
Jeff's Wish List

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January 2025


The cure IS the virus

I’m fond of saying this — because it pisses off all the right people — but in the case of Taiwan, the data is starting to show it: Taiwan death from COVID-19 vaccination exceeds death from COVID-19. Taiwan’s death toll from COVID-19 vaccination exceeds death toll from COVID-19 for the first time. (Observer Network News) On October 7th, the death toll after vaccination in Taiwan reached 852, while the death toll

I question the timing, part 67889456

Shot: “Aspirin lowers risk of COVID: New findings support preliminary Israeli trial” Chaser: “Aspirin no longer recommended for preventing heart attacks” Coincidence, most likely.

The arrogance of ignorance

Over on Twitter, MSNBC host Chris Hayes, who is one of the most overwrought beta males in a cable universe filled with them, writes: So far, over 25K people have liked this Tweet, and if you make the mistake of reading through the replies, it is abundantly clear that a good 2/3 of Hayes’ followers attempting to dunk on Allen West not only don’t know that neither the vaccine nor

VAERS accounts for 1-10% of actual numbers, per Harvard study. Be afraid.

VAERS-extrapolated death rate is 7x higher than Maine’s monthly Covid death rate

“BOMBSHELL! 661 Maine VAERS deaths in 28 days exposes Problems in State’s Narrative” During courtroom legal testimony, TrialSite advisory committee member Dr. Peter McCullough reports that the adverse event death rate in the state of Maine indicates considerable cause for concern. An inordinate amount of deaths, 661 within 28 days after vaccination, suggests a distinct possible link, although, of course, this isn’t prima facie proof that the deaths are caused

Acquired robust immunity is no defense against a mandated vaccine that can’t bring you to acquired robust immunity without first giving you Covid

That it may also harm you (according to our own DOD’s AI analysis, through JAIC and Project Salus, of over 5.6 million Medicare patients aged 65 and over, using Humetrix-aggregated data) doesn’t appear to factor into any mandate decision. — At least, so says a second federal judge, this time in Michigan, citing as precedent for his decision the 1905 Jacobson case that involved a vaccine with over 100 years

arsehole technica

This struggle for bodily autonomy is becoming tiresome. But maybe that’s the point: articles filled with scientific misinformation bring out dissenters, who are then — as I was — removed from social media platforms for the crime of correcting that misinformation. Eventually, the goal of the censors seems to be, all posted information will conform with a “consensus” that stands in for science without having to struggle with the tedious

“Antibody levels decrease after two doses of Pfizer vaccine – study”

“We saw that the decline in antibody level is very rapid.” Funny. The “experts” keep telling the Covid-recovered they need to be vaccinated because they can’t be sure about the durability of their immunity. Yet my serology test showed antibodies 9 months out — and people who recovered from SARS-1 are protected from SARS-CoV-2 going on 19 years now. Israeli data has shown robust acquired immunity 15 months out and

What is really inside the Covid “vaccines”?

Dr Vladimir Zelenko — who treated me for Covid-19 about 9 months ago — has famously said that the gene transfer therapeutics we are now at the point of coercing into people’s bodies with the threat of loss of freedom and loss of livelihood, leave behind “ticking time bombs.” He’s alluding here to the scientists who have been warning against vaccine enhancement of the disease (see, eg., Geert Vanden Bossche

On deaths and dyings

Your daily dose of cheer: all-cause mortality — including Covid-19 mortality — was higher in August 2021 than in August 2020, the pre-vaccine era. That’s in the US. In the UK, all-cause mortality is up *even if you subtract Covid deaths.” The question is, why is that? Delay of care? Adverse events? Either way, it’s curious: the countries with the highest vaccine rates starting to show an increase in all-cause