
Jeff's Wish List

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September 2024


arsehole technica

This struggle for bodily autonomy is becoming tiresome. But maybe that’s the point: articles filled with scientific misinformation bring out dissenters, who are then — as I was — removed from social media platforms for the crime of correcting that misinformation. Eventually, the goal of the censors seems to be, all posted information will conform with a “consensus” that stands in for science without having to struggle with the tedious rigors of proving its doctrinaire assertions, or defending its obvious deficiencies.

On Twitter, I was banned for responding to the head of Brown’s School of Medicine, a vaccine cheerleader and “public health expert” who evidently isn’t aware that the fully vaccinated — per the CDC — can acquire and transmit COVID-19, and that their high viral loads may lead to spike expression, either through the skin or, if Pfizer is to be believed, potentially even through inhalation.

Today’s prominent propaganda piece is brought to you by Beth Mole, writing in Ars Technica. Mole is a UNC-Chapel Hill PhD, making her a likely colleague of Ralph Barric, whose role in the SARS-CoV-2 virus is starting to crystalize. Her piece, titled “No, your antibodies are not better than vaccination: An explainer,” is a textbook example of credentialed gaslighting and intentionally dodgy science. It’s a tapestry of garbage dressed up in a labcoat.

There’s virtually zero truth to any assertion made in the article.


These Covid “vaccines,” as we all now know, teach your bodies to make the pathogenic portion of the Wuhan virus — the original spike protein (in Delta, mutations in the spike protein render the gene transfer therapies almost entirely ineffective; so-called “breakthrough cases” are Delta cases brought about by both Delta’s antigenic escape — the vaccines aren’t designed to make the Delta spike, so the antibodies made are non-neutralizing — and the quickly waning immunity proffered by the shots). Meanwhile, catching and clearing the virus gives you variant independent immunity, because your body learns from the entire virus and develops a library of immunities — including, most importantly, b and t-cell immunity which will signal the body to make antibodies as needed long after the vaccine’s antibodies have faded. You’ll also have IgA immunity, which kills the virus at early replication sites — a feature not found in the vaccinated Covid naive.

Let me make this clear: It is scientifically and immunologically incoherent to argue that antibodies from one narrow part of a non-dominant viral strain is anywhere near on par with the immunity your body develops from the full virus. And no, it isn’t a matter of how severe your symptoms were. The immunity is durable.

Further, it’s also the case that there is no medical reason to take a vaccine for a virus you are immune to. The data are clear. 6 studies have shown an increase in adverse events when the Covid-recovered re-rev the production of the spike pathogen. (Here’s an overview of 3; the more recent studies I’ll link to at a later date).

The blatant disinformation our media and medical advisory agencies are peddling is an insult to anyone who has ever taken a vaccine. Add to that the fact that even the CDC acknowledges that these vaccines are non-sterilizing and can’t prevent acquisition and transmission of the virus — along with recent studies suggesting a subsequent vaccine to recovery actually *reduces* acquired immunity — and it’s become abundantly clear that the goal of “a needle in every arm” has nothing to do with Covid-19 and everything to do with some larger agenda.

Health care providers are making it more difficult to get a referral for serology testing for antibodies. My unsolicited advice: get a T-detect test if your doctor won’t refer you for IgM and IgG testing. If you have immunity, do not get an injection. There is no benefit save the ease with which compliance may allow you to have some of your liberties returned to you by government functionaries.

But then, doing so concedes the point that those liberties didn’t belong to you in the first place. Which is, literally, anti-American is the strictest sense.

UPDATE: Bill Gates’ 2016 Business Plan for a pandemic response and a universal vaccination program. Gates had been working with Anthony Fauci since 2010. By 2015, both knew the virus could be constructed in conjunction with the Chinese — and the Chinese military.

From the Executive Summary from CEPI [my emphasis]

Epidemics of emerging infectious diseases are a significant and growing threat to life, health, and prosperity. They can arise anywhere at any time, but disproportionately affect low-income countries where needs are often greatest. Recent outbreaks, such as Ebola and SARS, have claimed thousands of lives and cost billions of dollars, both to countries that were directly affected and those that contributed to responding.In a world of denser cities, increased mobility, and ecological change, the disruptive impact of emerging infectious disease is increasing. Ongoing outbreaks of Zika, for example, will pose devastating health and economic impacts for years to come. These outbreaks have exposed the need for a global mechanism to coordinate research and development for health technologies against epidemic threats. Timely vaccine development can avert global public health emergencies, contain loss of life, and limit the social and economic damage of outbreaks, but the safe and effective vaccines we need aren’t being developed well enough, or quickly enough. CEPI – the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations – will tackle the barriers to epidemic vaccine development, advancing safe, effective, and affordable vaccines to contain outbreaks at the earliest possible stage. It will give us the joint global insurance policy we need, helping the populations most at risk and making us all safer.

You all awake yet?

5 Replies to “arsehole technica”

  1. serr8d says:

    A Lithuanian has experienced the future USA and has concisely nailed it…medical tyranny indeed.

    There are legitimate reasons for restricting the rights of citizens when society itself could be destroyed. Covid is a deadly disease. But it is not an existential threat which justifies ripping apart our society. The Covid Pass regime is vindictive, intended to punish. In just a few months, the new rules have turned my country into a two-tier society of discrimination and hate. Restriction by restriction, it is shredding the bonds that hold us all together in one society.

    My wife and I have lost our rights as citizens. We are not allowed to shop, eat out, get our hair cut, or go to the bank, gym, or library. We were both suspended from our jobs. This is deeply wrong.

    Our leaders encourage hatred of us. Our countrymen openly wish for our death. And it’s all amplified by the media and cheered on by likes and retweets. This is deeply wrong.

  2. […] Day?, Taiwan – How Red China Would Attack, and The Claremont Statement Protein Wisdom: Arsehole Technica, Acquired Robust Immunity Is No Defense…, and VAERS-Extrapolated Death Rate Seven Times […]

  3. […] posts which question COVID-19 vaccinations and vaccine mandates, and sometimes suspending if not wholly banning people from their sites for pushing such views. The freedom of speech and of the press are under attack […]

  4. McGehee says:

    There is no benefit save the ease with which compliance may allow you to have some of your liberties returned to you by government functionaries.

    And as repeat injections become more and more the norm, eventually leading to an unending series of boosters, it becomes clear that, contra The Borg, it is compliance that is futile.

    I knew the vaccine push was fishy when they started talking about people needing incentives to get vaccinated. When I was a kid the incentive was you don’t get the disease. So why do they feel the need to carrot-and-stick people into getting the shots?

    This was when the vaccines were just starting to roll out — before they were available generally. At the very start they acted like they knew the vaccines wouldn’t accomplish what people expected them to.

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