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November 2024


BREAKING: Allah (The Beneficent And Merciful*) perhaps unable to make bin Laden grow noticeably younger, after all

— Which means that it’s quite possible bin Laden is dead as a boot — and that my theory about the CIA using Ron Silver with beard extensions as a bin Laden stand in is still very much in play.

Advantage: protein wisdom.

See also, LGF, Ace, and STACLU

71 Replies to “BREAKING: Allah (The Beneficent And Merciful*) perhaps unable to make bin Laden grow noticeably younger, after all”

  1. The Ghost of Abu Musab Al Zarqawi says:

    I thought I recognized that guy down at the lake of fire last week.

  2. CraigC says:

    That video was edited?? Next you’ll be telling me the Joos were behind 9/11.

  3. happyfeet says:

    His ashes, they have been scattered I think. But why hasn’t the CIA noticed? Shouldn’t they be the guys breaking the story of the edited tape? My theory is that the CIA is weird. Weird and neurotic.

  4. happyfeet says:

    Like Sharon Stone.

  5. The Ghost of Abu Musab Al Zarqawi says:

    Not weird, infidel, incompetent. Incompetent, vain, sluggish, bloated and self important, put another way in the CIA mythos Valarie Plame is an over-achiever.

  6. The Ghost of Abu Musab Al Zarqawi says:

    And George Tenet is a legend.

  7. happyfeet says:

    I still bet if the CIA sat down in a chair in front of you and crossed its legs it would be so money.

  8. psychologizer says:

    Every American war has three sides. The CIA is the other one.

  9. mojo says:

    Dead, for a ducet, dead!

  10. I think that the Bush administration, for various reasons, has decided that if it told the world that OBL was dead, that there would be accusations that they made it up. So they’ve decided that they just won’t reach that conclusion. So this tape was probably edited together by Al Queda from video and audio recordings they have, and the CIA is just saying “yep, that was OBL’s voice …” and leaving out the fact that it is not contemporary. And since that is a judgment and not objective fact, they are not exactly lying about it.

  11. happyfeet says:

    But if it’s to the benefit of the Bush Administration to keep it quiet, why haven’t they leaked it? It doesn’t add up.

  12. Damn, my entire belief system collapses with one comment by happyfeet. Of course, the CIA would never forget its primary mission – undermining the Bush administration.

    You bassard.

  13. cranky-d says:

    I doubt there’s any benefit to the Bush Administration in having Osama dead. They know by now that it is impossible to win when the opponents have most of the media on their side when they need to move the goalposts. The moving of the goalposts happens all the time and very few people seem to notice.

  14. Carin says:

    It doesn’t matter if Osama is dead, we’re making new terrorists every day with our illegal war for oil. The war will stop when all of Bushes friends have made enough money and not a day before that.

    When trolls don’t show up, sometimes I like to make my own.

  15. Major John says:

    OK, here is my take – remember, I have been declaring UBL as Purina Vulture Chow for years.

    He’s dead. We know it, they know it. We don’t exactly have his body in a freezer at Bagram Airfield (remember the troll telling me – former XO of BAF – that was the case?). All the Afghans I dealt with thought him dead and irrelevant. Their worries were more with Mullah Omar and Hekmatyar Gulbuddin.

    Who gains by saying “UBL is bleedin’ demised!”? The other side wouldn’t dare admit that he got tore up by some USAF munitions and died crapping blood somewhere in the Hindu Kush. Doesn’t make for the best shaheed story. What do we gain by saying it? All we would get is “OK, show me”. You think the NYT is squirrely now? You think the 9-11 Troofers are out of their minds? The sound and fury would deafen people on 5 continents.

    Besides being a minor Democratic talking point, UBL is irrelevant. And the conspirator in me cannot help but wonder if some of the folks on the “D” side of the house know this. After the 2004 campaign, we sure haven’t heard as much belching and squeaking about “Oh yeah? So where is Osama?”

    Just my quasi-informed opinion.

    One funny note, we had a 14 year old Afghan come to the front gate of BAF and offer to sell us UBL’s location for $10,000. I remember the intel folks giving him a Coke, chatting a bit and trying not to laugh too hard.

  16. O'Brien says:

    Emmanual Gold… I mean, Usama bin Laden is NOT dead. The Ministry of Truth released new video footage of him just the other day.

