhere. So you can then celebrate your hollow victory.

    I’d like to see a survey done to find out how many people have restricted or eliminated their spending at LIBERAL espousing entertainment and other fields due to their continuous and nasty slandering and libeling of those who hold opinions contrary to theirs.

    It would be educational for both sides of the debate.

  22. bh says:

    I’m assuming that the church festivals that’ve been held all summer in Chicago have required permits.

    Someone with a microphone should ask an alderman from a black or Latino neighborhood why they allowed these hate festivals to take place.

  23. Jim in KC says:

    Almost makes me wish I liked chicken. But they don’t need my business; the one I drive by on a fairly consistent basis (there’s a good BBQ joint across the street with excellent burnt ends and sausage) always has lines around the block.

    That would have to be one charming motherfuckin’ chicken to get me to wait in a line that long.

  24. leigh says:

    Jim, their chicken is so good it’ll make you slap your mama.

  25. Abe Froman says:

    I’ve never been to a Chick Fil A. Truth be told, I’m not even sure that I’ve ever seen one. But I’ll go out of my way to eat at one if this nonsense persists.

  26. leigh says:

    There usually at malls and airports, Abe. I don’t know if they have many stand alones.

  27. leigh says:


  28. Jim in KC says:

    Jim, their chicken is so good it’ll make you slap your mama.

    Not likely. Not when there’s burnt ends and sausage on the other side of the street.

    That’d be like passing up Laphroiag Quarter Cask to drink Thunderbird.

  29. leigh says:

    Apples and oranges, my friend.

  30. Jeff G. says:

    They are all stand-alones out this way. Lots of them. Routinely packed packed packed. Great sandwiches and waffle fries. People who come around and ask if they can refill your beverages. Teenagers behind the counters who smile and are always polite. Very kid friendly.

  31. William says:

    They’re really good, Abe. I myself rarely eat fast food outside of Subway, but I’ll make up for it by not visiting Chicago.

    Like I needed another reason.

  32. Jim in KC says:

    Heh. I had the misfortune of being on a Navy ship during the Gulf War. They pretty much completely cured me of chicken. So, more like apples and mealworms to me…

  33. bh says:

    The unavailability of regional restaurants is half their appeal to me. I generally end up hitting a new one most times I travel just to see if the fuss is worth it.

  34. Dave J says:

    C Fil A should issue a statement that they think Aldermen shouldnt marry either. They sauce is good too. I must admit, I boycott them on Sundays.

  35. Dale Price says:

    “No one is going to force your stupid church to perform same-sex weddings.”

    Apologies if I am repeating myself here, but this statement is completely consistent with removing tax exemptions from H8r Temples which refuse to perform them.

    That will be the next line of assault.

  36. Pablo says:

    Jim in KC, might I inquire as to which location that is? I’m in KC and coveting righteous BBQ. Guide me, please!

  37. William says:

    That’s the problem, Dale. The next step always sounds so reasonable to the people that have no stake in the game. They shouldn’t receive Federal funding because “Separation of Church and State,” becomes undue stress on the system for not “conforming with public standards,” becomes extra taxes becomes shut doors becomes “You can still worship at home.”

    All so two dudes can kiss in public. Last I checked, you can do that now. But sure, keep dreaming that your crazy spinster Aunt will finally respect you. Losers.

  38. Abe Froman says:

    Apparently there’s a Chick fil A in a food court in an NYU building. It’s closed during the summer, but if I can bear being around a bunch of mopey young hipsters from Ohio who just got to the big city, I’ll give the place a shot in September.

  39. Jim in KC says:

    The place I’m talking about is called Smokehouse BBQ, Pablo. They have three locations that I know of in the metro–the one I’m referring to specifically is in Independence, near Independence Center on 39th St. Absolutely the best beans in town. I actually think their Gladstone location is better, but the one in Indy is close to where we do our grocery shopping.

    Best sausage, all hand-stuffed on the premises, is at Hayward’s in Overland Park.

    Gates is a hoot because of the atmosphere. Their spicy sauce is great, and their fries are incredible. Exceedingly crisp crinkle cuts–I think they might fry them in lard.

