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November 2024


Andrew Sullivan Freak-Out Advisory: Elevated [Karl, w/apologies to AoSHQ and Allah]

The Andrew Sullivan Freak-Out Advisory System should be elevated by tonight’s Democratic debate on ABC, probably to “Nauseated” or “Appalled.”  Is Excitable Andy gobsmacked? Yes, he is!

9.20 pm. Obama’s convoluted capital gains tax answer was a brutal reminder to folks like me that he is indeed a redistributionist, and someone who seems to see the tax system as a way to decide what people “deserve” to have and keep. Ugh. Of course, Clinton isn’t much better, but that Obama answer was dreadful. He’s having an awful night; Clinton hasn’t helped herself much either. It’s a huge night for the Republicans. If McCain went up against either of these two in the form they have shown tonight, he’d win. Obama’s performance is the worst in months. But, given the quality of the questions, you can see why. Still … not good at all.

Well I can see how Sully would not want people knowing Obama is a redistributionist.  Yet the faux conservative is willing to overlook Obama’s crypto-Marxism to end the Bush torture regime.  But wait, there’s more:

9.32 pm. No questions on the environment, none on terror, none on interrogation, none on torture, none on education, none on spending, none on healthcare, none on Iran … but four separate questions in the first hour about a lapel-pin, Bitter-gate, Wright-gate and Ayers. I’m all for keeping candidates on their toes. But this was ridiculous. And now we have affirmative action? Again, it’s not illegitimate as such – but the only reason it is asked is to try and trip these people up and make Gibson and Stephanopoulos look smart.

It is, according to Sully, a “pathetic shell-game,” “pure MSM process bullsh*t,” “pure Rove, sustained and hyped and sustained by Stephanopoulos and Gibson” and “not journalism.”  How dare ABC ask the Dems about issues like affirmative action and capital gains taxes, instead of having them give their talking points on healthcare, education and all of the same issues they have debated dozens of times already!

It is gobsmackingly vile, I tell you!

Update: HotAir-lanche!  Ace-a-lanche!

36 Replies to “Andrew Sullivan Freak-Out Advisory: Elevated [Karl, w/apologies to AoSHQ and Allah]”

  1. Pablo says:

    four separate questions in the first hour about a lapel-pin, Bitter-gate, Wright-gate and Ayers.

    Those should be all folded into one? I’m appalled that there wasn’t a question about Granny’s hut. Because of the foreign policy implications. Hillary ain’t got no foreign policy Grandma, I can tell you that.

  2. happyfeet says:

    Insufferable little snots, the lot of them I think.

    Ugh, indeed.

  3. Alec Leamas says:

    I was under the mistaken impression that the debate was tailored to the issues that Pennsylvania Democrats considered important, but alas, I stand corrected, and now understand that the debate should have been tailored to the concerns of a foreign, chubby, gay fellow with a blog of no particular consequence.

    Also, if Snuffallupogas and the other one wanted to “trip up” the Commies, he might have pointed out that Capital Gains are gains made on capital that is, or course, “at risk” and can be wholly lost, whereas earned income is not “at risk,” thus justifying a lower rate of tax for the latter. Either way, they could have asked why both assholes consider the Hedge Fund Manager’s rate of tax “too low,” instead of the Hedge Fund Manager’s secretary’s rate of tax “too high.”

  4. Good Lt says:

    I’m gobsmacked by the fact that they didn’t ask why Obama felt it necessary to throw his grandmother under the bus when it was revealed to the nation that his friend, “spiritual adviser,” and pastor of 20 years was a sh*thous insane raving anti-Semitic racist lunatic.

    Probably a “distraction” from the HOPECHANGEMARXISM.

    I blame BOOSH.

  5. I can never whole-heartedly pile on Sullivan, because he once gave me the ego massage of using a news tip I emailed him one time. It was a link to a roundup of German newspapers’ reaction to the London tube bombings.

  6. Good Lt says:

    Suit yourself.


  7. RTO Trainer says:

    “make Gibson and Stephanopoulos look smart.”

    Normally a daunting task, but given the rest of the “cast”….

  8. JD says:

    I watched the entire debate. I fear for our country if either of them is elected. That Andy is gobsmacked that the PA dems do not share his concerns? Shocka.