    Now move along.. Nothing to see here. You’ll be late for the two minute hate.

  17. McGehee says:

    I’m going to be contrarian and say he’s not dead.

    He’s just pining for the fjords.

  18. BJTexs says:


    If he wasn’t nailed to the background he’d be pushin’ up daisies!

    And that Just For Men beard? Beautiful plummage.

  19. klrtz1 says:

    Video editing is very common in the arabic cultures. In fact it’s required for certain ceremonial purposes. How could you idiots not know that.

  20. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    Video editing? From what that the media forensics dude wrote about it, this thing had more cut and paste than Meddona’s scrap books, and more splicing than Joan Rivers forehead.

  21. Ardsgaine says:

    It would only be beneficial to Bush if it could be confirmed beyond an unreasonable doubt. That’s why it’s not being confirmed.

  22. slackjawedyokel says:

    The jihadi version of Weekend at Bernie’s went into syndication rather quickly, didn’t it?

  23. Jeffersonian says:

    Weekend at Binny’s XXIV

  24. Jeffersonian says:

    Dang it, Slackjawed!!!

  25. Ric Locke says:

    As we say on a newsgroup I read, let us unpack that. Postulate an announcement by the Bush Administration that “we got bin Laden!” The response breaks down into several predictable threads.

    Thread One is the presently-existing one, with the verb tenses changed. “Oh yeah? Bush got bin Laden, well, so the f* what? It took them six years to get one guy. Incompetent assholes.” No substantive modifications.

    Thread Two: “Well, I think it’s just cruel that they sent all those vicious killbots to get him. After all, he is/was old and sick. Isn’t it just disgusting looking at that great big guy with weapons and armor and all, compared to his little frail victim?” You can expand from there — it’s a fairly mechanical process. Note how nicely it merges with Thread One, and draws on pre-existing identity and victim memes.

    Thread Three: “It’s all a lie. They didn’t really get him.” Since al Qaeda has the same access to Chinese knockoffs of Photoshop and video editing software as anybody in the world does, Thread Three would get reinforced by CGI bin Ladens popping up at odd intervals, every one of them (including the one using clips of Angelina Jolie cribbed from the Internet as a bin Laden stand-in) considered more credible than anything Chimpy McBu$hitlerburton and his toadies can come up with. Thread Three bifurcates a bit depending on whether bin Laden was captured, killed in person with a body available, or blown away by a Hellfire in a remote area, but you can generate the variations easily enough.

    Not announcing his death pretty well restricts the Lefties to Thread One; announcing it would create multiple ramifications of Thread Three, including the “it can’t be him, terrorism is continuing” variant that depends on the Left’s bigotry and preconceptions in the first place. It’s just way more trouble and aggravation than it’s worth.


  26. slackjawedyokel says:

    Ric —

    And besides, the announcement of his demise would rob us of the opportunity to see the episode in which he goes waterskiing.

  27. klrtz1 says:

    If Osama bin Laden is dead then the war’s over and we won. So all the troops can come home tomorrow. Yeah!

  28. The Ouroboros says:

    If he’s dead then they should be introducing his identical twin cousin any time now.. Of course the cousin will look just like him except he’ll wear a cowboy hat, a bolo tie & a big ole NSPRA trophy buckle..

  29. OK, Major John made me look smarter.

  30. Ric Locke says:

    klrtzl, that’s subthread 1(b). It’s evanescent — as soon as there’s another bomb it morphs instantaneously into 3(a) (“It can’t be him they caught — the terrorism is continuing”) or 1(c) (“they took the incompetent a*holes so long to catch him that the disease spread, with possible addition of 1(c).1 “and it just created more terrorists“).

    Ouroboros, that’s a fundamental for any variant of Thread Three. As Ace points out (follow Jeff’s link) there are some who suspect that it’s already happening, except that for the cowboy gear Osama wears his own costume and tries to sound like Chomsky or Kucinich as much as possible, so as to bring identity politics and cultural relativism into play as much as possible.


  31. JD says:

    I had a Silence of the Lambs picture in my head, where they trot out the natural OBL costume, and some poor jihadi has to lip sync to a Dem stump speech.

