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December 2024


“The Vetting: Obama Embraces Racialist Harvard Prof”

From Breitbart:

Earlier today, Buzzfeed’s Ben Smith announced on Twitter that video researcher Andrew Kaczynski had released “the mysterious Harvard/Obama/race video that the Breitbart folks have been talking about.”

The video, which Kaczynski says was “licensed from a Boston television station,” shows a young Barack Obama leading a protest at Harvard Law School on behalf of Prof. Derrick Bell, a radical academic tied to Jeremiah Wright–about whom we will be releasing significant information in the coming hours.

However, the video has been selectively edited–either by the Boston television station or by Buzzfeed itself. Over the course of the day, will be releasing additional footage that has been hidden by Obama’s allies in the mainstream media and academia. Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak and Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro will appear on The Sean Hannity Show to discuss the tape. The full tape will be released tonight on Fox News’ Hannity.

Who is Derek Bell, you ask, and why is any of this important? Doug Ross provides some context, by way of a 1998 Neil A Young NYT review of Bell’s book Faces from the Well: The Permanence of Racism:

Bell’s long-expressed pessimistic view of racial relations, and the principal pillar of most black critical-race theorists, is that the civil rights movement, with its emphasis on integration, has been largely a failure and that racism has not abated. But to press these arguable positions, Bell sees no need to prove or demonstrate anything; he merely asserts conclusions. In these and previous tales, his truths are simple: black people always behave nobly while white people behave atrociously. In those few instances in which they don’t, it is solely because of a cynical if submerged self-interest.


In one section, for instance, Bell recounts how Government leaders are secretly paying for something known as ”the black sedition papers,” collecting writings to use as evidence that blacks are unfit citizens. The papers will eventually be used to justify the curtailment of rights in order to suppress the black population. Now how exactly is this fable of a Government-underwritten conspiracy to abrogate the Constitution different from, say, ”The Turner Diaries,” a piece of fiction much favored by the loonies of the militia set?

Bell’s racialist conspiracy fantasies — and remember, this is who Obama is seen very publicly praising (though prior to Bell’s having written the book in question) — put me in mind of another adept of “critical race theory,” Dr. Kamau Kambon, whose very real feelings about race and in particular Whites — including calls for their extermination — I parodied in a rather well-distributed mock interview back in 2005.

As with most critical race theorists Kambon — and Bell — see critical race theory as an academic precursor to real-world revolution, often couched as “resistance” — though the resistance is to a perceived oppression, the oppressors are often ignorant of their supposed transgressions, and the means of resistance seldom involves non-violent lunch counter protests. It is the radical chic faculty lounge appendix to the black separatist movement, and as such it fits in perfectly with Barack Obama’s very leftwing intellectualism.

The point being, that while professors of Bell’s and Kambon’s type are not uncommon in academia, their familiarity in faculty lounges doesn’t make the racialist poison they cling to any less vile. And to a man drawn to “community organizing” like Barack Obama, the romance of violent resistance is part and parcel of his worldview.

That our self-proclaimed “post-racial” President can now be seen fluffing a scholar like Bell should not go unremarked: just as his relationships with erstwhile domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrne and Black Liberation Theologist Jeremiah Wright should have been more seriously pursued by our increasingly incurious press, his public praise of Bell sheds additional light on just who exactly Barack Obama was before he was repackaged as a centrist pragmatist and healer for the useful idiots who refused to see beyond their own desires for him.

His supporters, including Prof Charles Ogletree, knew that such footage could prove damaging to Obama’s presidential bid. Which is why the left, and the media who is in bed with them, either actively hid, or else purposely ignored, footage of this kind from Obama’s academic past.

And it isn’t “outrageous” or ungentlemanly or unhelpful to reveal these things.

update: here’s the Kambon “interview” in its entirety, from October 2005.

35 Replies to ““The Vetting: Obama Embraces Racialist Harvard Prof””

  1. sdferr says:

    Bell’s allegorical sci-fi novel The Space Traders as film, with Bell’s writing credit.