    Everyone raves about Oklahoma Joe’s, but I hate lines so much that I’ve never been there. There would have to be fringe benefits worthy of the armadillo to get me to wait in line over an hour.

  40. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Someday, I plan to make it down to Kansas City. Just to find out if the local BBQ chain, Famous Dave’s, is all it’s cracked up to be.

  41. Jeff G. says:

    We have Famous Dave’s here in my neck of the woods. Seems to fill up, but I only went once — and it seems to be the “upscale” alternative to, say, Golden Coral or Country Buffet. Food wasn’t memorable at all.

  42. DarthLevin says:

    Speaking of Golden Corral, going to that place gives you a hell of an ego boost. Last time the family and I went, we were far and away the slimmest, best looking, and had the best dental health of anyone in there.

    That, and chocolate fountain!

  43. Abe Froman says:

    I’ve been to the Famous Dave’s in uptown Minneapolis a handful of times and I thought it was good. I’ve heard people crap on FD as well, though. A lot of people mindlessly, reflexively do that with chains so I have no idea if there’s any merit to it at other locations or if it’s just babble.

  44. Crawford says:

    Between the 6,000 round order from LuckyGunner and dinner from Chick-fil-A tonight, all these lefty protest douchbaggers are costing me a fortune.

  45. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I haven’t been to a Golden Corral since 1994.

    Before the chocolate fountain.

    I don’t mind the food a Famous Dave’s. The Chicken, Ribs and Pulled Pork are okay. Not a fan of cornbread. Their bourbon apricot bbq sauce is good. Their Devil’s Spit, on the other hand is only hellish hot by (upper midwest) Lutheran standards.

  46. I Callahan says:

    No where has anyone claimed that Chik Fil A discriminates in hiring, or serving. And I’m sure that if there was even a whiff of that, we’d have heard about it. So this is discrimination for the man’s BELIEFS and for his EXPRESSING them in public.

    What should happen here is that the president of Chick-fil-A ought to sue the Alderman and the city for violation of his civili rights. And fight it all the way to the USSC if possible.

  47. Crawford says:

    “No one is going to force your stupid church to perform same-sex weddings.”

    But if you decline photographing them, you better have a good lawyer.

  48. Jim in KC says:

    Famous Dave’s didn’t last long in KC.

    The city ran a tiny local joint called “Danny Edwards’ Eat it and Beat It BBQ” out of their building for our faux urban experience called The Power and Light District and the Cordish gang out of Baltimore who manage the thing put in a Famous Dave’s. It went tits-up within a year.

  49. I Callahan says:

    Food wasn’t memorable at all.

    Nope. We have one here in lovely Roseville, MI, and I thought the same thing.

  50. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I like it fine, but it’s not like there’s a lot to compare it to in these here parts.

  51. BigBangHunter says:

    – The Senate just voted down the Reps version of the tax extension. Reid did his normal rain dance begging for votes based on the evil Ritch guys.

    – McConnel made him and Biden (whos sitting in today) look like idiots by pointing out Biden and Reid were all for it back in 2010 when there was no presidential election going on.

    – The vote on the Dem version is next, but then it faces the House, meaning it will peobably never reach the presidents desk so the De,s can blame the right.

  52. Crawford says:

    As far as the Chick-fil-A nonsense, I doubt getting between a certain demographic and their beloved ‘fried chickin’ is a winning narrative,

    They’re more of a sandwich place, though, not a Popeye’s or KFC.

  53. rjacobse says:

    Umm, Mr. Cathy, sir? You can build your restaurant here in North Dakota. We’re pretty tolerant of intolerant people (especially those what makes good chicken), being mostly intolerant sorts ourselves. In the nicest way, of course. (It’s a midwest thing, I guess.)

    Build it in the Bakken, and you’re guaranteed to pack the joint.

  54. Crawford says:

    becomes extra taxes becomes shut doors becomes “You can still worship at home.”

    Which has already become “zoning violations”.

  55. leigh says:

    I wish we had a Popeye’s here in town.

  56. I Callahan says:

    You can build your restaurant here in North Dakota

    North Dakota? I have family in Minot & Drake.