  32. SporkLift Driver says:


    Comment by klrtz1 on 9/13 @ 8:37 am #

    If Osama bin Laden is dead then the war’s over and we won. So all the troops can come home tomorrow. Yeah!

    You nailed it. If Osama is dead then the whole war on terror/clash of civilizations thing is over and we go back to acting like it’s 9/10/01.

  33. Ric Locke says:

    Just as an aside —

    Jeff, “Peace Be Upon Him” is appropriate for Muhammad, because he isn’t around any more. The correct conventional form for Allah is The Beneficent And Merciful. The Prophet (PBUH) speaks the message of Allah (TBAM). A minor point, but upon such insignifcant details one can hang a world of sneering stereotypes.


  34. BJTexs says:


    Good stuff as always.

    The left’s “creating more terrorists” rant represents uncritical, elementary thinking. One of the key points that the left overlooks (sometime willfully) is that it has less to do with the number of terrorists and more to do with the quality of terrorist operators and planners. The single most important part of interdiction is not to kill as many of teh crazee brown splodey dopes as possible. It is to deny sanctuary for training and manufacturing and to capture/kill the top 10% who make all the decisions; financial, operational and strategic. While some wring their hands about bin Laden and Zawahiri as if they are the twin Golden Chalices we’ve been systematically cutting the arms, legs and some heads opff of the hydra that creates the long range planning sophistication of attacks like 9/11 and The Cole. Those two represent the spiritual which makes them less important than a Zarqawi, Zubaydah, or Muhammed.

    I don’t think it’s coincidence that the latest foiled attacks had all the competency one would expect to see in an Ernest movie.

    Quantity does not equal quality but that won’t stop the wailing left from casting out interdiction as the catalyst for amoeba like terrorist production.

  35. JD says:

    Splodeydopes is such a great word.

  36. Rob B. says:

    Osama using hair dye in his beard? Tsk, Tsk. Get Caric on the line for a “masculinity ruling”, stat!

  37. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    “The left’s “creating more terrorists” rant represents uncritical, elementary thinking”, among other things, BJ. Hell, they aren’t even consistent with it. Well, some of them, anyway. If we are creating more terrorists in Iraq, than surely we are creating more terrorists in Afghanistan. And on what grounds could you be against going into Afghanistan? And to be fair, it’s not just the left. Dr. Paul, the majority of libertarians and the paleo right share the same basic assumption. We aren’t creating anything. They are there already. We stirred the nests.

    I can appreciate the argument that some of the insurgents in both countries are obvioulsy motivated by our troops, but I don’t count them as terrorists. They are the enemy, however. They will die as surely as the terrorists.

  38. Mikey NTH says:

    Besides, if we keep ‘bin Laden’ alive we can use him to egg every wanna-be jihadi to come out into the open so we can get our sights on them, and use him to discredit our domestic enemies, and ultimately the message of our enemies, foreign and domestic.

    I mean seriously, talking up Noam Chomsky? That’s the kind of basic mistake about the bulk of Americans a replicant would make.

  39. PEACE BE UPON HIM says:

    INFIDELS! I am beating my scimtar about my forehead drawing blood to show the seriousness of my resolve your decadence regressive tax structure Kyoto and SUV’s will be the downfall of your kafir society and Islam the true religion of peace will regain its place in this world after the infidels are all killed or beheaded This is your warning.

  40. PEACE BE UPON HIM says:

    Chomsky is an infidel visionary yet his western ways will place him towards the front of the line once Sharia is implemented.

  41. Ric Locke says:


    Well, yeah. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: I want Osama bin Laden to live forever — I just want him to have to get up every morning, look himself in the mirror, and realize that the guy he’s looking at is a stupid jerk whose entire life was devoted to futility and making things worse. Kill him? Bah. I’m not nearly that nice.

    And the meta-message I get out of this is that, for some reason, the Cult of Personality seems to be an inherent characteristic of the Left. Good guy or bad (in their terms), they pick somebody and make him/her the absolute kingpin around which everything else revolves — it’s why they get so bitter and vicious when, e.g., somebody criticizes Bill Clinton: Bill’s been appointed an Avatar of All Good, and any suggestion that he might have a flaw challenges their whole worldview. For villains you get Bush, or better Rove — somebody has to be in the center, controlling everything, and their job (as they see it) is to identify the arch-villain and eliminate him/her, which will solve the problem. The very concept of a diffuse, multi-personality force, in which The Leader is just another guy with a slightly harder job than the rest, appears to be so foreign to them that they can’t grasp it, and any suggestion that it might exist is rejected with the same vehemence they use for challengers to their own exemplars and icons.