  9. MayBee says:

    The debate is just starting out here.
    I’m gobsmacked that Michelle and Barack have been struggling as she claims, given that they made $4 million this year.

  10. AJB says:

    How dare ABC ask the Dems about issues like affirmative action and capital gains taxes, instead of having them give their talking points on healthcare, education and all of the same issues they have debated dozens of times already!

    For all I care, go ahead and ask all you want about affirmative action and capital gains taxes. At least they are real issues that actually matter in the real world.

    It’s the Wrightgate/bittergate/flag pin shit that is bothering people. All these petty gaffes and bullshit nontroversies don’t matter in the long run.

  11. Pablo says:

    It’s the Wrightgate/bittergate/flag pin shit that is bothering people Obama.

    There. Fixed that for you.

  12. not Bill Bellichek says:

    From ‘feets link:

    9:33. Obama is asked whether affirmative action should be changed so that affluent African Americans like his daughters are not given advantages and maybe poor whites are. He recommends looking at all the factors for each individual. Race is one factor. But look at the whole person.

    Don’t know how accurate a paraphrase this it, but how many people don’t understand that if you look at all the factors for each individual you are completely ruling out affirmative action?

  13. Alec Leamas says:

    “It’s the Wrightgate/bittergate/flag pin shit that is bothering people. All these petty gaffes and bullshit nontroversies don’t matter in the long run.”

    It reflects Obama’s character. He was a no-account Illinois State Senator 4 years ago, and I have no fucking idea who he is. None of the Obama stooges do. Please stop telling me to take his word that he is a really swell guy. I’ll bet my left testicle that Obama didn’t serve on any board with a former neo-Nazi or abortion clinic bomber – those people would be unacceptable, I suppose.

  14. I remember when the Youtube GOP debate was held, and was over the top rigged with Democrats asking questions. People complained about the obvious bias and rigging by Democrats, but most people on the right had no problem with the actual questions. Their complaint was that the media obviously knew these were DNC operatives, but didn’t care – to the point of shipping people in for followup questions. But the questions? Sure, make em sweat, make them face the tough questions, we welcome them.

    Yet when the hard questions are asked of Democrats? It’s unthinkable! Terrible! Just plain wrong!

  15. Pablo says:

    I’m sure Karl will get around to it in the morning, but the comments on Marc Ambinder’s debate recap are not to be missed. Just a taste:

    Talk about blaming the victim; you are a disgusting pig who is, like most of the media, obviously in the tank for McCain. Well enjoy the wreck that McCain will make of this country, fat boy.

    If you find yourself getting stuck in a rut at some point during this race, you might want to point your browser here. Oprah approves!

  16. goat says:

    Sullivan is as big a snob as Obama, I don’t give him a minutes thought since I heard him on Hugh’s show about his idiotic book. Completely ignoring him would be the biggest insult of all, he craves attention as the fag he is. As to the debate McCain won, Hillary helped McCain and Obama came across as the clueless marxist he is.

  17. Patricia says:

    What was the phrase Hillary used near the end, “fair” prosperity, or “equal” prosperity?

    Hold onto your wallets, if either of them are elected.

  18. Darleen says:

    a brutal reminder to folks like me that he is indeed a redistributionist,

    Jaysus H Keerist… Andy should have put his dick back in his pants and paid a tiny bit of attention to the other Obama – Michelle – who has been talking about taking everyone’s pie for months.

  19. thor says:

    I’m starting a list but I need some help shortening the title: The bitter hicks who have no idea who Karl Marx was yet repetitiously invoke his name in their posts on PW.

    Karl, how do you spell your last name?

  20. MC says:

    TSI:I can never whole-heartedly pile on Sullivan…

    [snide] Maybe Tone don’t like your I. And just because you plug Sullivan doesn’t mean he’s a dyke.

  21. Sean M. says:

    I’m starting a list but I need some help shortening the title: The bitter hicks who have no idea who Karl Marx was yet repetitiously invoke his name in their posts on PW.

    I really don’t have the time, but instead, let’s compile a list of the fucking douchbags who underestimate the bloggers and commenters here who have read Karl Marx and know that Obama and his wife (and a whole host of other Democrats) are drawing from his poisonous ideas, and let’s all of us ridicule them. Like you, thor.