  57. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Build it in the Bakken, and you’re guaranteed to pack the joint.

    What I wouldn’t give for a liquor license in North Dakota.

  58. Crawford says:

    leigh — I dunno. After having Popeye’s while in Louisiana, I rejoiced at the opening of one less than a half my from my home. Sadly, though, they’ve declined in quality (the biscuits are inedible pucks) and service.

  59. William says:

    Point to you, Crawford. Forgot about that one. Becomes “You can still worship at our Church, we believe in nice things.”

  60. Crawford says:

    What I wouldn’t give for a liquor license in North Dakota.

    What? And pay the government?

  61. Pablo says:

    Thanks, Jim. I’m on a mission.

  62. leigh says:

    That’s a shame, Rob. I used to eat there often when I lived in San Diego. We only have KFC here and it’s bad.

  63. JohnInFirestone says:


    If you want good BBQ in NoCo, go to the Rib House (formerly Chef Extraordinaire) in the Prospect neighborhood in Longmont. Delicious!

  64. Squid says:

    For those noting the mildness of Famous Dave’s sauces and rubs, I would like to remind you that it was founded in Hayward, Wisconsin. So it’s plenty hot, by Lake Superior standards.

  65. Jim in KC says:

    No problem, Pablo. If you need any more details, Jeff could give you my e-mail address if he’s amenable to doing so. Not sure what his policy on that is.

  66. Abe Froman says:

    Popeye’s chicken is still good. It’s the only fast food I eat. Their biscuits might have gone downhill, but they’re a Southern thing that that I’ve never seen the point in anyway.

  67. B Moe says:

    Croussaints have points. Bisquits are round.

  68. leigh says:

    Cornbread haters and biscuit haters on the same thread? What’s wrong with y’all?

  69. Abe Froman says:

    Grandpa humor!!!!!!

  70. Abe Froman says:

    Cornbread is an actual thing. Biscuits are like someone who couldn’t bake for shit tried to make bread, failed, and called it a thing. Maybe not literally.

  71. B Moe says:

    Bisquits are made for sopping up runny egg yolks and gravy, a function at which they excel.

  72. Warmongerel says:

    “Ignorant”: because “Big Dummy-head!” would be too much of a giveaway to liberals’ true emotional state.

  73. Abe Froman says:

    True, B Moe. But that still describes turning a failed food object into a specialized winner.

  74. B Moe says:

    Think of it as an edible utensil.

  75. sdferr says:

    A southern thing, could be, but butter vehicles of whatever sort are ok by me. On the other hand, biscuits aren’t intended to highly glutenous, i.e. not bread-like, which is why we don’t work ’em too much before cutting ’em out. In fact, some folks just lightly mix the dough and spoon it to the bake sheet while it’s still sticky.

  76. palaeomerus says:

    “As far as the Chick-fil-A nonsense, I doubt getting between a certain demographic and their beloved ‘fried chickin’ is a winning narrative,”

    Fired Chicken in Austin, (or “Ausitn” as my Driver’s License read for five years)

    Chic-Fil-A is not a ‘chicken on the bone’ place. It’s strips, filets, nuggets, wraps, sandwiches, and salads. They have grilled and “fried in a pressure cooker”. They have spicy (which is nasty I think, but then I’m not a sweet and hot fan) flavored , and regular. The regular seems to have a ginger flavor to it but my friends say they can’t taste it so maybe it’s a the oil they use? I dunno. The sandwiches and nuggets are good. They are a little bit expensive. I’ve had bad experiences with the strips. The waffle fries are good. Fast food with a drive through.

    Kentucky Fried Chicken

    – Original recipe is a very greasy ‘fall apart’ fried chicken on the bone. Extra Crispy has a crunchy breaded shell. Grilled chicken is excellent if slightly bland for a savory preparation. They have a chicken filet that is similar to Chic-Fil_a but the quality varies a lot on stuff like nuggets, filets, bites. pop-corn chicken etc. When it’s good it’s great. When it’s not good it can really suck. A very inconsistent place unless you get the grilled chicken. Biscuits are powdery and bland. Gravy is maybe the only brown chicken gravy around here. Potato wedges and mashed potatoes are good. Sides and chicken are very expensive but they have sales and coupons to get by on. They have a lot of other crap like wings, boneless wings, barbecue wings, etc. They had mini corn dogs for a while. Fast food with a drive through.