    This effect is one of the (many) reasons I consider Socialism (including Marxism) as nothing but the twelfth-Century Church with the serial numbers filed off.

    So it is with bin Laden. There appear to be a lot of Leftists who honestly do believe what klrtzl posted (apprently as irony), that eliminating bin Laden would eliminate terrorism once and for all. To us the concept is so ridiculous as to be risible, but from the evidence it looks like a huge number of the Left take it quite seriously. Note that some (many) on the Right would approve of killing him, but they would not, as a rule, suggest that this would Solve the Problem By Eliminating the Source.


  42. Mikey NTH says:

    Ric: I think Bill Clinton was to be the second coming of JFK, the one they have awaited for who will return them to Camelot and the Golden Years. When the Republicans attacked Bill it was more than the left could bear – their holy one was being martyred – again! The right was killing Jack again! (The fact Oswald was a lefty has confused the narrative for them, so Oswald is explained away as a patsy for a shadowy right-wing cabal). So the left promptly went nuts in defense of Bill, the long awaited returned one, and have been insane ever since.

  43. Ric Locke says:

    Yah, Mikey, that’s a good example of the details of one instance. The general principle is that the Left has to have a Leader, and once The Leader has been appointed they can brook no criticism of him/her because they have invested so much of themselves.


  44. PEACE BE UPON HIM says:

    Clinton Obama Edards Osama, it is no matter. Their fealty and lack of spine will allow the return of the caliphate and will let Islam the true religion of peace return to its place of glory They may talk tough but we know that they will return to the days of Mogadishu and the paper tiger. Now stand back in awe while I beat my forehead with the scimtar of Allah while wearing my stylish Mark Jacobs jihadi vest awaiting my call to join my brethren in the land of the virgins and figs.

  45. cynn says:

    If bin Laden didn’t exist you would have invented him, so he could parrot and discredit the evil left. I don’t know anyone who honestly believes that the death of OBL means the death of terrorism. That’s absurd.

    Why not vary the routine and use your black-bearded marionette to whip up some serious fear in the populace? Have him raving in a video sitting in the bar at a Trader Vic’s, or maybe fulminating in the dairy section at Safeway.

  46. BJTexs says:


    This effect is one of the (many) reasons I consider Socialism (including Marxism) as nothing but the twelfth-Century Church with the serial numbers filed off.

    Cut, pasted and now in the process of being prepared to be sent to several friends. Oh, and you owe me a new keyboard.

    The left, in addition to their hero worship (or, in the case of Osama, their anti-hero worship) are content to embrace the other, that being anything that is not Bush/Cheney/Republican/Conservative. The visceral nature of their feelings towards this president (rooted as much in his inarticulate speech patterns and the clinging to the stolen election meme like a kitten to a tree branch) require the them to turn to anyone else for the sake of activism. Chavez, Hamas, Hizbullah, Ahmadinnerjacket, Assad, it doen’t matter. All serve their purpose to spotlight the real evil that is Bushhitler and the burtonthugminions. Many of these people are such self loathing citizens that they would gladly trade a military or diplomatic defeat for the longer range common good opposition to the “the evil ones.”

    They are the modern version of the Inquisition without incense and mitres (idealogocally speaking.)

  47. PEACE BE UPON HIM says:

    Your infidelity and reference to a texas blow job will place you towards the front of the line, kaffir. Embrace the love and peace of Islam, or be gone with your head.

  48. McGehee says:

    I don’t know anyone who honestly believes that the death of OBL means the death of terrorism. That’s absurd.

    No, but we all know people who will demand that it be true before they would give Bush credit for it.

    Out of line, you say? Yet this

    If bin Laden didn’t exist you would have invented him, so he could parrot and discredit the evil left.

    is okay?

  49. Major John says:

    And Africa still suffers under the “Big Man” Theory of Leadership (Fueherprinzip for you Europeans out there)

  50. Jeff G. says:

    If bin Laden didn’t exist you would have invented him, so he could parrot and discredit the evil left.