  2. newrouter says:

    can i just eat my “waffles”

  3. Pablo says:

    Jeff, you re-ran the Kambon interview here.

  4. Pablo says:



  5. motionview says:

    good looks and easy charm

  6. motionview says:

    of course we hid it, and it doesn’t matter now

  7. Pablo says:

    As I recall, Karl did some outstanding work here regarding James Cone and Black Liberation Theology that comes to mind in regard to this.

    Lots of 404’s in there, though.

  8. Jeff G. says:

    The archives will be moved over as I have time. Apologize for the inconvenience, but I assure you it sucks for me, too, as I’ve been unable to go back and re-link pertinent posts ever since the site hack and rebuild.

  9. newrouter says:

    as I’ve been unable to go back and re-link pertinent posts

    brought to you by “organizing for amerikkka” ™

  10. Crawford says:

    Keep in mind that people like us — who’d just as soon not give a rip what color skin you were born with — are the villains today. We’re the “racists” because we don’t want to be flagellated for the sins of people who are dead and only have skin color in common with us.

    Meanwhile, the “oppressed” are chasing down 13-year-olds, beating them, dousing them in gasoline and setting them alight to the words “This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.” This after apparently months of the kid’s teachers carrying on the same bullshit.

    You know what, I want Obama defeated — disgraced, hell, imprisoned if possible — because he’s nothing but a Klansman in blackface. He’s the ultimate expression of the Democrats’ two centuries of cultivating racial, ethnic, and religious hatred to bolster their own power. The problem is, it’ll never happen. The goddamned press is too corrupt to ever expose what he is and what he wants, and the Republicans are too dedicated to protecting themselves from the press onslaught to try to bring out the truth.

  11. motionview says:

    I was a little put off by the Pollock statement that “of course we are all for diversity” in the discussion of the stated purpose of the protest, diversity in faculty hiring, versus the reality of the protest, defending Bell. I’m all for diversity, of opinion, but I am not for what Barack Obama means by diversity – discrimination against Americans of Asian ancestry.

  12. geoffb says:

    However, the video has been selectively edited–either by the Boston television station or by Buzzfeed itself

    A short version was released early March 7 by “We spent weeks tracking down, paid a large sum to WGBH so we could use every second of him talking,” said BuzzFeed’s editor, Ben Smith.

    “Paid a large sum” to “use every second” and put them on the cutting room floor.

  13. newrouter says:

    ot why the f))k is john mccain on hannity? he’s an idiot like his trashy loser daughter. go away grandpa.

  14. leigh says:

    I just walked through the room were Hannity is on the teevee and asked the same question, nr. Between he and Charlie Schumer it’s a toss up about who is the biggest camera hog.

  15. McGehee says:

    Two Senators, One TV Camera — now there’s an internet video meme I’d like to see.

  16. sdferr says:

    It’s interesting the Ben Smith’s of the world think it useful to attempt to preempt — and sanitize in the process — what may prove to be revealing captures of Barack Obama’s character and beliefs, as though no one will notice what it is Smith is up to in doing so, regardless of the wider context.

    In this respect, it’s somewhat reminiscent of that night Stanley Kurtz showed up on Milt Rosenberg’s Chicago radio show to talk about what he’d been discovering about Obama’s history, when the station was bombarded by the Obamazombie posse, an orchestrated attack conducted, apparently, in the belief that no one would notice what was going on.

  17. sdferr says:

    We know of course, the word comes down from on high and the dutiful minions simply carry out the order of the day (we’ve been watching precisely this play-act the last couple of days in the defense of Fluke and the attack on Limbaugh over against the defense of the attacks of leftists on Palin, and the re-assault on Palin contained in the defense: Palin asked for it, Fluke is just some upstanding citizen attempting to voice her opinion).

    Still, do the dutiful minions never reflect on how they stand in the full light? Maybe not, I guess, so long as their efforts are nominally successful. I mean, he won. And that’s all that counts.

  18. leigh says:

    Doesn’t that return us once again to the argument about shame or, rather having a conscience sdferr?