    -Fairly cheap chicken with a hot marinade. Served as spicy or regular. Sides are pretty lame. Biscuits are dry. Not my favorite. Finger food options can be ridiculous like “rip’n chicken…a chicken patty fritter sliced part way through so it spreads out like the fingers of a hand that you can tear off, dip and eat. Bleah. Not terrible though. There are just better options. Fast food with a drive through.

    Church’s Fried Chicken

    – This chicken is expensive but they have lots of sales and coupons. Biscuits are AMAZING. Like little honey scones or something. They are frosted with honey butter. Not the usual baking powder industrial-desiccant crumbly biscuit. Almost a pastry. Chicken is injected with butter which makes it kind of cross sometimes. Strips are okay. Used to have Mucho’s Tex Mex burritos as second line of fare. I miss that. They over fry the chicken sometimes. If I go there I go there for the biscuits. Started by a former football player I think. Fast food with a drive through.

    Chicken Express/ Golden Chick /Gill’s Fried Chicken

    These are three different chains but they all have very similar high quality but expensive food with similar recipes. Good ‘on the bone’ fried chicken, and good strips. Usually serve everything with cream gravy. Similar menu, pricing, and portions. All good. Not that many coupons though. Golden Chick used to be called Golden Fried Chicken until they found out that their name was so generic that it was indefensible as a trade mark. They just punted and when with Golden Chick. Fast Food with a Drive through.


    -Pluckers is a wing bar. They do waffle fries and I usually get the boneless wings. A little bland but they come with sauce. They price the food like a restaurant so you don’t have to feel bad about ordering cheap pub-grub type food without drinking. Eat-in bar and grill with tables and booths.

    Lucky J’s Chicken and Waffles

    -Lucky J’s is a chain and has both free standing restaurants and trailers. They don’t do the usual golden friend chicken but old fashioned stuff that is fried to a deep brown. They do boneless wings and one the bone pieces and serve it with thin waffles that you can wrap the chicken in. When I want some ‘old fashioned’ fried chicken I go here. Kind of expensive though. Eat-in.

    Freddy’s Place

    – An out of the way bar and grill booze diner on South 1st street. Freddy’s has burgers and chicken and waffles type stuff. They serve a fried boneless “chicken fried chicken” breast in the shape of a heart and two thick belgian style waffles for about $12. You can also get waffle fries or another side and skip the waffles if you want to. Decent stuff. Eat-in bar and grill.

    And those are the places that I go to eat fried chicken.

  77. bh says:

    Never got biscuits until I was introduced to sausage gravy and then I came around on ’em.

  78. sdferr says:

    They also work well as a foundation for strawberry shortcake bh, with whipped cream, tops.

  79. palaeomerus says:

    Biscuits can vary a lot. There is probably a biscuit variation you can get into out there somewhere. If not substitute with a roll or an english muffin.

  80. SmokeVanThorn says:

    No businesses owned by fundamentalist Muslims in Chicago?

  81. maggie katzen says:

    Very kid friendly.

    when we were there last week (after the small oven fire) there was a birthday party and they were handing out “Back Stage Passes” for the kiddos to go in the kitchen and see how their stuff was made. cute.

  82. bh says:

    I remember when a famous politician from Chicago declared that his religious beliefs were that marriage was between a man and a woman. The progressives loved him so much they put him in the White House.

    Three years later, they’re telling us to re-elect this vile hate criminal.

  83. B Moe says:

    The best fast food fried chicken around Athens is probably Bojangles. Cajun inspired, a little better than Popeyes.

  84. sdferr says:

    Y’know, that famous Chicago politician is an antisemite too, as it happens.

  85. Pablo says:

    Thanks again, Jim. I’ve got a Burnt Ends Platter on the way and I’m sipping on a Belgo IPA as we speak. It’s on.

  86. leigh says:

    I don’t understand chicken and waffles. Waffles should be served with creamery butter and tasty maple syrup. For breakfast.