    Who are you talking to here, cynn?

    Because I can assure you that before I knew of bin Laden’s existence, I wasn’t in the habit of inventing religious zealots whose desire it was to take over the world and impose theological hegemony.

    In fact, if memory serves, that’s what other folks did — though they generally modeled such inventions on Falwell or Robertson or some such…

  51. Mikey NTH says:

    McGehee, we didn’t invent bin Laden; remember – we made him!

    Although, “the left, they keep using this word ‘made’; I don’t think it means quite what they think it means.”

  52. BJTexs says:


    Armed him, trained him, financed the oil sluts who made him rich, bathed him, perfumed him, clothed him, built his bombs, educated his family, fed him frozen cappuccino yogurt, sent him cards at Christmas, etc.

    Without America he would be NOTHING!

    Myths, they breath and breath…

  53. Ric Locke says:

    McGehee, the observation isn’t new. I have an acquaintance, a confirmed Trotskyite, who is well aware of it, and is fond of detailed screeds explaining why it isn’t so. I eventually had to desist from replacing the Socialist-specific technical terms with Church-specific ones and juxtaposing them with late-medieval Christian theology; I began to fear for his blood pressure.

    cynn, you might in theory be right, but the fact of the matter is we didn’t because we didn’t have to. The phenomenon you are experiencing is called “projection”, rejecting your own proclivities by applying them to others.


  54. McGehee says:

    we didn’t because we didn’t have to.

    Exactly. Why go to the trouble of inventing an Osama bin Laden when the Left provides us with the Kos kommentariat, free of charge?

  55. Mikey NTH says:

    BJ Texas – without the Tyrell Corporation he really would be nothing.
    I’m just sayin’…

  56. Rob Crawford says:

    I don’t know anyone who honestly believes that the death of OBL means the death of terrorism. That’s absurd.

    Then why have so many leftists demanded to know why we haven’t killed/captured bin Laden, and treat that as a fundamental failure in the WoT?

    It’s quite possible they don’t believe that bin Laden is the sole source, but, damn, they sure as hell put a lot of energy into acting like they do.

  57. BJTexs says:

    Let’s be serious for a moment and look at al Qaeda’s accomplishments over the last ten years compared to their goals.

    They’ve had their available sanctuary/planning/training sites systematically taken from them, leaving only Lower Waziristan.

    Their finances have been systematically frozen and interdicted.

    Their leadership has been killed and captured at a prodigious rate.

    Every place where their fighters have attempted to make a stand (1980’s Afghanistan style) has resulted in them being utterly defeated, suffering the loss of thousands of “martyrs.”

    They haven’t deposed one “apostate” Muslim ruler and aren’t close to doing so.

    The farther from 9/11 we get, the clumsier and more amateurish their “operatives” get in trying to pull off attacks.

    Even Sunnis in Iraq have tired of their extreme theology and society, with the tribes banding together to help US and Iraqi forces toss them from some of the most violent Sunni strongholds in Iraq.

    bin Laden’s followers are so desperate that they are left to spout far left talking points and parse video and audio with pictures of OBL growing younger every day.

    So why has all of the above happened? Was it just the natural course of human events? No, it’s because our nation was finally willing to draw several lines in the sand and say “This will not stand.”

    Most Democrats are too busy picking at the mistakes made in Iraq to realize all of the good that this administration has done directing the GWOT.

    And still McChimpybushhitler had time to ethnically cleanse New Orleans! (heh)

    In addition the Progs got Prescription drugs, No Child Left Behind and nearly got an immigration bill designed to make multi culturalists everywhere swoon with idealistic glee.

    And yet they hate him with a white, hot animus usually reserved for the town drifter who entered your home and murdered your family.

    Go figure…

  58. JD says:


    Lower Waziristan is about the size of Lower Wacker in Chicago, with a couple more hills, no? Waziristan is a funny name, IMNSHO.

    We drew a line in the sand? RACIST! ETHNICIST! CAMEL-IST!

    They haven’t quit hating W since he won the 2000 election. The reasons why they hate him change from week to week, but it has been a constant. 9/11 brought temporary unity, just because it would have been incredibly unseemly on their part, not because they quit feeling it.