    I often wonder if in their twilight years they will reflect back on their hackish (whorish?) ways and hang their heads or will they laugh and lift a glass?

  19. sdferr says:

    I was less interested in a question of shame or conscience than in the question whether their actions mayn’t backfire, due to the plain visibility of the hackery. Though again, from their point of view as simple hacks, the proof is in the pudding (or winning, as they have it).

  20. leigh says:

    I hope it backfires on them. The wind has been shifting the last few years.

  21. geoffb says:

    From RBPundit

    The only way to take down Obama is to take down the media that protects him. The tapes are about taking down the media. Andrew TOLD you this

    What should be one and perhaps the main focus of this and the other tapes is the way the media attempts to blunt the force of them and who had them all these years and never even let out a peep that they ever existed. They didn’t just refuse to release the tape[s] they pretended they didn’t exist at all.

    WGBH is public TV. Congress should be asking some questions about the use of public money to hide news.

  22. geoffb says:

    Charles Ogletree, one of Obama’s mentors at Harvard Law School, has admitted to hiding the video made public by today in order to protect Obama throughout the 2008 election campaign.

    “Of course we hid this throughout the 2008 campaign,” Ogletree says. “I don’t care if they find it now.”

  23. geoffb says:

    The Obama Chicago Law School course syllabus.


    Syllabus [pdf]

    My main purpose in preparing this packet was to present, in easily accessible form, a basic primer regarding both the themes that have dominated the race debate in this country, as well as some of the key cases and statutes that reflect this debate.

    Some of you will already be familiar with the material; others will find the material new. As a result, I’ve made at least half of the material optional (indicated in the syllabus). Those with the time and inclination can read the entire packet, while those with tighter schedules or a strong background in civil rights law can confine themselves to the required reading.

    More particularly, in both the Slavery and Reconstruction sections, I have included short excerpts from Derrick Bell’s, Race, Racism, and American Law, that may serve as substitutes for some of the optional material.

    Additional optional materials suggested were Derrick Bell’s summaries of major cases such as Dred Scott, or his analyses of Reconstruction and Jim Crow.

    Again, readers will have to check with the law professors, especially regarding the civil rights law casebook (which looks unexceptional), but the privileged position of Derrick Bell in the course provides a partial roadmap to Obama’s teaching goals and ideological foundations.

  24. newrouter says:

    the demonrat party doing race stuff shocking. eff the demonrats and the idiot mule they rode in on .

  25. […] Jeff has something to say about this, and I expect he may have more. He’s been writing about this subject for a long […]

  26. Dale Price says:

    I often wonder if in their twilight years they will reflect back on their hackish (whorish?) ways and hang their heads or will they laugh and lift a glass?

    My advice to them is to raise their glasses ASAP. Their 1-2 children will make sure their living wills are suitably Dutch to ensure an expedited demise. Failing that, their progressive offspring/heirs will have remarkably-detailed catalogues of “he always said he never wanted to live like that” quotes to get court orders from similarly minded judges.

  27. sdferr says:

    Wow Pablo, the CNNer’s genuinely don’t know what they’re walking into, which in turn makes the tape a beautiful thing, resulting in the further exposure of the one thing they’d most like to keep hidden. We almost have to say “thank you Soledad” for simply exposing your agenda (aside from your facile non-grasp of critical race theory) to scrutiny. Again, beautiful.

  28. Kevin says:

    What’s the difference between ‘racialist’ and ‘racist’? Your 35 cent words are confusing me.

  29. Jeff G. says:

    What’s the difference between ‘racialist’ and ‘racist’? Your 35 cent words are confusing me.

    in which I tell you to buy a dictionary. Or else maybe try Google. Quick answer is that racialism considers racial differences but doesn’t suggest a rigid supremacy.

    Also, the quotation marks around a post title means I’m quoting the title. In this case, the title comes from Breitbart.

  30. bh says:

    In which I feel like repeating the joke.

  31. bh says:

    Wherein isn’t a bad word either.

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