    And, way to propagate your candidate/Messiah’s point by mentioning “bitter hicks.” Good job, asshole.

  22. Carin says:

    I could only watch about 15 minutes of the debate (my soon-to-be-shipped-out bil was visiting) but that was about all I could take.

    Does Hillary ever blink? Disturbing. I saw the bit about the Capital gains and LOVED the question regarding the lowering of capital gains tax and an increase in the amount brought in. Nice how they both managed to dodge.

  23. McGehee says:

    Does Hillary ever blink?

    Basilisks don’t have eyelids.

  24. AK says:

    It’s unfortunate that HARDNSOLIDDC had to be awoken from his (wet) dream about an Obama presidency by the O-man’s redistributionist talk, but I’m genuinely confused about what Sullivan has been thinking all along. He has clearly bought into the “Hope ‘n’ Change” bullshit and the “Importance of Obama’s Candidacy for Race Realtions in America” claptrap, but how could any person who claims to be on the right not see that Obama represents the same old stuff that the Democrats have been giving us for 40 years? To put it another way, how does a Democrat advocating higher taxes constitute “change”? How do you bring people together with class warfare and playing the race card? Where’s the “hope” in telling people that the Iraq war is lost and that they can’t succeed without government handouts? Everyone knows that Obama’s inspiring speeches are a cover for very uninspiring policy prescriptions. How Excitable Andy could have missed that is beyond me.

  25. Sean, it’s only a slur if it isn’t true.

  26. Salt Lick says:

    9.20 pm. Obama is indeed a redistributionist…

    9.32 pm. No questions on the environment, none on terror, none on interrogation, none on torture, none on education, none on spending, none on healthcare, none on Iran…

    Here’s a tip — none of those questions matter once the president decides the Constitution includes the phrase “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”

    Or, all your pie are mine!

  27. alppuccino says:

    Why is this Sullivan chap worried. If you vote for Obama, your income will not find it’s way on to the redistribution list.

  28. BJTexs TW/BP says:


    Hee, hee! I’ve always wanted to say something like that.

    The spin from the locals here in PA (as performed by Chakka Fattah for Obama and Philly mayor Michael Nutter for Clinton) reflects Andy’s take. In short, it’s dismay and disgust that all of those questions in the first hour were “…about all of that nonsense” (Fattah) and “…denied Pennsylvania voters a substantial debate on the issues that are important to their lives.” (Nutter)

    The spin from both sides was heavily into demonizing ABC and their moderators as “raising talking points designed to benefit the Republicans.” The irony is that the spinners are spending even more time pimping the unfairness of the “nonsense” than they are touting their respective candidate’s “important issue” questions.

    The overwhelming urge to wave the victimization flag; IT IS STRONG!

  29. JD says:

    Baracky’s wife was here in Indianapolis yesterday, yelling at schoolkids, oops, I mean talking to them. Was not pretty.

  30. McGehee says:

    It’s starting to look like we may have been wrong about the Establishment Media’s loyalty (or lack thereof) to Sen. John McCain (R-Media). Perhaps upon seeing H and O up close and personal these past several months, they’ve decided that as long as the GOP nominee is somebody they like anyway…

    I sense Darth Rove’s sinister hand in all this. Maybe even both hands.

  31. the wolf says:

    So basically Sully was upset because the subjects broached were the ones that make his beloved Democratic candidates look the silliest. Unfortunate that they couldn’t just vomit out the same platitudes about education (It’s important!), terror (Boosh’s fault!), and spending (We need more!) as they have over and over.

    A few more “conservatives” like Andy and we’ll all be marching to the hammer and sickle.

  32. Jeffersonian says:

    Call me a troglodyte, but I’m of the opinion that it matters whether the President thinks that the US is little more than a genocidal regime who had it coming when various and sundry madmen decided to bomb it and its citizens. I don’t see a lot of good policy decisions flowing from this view.

  33. JD says:

    Not only are you a troglodyte, but a racist and sexist troglodyte.

  34. McGehee says:

    Jeffersonian, you’ve got cred!

  35. JD says:

    But until you can become personally responsible for making Moana leave, you are a minor league troglodyte, compared to me.

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