  59. BJTexs says:

    JD: you forgot ISLAMAPHOBE! i try to keep up with my various mental afflictions.

    I’m convinced that it’s largely a potent mixture of the 2000 election and the fact that his verbal skills are “anti-Clinton.” They just can’t believe that this big, Texan dumbass won two elections against their two bright liberal stars and shreds the Constiutution like so much Parmagian Reggiano cheese.

    It jest makes ’em a bit teched in the head!

  60. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    – What ever happened to “Don’t make him a martyr”, because you know whenever the left sees one of their cult personalities finally tracked down and cornered like a rat, the legends are immediately born. Chi was a shiftless day-laborer, who couldn’t hold the most menial job, but found his talent for cold blooded torturing and slaughtering defenseless peasants and political enemies, and to this day the average Lefty reveres him not unlike a modern day Joan-of-Arc.

    – And cynn. There’s a good reason why Marxolists like Sheehan run to the arms of birdbrains like Chevez. The Cult icon is the center of gravity for every Lefty. Cuba, without a doubt the crown jewel in the hall of shame for the Left, is still treated by the Left as if Fidel is a great humanitarian. Why. Because they hate everything associated with Representative Democracies, so they won’t hesitate to lay down with anyone whose policies even remotely mimic Socialism, which Communism, Fascism, in point of fact, all Totalitarian types of regimes do. It doesn’t matter how horrific the Other is, as long as its an enemy of “Imperialism” (which ironically we are not), then the LunarBats will embrace it, in much the same vein as the “Bush All bad, All the time” meme.

    – As for me, although the odds are probably heavily against it, I would be happy to see UBL tracked down and pulled from a spideyhole, ala Hussein, tried and hung by a jury of his victims/peers.

    – The manner of Hussein’s demise was a really terrible broken transaction for the Lefts worldview. There was simply no meat for them to sink their ideological teeth into, although you see how strong their commitment to cult worship is whenever they whimper about how much better some Iraqi’s say they had it under him. Mostly ex-Baa’thist goon squad killers yes, but still.

  61. Hey Zeus! says:

    I have a theory that the more the refs call clipping, the more clippers that come out of the woodwork. Stop throwing the flag for clipping already!! YOU’RE CREATING CLIPPERS!!!!

    I’ve written a letter to the NFL Commish. Still waiting for the reply.

  62. Scape-goat Trainee says:

    “Most Democrats are too busy picking at the mistakes made in Iraq to realize all of the good that this administration has done directing the GWOT.”

    What Global War on Terrorism?
    That’s their response BJ. They refuse to admit there even is one, or else they pretend that if we’d juuuuust get Bin Laden, this whole nasty business would go away and the “so-called GWOT” would be over.
    I wonder if they’d insist there be a ticker tape parade like on V-J day if Bush held the bastard’s head up in front of the camera?

  63. cynn says:

    Big Bang, thanks, but I strive to keep up with your blood-soaked account of how the left have wallowed in the filthy, shame-ridden alleys and byways of the sloshy Evil Ones.

  64. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    – Actually cynn, most of the Left, at least in the last few generations, havn’t wallowed in anything, except maybe the really fun game of supporting anti-everything Conservative, and poking their thumbs in the eye of the old foggey establishment. Actually getting off your ass and “doing” something is rife with the potential risk of being caught standing on one of those “sloshy evil” things called principles, and being in danger of eviction from the hive.

    – And BTW. “My accounts”, in and of themselves, would be of no importance were they not factually based. History speaks for itself quite nicely, that is when it isn’t “revised”. I’m sorry if such things assualt your sensibilities, but such is life.

  65. happyfeet says:

    I would hate to speak a language bereft of sloshy.

  66. JD says:

    cynn – Don’t be afraid to say what you think.

  67. JD says:

    Blood soaked is a bit Sullivan-esque, no?

  68. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    – Not to fear Feets. Your sloshy credentials appear to be alive and well.

    “Blood soaked is a bit Sullivan-esque, no?”

    – When you can’t argue with the record, relegate your protagonists comments to hyperbole. Its just as innacurate, but to the short attention spanners, it sometimes works.

  69. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    – In fact, just as inaccurate as “innacurate”.

  70. silane protohydrogen dieselize chaus heterostyled radiosonic strobiloid jennerization

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