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March 2025



Liberal Fascism in Wisconsin [Darleen Click]

“No one should ever endure what my family endured.” Someone was pounding at her front door. It was early in the morning — very early — and it was the kind of heavy pounding that meant someone was either fleeing from — or bringing — trouble. “It was so hard. I’d never heard anything like it. I thought someone was dying outside.” She ran to the door, opened it, and

Aaron Walker SWAT-ed [Darleen Click] [updated by Jeff] [UPDATE x2 Darleen]

BREAKING No joke. It happened around 6 p.m. Eastern. I briefly talked with one of the police officers at the scene, who confirmed that someone had called saying he had shot his wife, and sent officers to Aaron’s address. I just got off the phone with Aaron and he and his wife are a little shaken up but OK. The officers had machine guns but did not point them at

Good news: CNN covers SWATting. Bad news … [Darleen Click]

Don Lemon gets disturbingly close to blaming “partisan rhetoric” as the cause of why Erickson, Frey, RSM, Ali Akbar, et al, are/were targeted … Geez, if you wingnuts would just SHUT UP, then Brett Kimberlin’s fanboys wouldn’t be forced into such bad behavior.

Posts about convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin gaining attention [Darleen Click]

via The Right Scoop Congressman Marchant Washington, Jun 7 – Congressman Kenny Marchant (TX-24) today issued a statement in strong support of free speech and conservative bloggers who are being targeted in dangerous “SWAT-tings” and asked Attorney General Holder to investigate these matters to see if federal laws have been violated by the perpetrators. ABC reports. Michelle Malkin asks “Where do your elected representatives stand on this threat to our

SWATting the Ericksons — just another Brett Kimberlin coincidence? [Darleen Click]

We report, You decide Last week we spent a lot of time writing about Brett Kimberlin and the incident involving blogger Patterico where someone spoofed his phone number and told 911 he had shot his wife. Tonight, my family was sitting around the kitchen table eating dinner when sheriffs deputies pulled up in the driveway. Someone called 911 from my address claiming there had been an accidental shooting. It wasn’t