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October 2024


PW Gathering Location Found? [Dan Collins]

h/t Ace

20 Replies to “PW Gathering Location Found? [Dan Collins]”

  1. JD says:

    Hey, I would have no problem going back to VietNam, Cambodia, Laos, or even Thailand.

    And, I was not at all joking about hosting an event, should we ever decide to do such a thing.

    I just need a couple days warning, so I can hide all of the breakables.

  2. psychologizer says:

    That was unexpected.

    I’d have put one testicle each down on the “h/t Ace” link leading to Allison Stokke’s pole-callused hands, or the meat-smoker with the dude’s leg in it.

    Good thing no one was here to bet me.

  3. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    – Hey….you throw a free barbie cookout, and run out of brewskie, and right away some smuck is whining about the leg neat being to sinewy. Ingrates….

  4. dicentra says:

    Well, if Burma’s out, maybe we can go to Myanmar.

  5. RiverC says:

    Maybe Israel? Though whether you can or not I guess depends on whose map you’re using.

  6. PCachu says:

    The PW regulars can meet in that Zionist backwater they call Israel. The trolls can have their shindig in the paradise that is Arafatistan.

  7. Cowboy says:


    I live just up the road from you, and would be more than willing to pitch in with logistics, directions, and some kick ass chili. So, here are two PW’rs located in “God’s Country,” or was that “God’s flattest Country”?

  8. JD says:

    Cowboy – Just bring yourself. Leave all of the planning to me. Us folks in good old Hamilton County, one of the most Republican counties in the state, will be happy to have any and all of you come visit.

    God’s flattest country, though the ladies around these here parts might prove the opposite ;-)

  9. SteveG says:

    I’m throwing the “Bullshit” flag on Stallone.

    He may have seen an elephant missing a leg, and maybe it did step on a landmine…. but those trails were not mined lately.
    He is describing old stuff…. and I think the dumb bastard is just running his mouth.

    Stallone is a self promoting idiot who should never be quoted as an authority on anything except bad plastic surgery

  10. SteveG says:

    I thought I’d clarify.

    The military junta in Myanmar has and will use mines against indigenous people.
    They consider the hill tribes subhuman anyway, so it is sorta their gift to the rest of us.
    The junta is just misunderstood.

    The Chinese are the real dickheads here. They have set up a land mine factory for the Burmese government, and their interest in Burma is strictly raw material and resource exploitive.

    I don’t really have a lot of sympathy for the monks either. They tend to be a little bit intolerant of people they consider beneath them, and it was a foregone conclusion that an ass whipping would cow them.
    So it was. Buddhists have no stomach for this kind of fight. Too fatalistic.
    The junta does have the stomach for it because even though they are Buddhists and fatalistic too, but they have the equation figured out: make the other guy die for their cause and then enjoy victory.

    All that aside, Bagan and Inle Lake are nice… once the shooting stops.

  11. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    – Well, if we do throw a shindig and actus, or anyone of the Gleenupetts shows up we can show them some of that good ole’ CL “caring”. We’ll see that they get the absolute best in medical attention, after we beat the snot out of ’em.

  12. JD and Cowboy,

    Make it 3 of us. I’m in Madison. Hell we could meet at Belterra, then someone else would have to clean up.

  13. JD says:

    Lost My Cookies – Don’t forget timmah.

  14. mojo says:

    “The Hole” at Cheyenne Mountain, Halloween, midnight.

    Be there.

  15. km says:

    Smooth-faced monks

  16. km says:

    Annoy the bosses

  17. km says:

    Now they’re missing

  18. km says:

    Or counting losses.

  19. km says:

    Burma Save.

  20. JD says:

    FWIW – happyfeet is not allowed while my better half is around. LOL

    And, I suspect that Blue Texan, Chuckles, steve, and the rest of the mental midgets might ruin a get together, though I suspect they do not leave their basements often.

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