    Chicken is not a breakfast food, at least not to me.

    You biscuit haters should try making your own some time. That Bisquick crap is not representative of biscuits. At all.

  87. Pablo says:

    Sauce is a tad sweet but the meat is ridiculous. Yum.

  88. Abe Froman says:

    I don’t hate biscuits. In fact, I never think about them at all. Kind of like Fleetwood Mac cover bands.

  89. Car in says:

    I Callahan says July 25, 2012 at 2:48 pm

    Food wasn’t memorable at all.

    Nope. We have one here in lovely Roseville, MI, and I thought the same thing.

    WHAT?? you’re in Roseville and never mentioned that?

    … I needed some help painting a few weeks back….

  90. Car in says:

    I don’t really eat fried chicken, so I feel left out of this whole protesty thing.

  91. leigh says:

    I don’t either, Carin. Join in for nostalgia purposes.

  92. palaeomerus says:

    “I don’t really eat fried chicken, so I feel left out of this whole protesty thing.”

    Well…you can’t really wear it or build a boat out of it. Eating it just seems like the right thing to do with it.

  93. Swen says:

    For those noting the mildness of Famous Dave’s sauces and rubs, I would like to remind you that it was founded in Hayward, Wisconsin. So it’s plenty hot, by Lake Superior standards.

    They have a Dave’s in Kalispell, but my Sis and B-I-L can’t eat there because it’s too spicy. Sometimes I wonder if we’re really related….

  94. BigBangHunter says:

    – Best chicken around these parts is “The Chicken Shack” out on route 54 south of Julian. Reasonable prices and the best in flavor and quality. Complete old fashioned chicken dinners with all the usual suspects including delicious gravy and honey butter bisquits. Olde time sit down tables with gingham table clothes shared by up to 25 people.

    – Only drawback is distance to get there which makes it a Sunday excursion thing for the who;e family.

  95. Ernst Schreiber says:

    For those noting the mildness of Famous Dave’s sauces and rubs, I would like to remind you that it was founded in Hayward, Wisconsin. So it’s plenty hot, by Lake Superior standards

    I wasn’t sure if Dave’s got started in MN or WI.

    Their bourbon apricot bbq sauce is good. Their Devil’s Spit, on the other hand is only hellish hot by (upper midwestWisconsin Synod) Lutheran standards.

  96. newrouter says:

    insert > it taste like chicken – here

    (for the html gods with < -)

  97. Darleen says:

    I drive by a Chic-fil-a in my neighborhood to/from work each day. It is ALWAYS busy. I’ve had some of the strips and enjoyed them.

    My favorite chicken is not fried, but awesome rotisserie Juan Pollo

    They also make the best potato salad

    (KFC still best in cole slaw)

  98. BT says:

    KFC does make a mean coleslaw.

    Best Fried Chicken based on Consistency is sold at the deli section of Publix. The batter reminds me of Mrs. Winners but less peppery.

  99. newrouter says:

    tastes like chicken – statism cont.

    Now hold it right there, pardner, as John Wayne might say. There’s no “general principle” of a right to self-defense??? Say what!? So all that stuff from John Locke and other theorists of social contract theory about self-preservation being the first principle of all human rights that stands at the core of classical liberalism—that is all just swept away, is it?


  100. Jim in KC says:

    Glad you liked it, Pablo. KC sauces will tend to be sweet, although you can find some spicier ones here and there. One good reason for the high sugar content is that a lot of people like to smoke ribs, then brush them with sauce and toss them on a hot grill for a bit. The sugars carmelize nicely when you do that.

  101. sdferr says:

    I piss on the UN. End it.

  102. cranky-d says:

    I go to the uptown Famous Dave’s whenever there is a band there I want to see. That ends up being about 3 times per year or so.

    The Devil’s Spit is very very hot as defined by Minnesota standards. In other words, it has a little bit of a bite to it, but not much. I use Sriracha like it’s fondue, so my opinion might be a bit biased.

    Wilbur’s Revenge, on the other hand, surprised me with how hot it is. That stuff is pretty potent. I will usually mix that with the Devil’s spit.

