Parody is as dead as the fabled Norwegian Blue … Question: It’s concerning to me that you’re telling lesbians they are bigoted/transphobic/vile for being exclusively attracted to females (referring to the female sex, to clarify), and accusing lesbians of contributing to the deaths of trans women by not having sex with them. Is it very difficult to understand that people have reasons for not wanting to have sex with male
August 15, 2015
The anti-human Green movement: “The mission, once noble, had become corrupted.” [Darleen Click]
Why founder Patrick Moore left Greenpeace: “The only constant is change.”
June 11, 2012
“Yes the US EPA chooses to make 34.4% equal to 100%.” [Darleen Click]
How the EPA disobeys the laws of thermodynamics Is this just another way for a do good government to dictate that the least smart student in the class gets an A. The socialist inspired nincompoops at the EPA believe the plug in needs higher grades just because three Nobel Prize winners told them so. Two of the prize winners won for peace the other for physics. The EPA allows plug