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October 2024


Knocked Up [Dan Collins]

Came out on DVD about a week ago, and as I seldom go to a theater unless my kids want to see something, I just saw it last night.  It’s very sweet, a comedy in the technical sense of the term, and features some simply brilliant acting.  Recommended.

16 Replies to “Knocked Up [Dan Collins]”

  1. The Ouroboros says:

    Judd Apatow produced Superbad as well.. which is NOT sweet .. in fact it’s low brow, gutter humor, dick and fart jokes very cleverly done… and totally hilarious.

    I have Knocked Up at home… watching it tonight..

  2. Jeff G. says:

    Any faggots stupid people in it?

    Or better, is the chick who gets knocked up ritually murdered by her brother for bringing shame on the family?

    Just kidding. Saw it, liked it.

    But then, I own the entire “Freaks and Geeks” series on DVD.

  3. JD says:

    Heigl. ‘Nuff said.

    SuperBad was super hilarious.

  4. mojo says:

    Does she get nekkid, or is this a teaser?

  5. jon says:

    I found it very very funny until the last half hour, when it became a feel-good cross between She’s Having My Baby and those obstetrics/gynecology shows I used to watch on Lifetime before that network decided to focus on the above-the-waist parts of women. And I bet it was a stunt cooter, mojo.

  6. mojo says:

    Either that or a cunning stunt, jon…

  7. JD says:

    Cooter was my nickname in college. Don’t ask.

  8. McGehee says:

    Folks in Georgia briefly had a congressman known as “Cooter.”

    He was a Democrat.

  9. MayBee says:

    We watched it this weekend, and I just finished watching the Apatow/Rogan commentary.

    I thought it was really funny, but there is a part of me that thought there were too many drugs. There, I said it.

  10. mishu says:

    Does she get nekkid, or is this a teaser?

    Nope, she wears a bra during the sex scene. That was something that always bugged me about watching scenes like that. Sex and the City was one of the worst perpetrators of that cinematic stunt. I know it has to do with contracts and all but really, what kind of man would allow a woman to keep her bra on during sex?

  11. JD says:

    MayBee – There are a variety of answers to that question. Gleen Greenwald types. Andrew Sullivan types. Certainly no breeder would allow that to happen.

  12. cfoster says:

    My wife and I saw it the other night. I thought it was a chick flick. She liked it a lot.

  13. Matt, Esq. says:

    I’m kinda in the “romantic comedies with lots of nudity” voting block.

    Show me a guy who loves sweet and innocently funny movies and I’ll show you a guy who’s gay. Show me a guy who hates movies with lots of nudity and I’ll show you a guy who’s gay.

    Just my theory.

  14. ccoffer says:

    Pretty good theory as fas as those go. I thought some of the lines were sort of pubescent; like the “my shit looked like a stuffed animal”

  15. JD says:

    Matt – To give you an idea of my movie rating system, Porky’s was a romantic comedy.

  16. Andrew says:

    Rented it last night, thought it was cute, not as funny as “40-Year-Old Virgin”, but decent. The only thing that annoyed me was having to wait so long for the sister to get told to go away. Awful woman, married to a complete nebbish.

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