  103. newrouter says:

    new – sharia chicken

    CAIR demanded he be fired. The head of CAIR wrote directly to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to make the request, as reported in a press release from the organization.

    It didn’t work. Late on Wednesday, the Pentagon bluntly said:

    “We can confirm that Mr. Reza Kahlili, who has specialized counterintelligence expertise, occasionally lectures at the Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy (JCITA)…His experiences provide valuable insight to trainees, and he keeps his personal religious beliefs out of the classroom. He does not lecture on or about Islam or any religious treatise, and his personal beliefs are his own.”

    It’s an unusually clear statement, and well warranted. If you read the CAIR press release linked above, I think it’s clear that Reza’s conversion was a prime cause of CAIR’s campaign, and it’s good to see the Defense Department slap it down. Freedom of religion (funny how that 1st Amendment keeps showing up) includes the freedom to change your religion if you so choose.

  104. Pellegri says:

    I’ll need to figure out where our nearest Chic-Fil-A is. I usually sate my need for fried chikkin with the local KFC’s hot wings because something’s wrong with me.

    We have a Famous Dave’s within reasonable driving distance of us. I enjoy their stuff but some of the meat is just “ehn”.

    Their bread pudding is good, though.

  105. Pellegri says:

    … Oh, well. Nearest one is 65 miles away in Fairfield.

    Suppose I’ll need to get some when I’m traveling.

  106. B Moe says:

    There’s no “general principle” of a right to self-defense??? Say what!? So all that stuff from John Locke and other theorists of social contract theory about self-preservation being the first principle of all human rights that stands at the core of classical liberalism—that is all just swept away, is it?

    I don’t think that treaty has a chance in hell of getting through the Senate, nr, and like most UN nonsense it will most likely be too fucked up to have much of an effect on anything, but I do hope Obama signs it before November.

    That would work out very well I think.

  107. SDN says:

    Here in the DFW area, we have all of the major chicken chains except Bojangles. We also have a regional chain called Raisin’ Cane, which does only chicken tenders but does them well.

    leigh, when I was out in San Diego recently, I found a soul food restaurant called Felix’s BBQ and Soul. Good food (the owner is a gentleman from Dothan AL so he knows what it should taste like), including waffles and fried chicken for breakfast. However, if you prefer, they’ll let you swap it for a catfish fillet (their catfish is some of the best I’ve had).

  108. […] TweetObama’s BFF & now Chicago mayor, Rahm Emanuel, decided to join the un-American ramblings of Leftist pricks politicians who want to ruin a business — for for the actual behavior of […]

  109. leigh says:

    SDN it’s been a really long time ago(25+ maybe), but there was a BBQ place along the highway up toward La Jolla that was fantastic. Clem’s maybe? An old black man and his sons owned and operated it. It was very nice and was middle-priced, but didn’t look like a BBQ joint inside. I think it may have been a Mexican restaurant in a former life.

    They had fantastic apple pie and great service.

  110. The Monster says:

    Jim, I live a half mile from OK Joe’s, which made it in walking distance to be Monsterette 1’s first job. She’d bring stuff home and I can tell you it is indeed damn good Q. Ironically, when we went to visit her in OKC, we went to a BBQ joint that was just horrible, at least to someone spoiled by living in KC.

    But we don’t like waiting in lines either, so The Bride of Monster and I go to Rosedale or Jack Stack (Freighthouse) more often than any others. Also, she works around the corner from the original Arthur Bryant’s, and sometimes gets some on the way home. We almost never eat at the Bryant’s at Ameristar Casino, though. It’s just not as good.

  111. Jim in KC says:

    Monster–I like the Jack Stack in Martin City better than the Freighthouse location, but it’s a bit of a haul out there. Lately though–getting away from BBQ–we’ve been going to RCs if we go that far south. The better half loves their chicken gizzards.

    Coincidentally, I live pretty close to that Bryant’s. There’s also a Gates a few blocks north of there. Bryant’s has good flavor, but I don’t think they use very good beef, or at least don’t apply much QC to trimming. It’s irksome to have to open a sandwich and lose half of it because it’s fat…

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