A brief reply from an unreconstructed white supremacist to his (self-proclaimed) intellectual superior, over at the protein wisdom pub.
A brief reply from an unreconstructed white supremacist to his (self-proclaimed) intellectual superior, over at the protein wisdom pub.
Gah..you dare sully the name of my favorite work of fiction by associating it with that douchebag?
Good day, sir. I said…GOOD DAY!
Let’s leave Sully out of it.
That Caric has the intellectual chops of my gap wedge, and actually, my gap wedge is far more versatile and unpredictable.
Garbage thread!
FYI: The link to Hog On Ice in the blurb that sometimes appears in the upper left leads to some car insurance spamblog or something. I’m not sure. I don’t read anything without at least one cartoon pig on it.
(The cartoon pigs at PW are, of course, the ones from Animal Farm, which, not being a gifted academic, I only ever read because I mistook it for my Porky Pig Counting Book. I still don’t know what comes between two and four.)
Number One: You do, Number Three.
tw: reception grows.. as does deception.
Don’t listen to him , Number Three… Number One, why’da always have to come around with weird shite like ” Oooh, who’s Number One.. You are Number Six”, blah blah, blah? No one wants to hear that.. You just give everyone a big bleedin headache.. So bugger off! And take that stupid Penny-farthing bicycle with you too!
Commentators, sorry for the interruption. Please continue..
tw: phase lives … Phase? Hardly. we all live in a little Village… Your village may be different from other people’s villages but we are all prisoners.
It’s a shame. Since I’ve never taught a class or written a book, I suppose it now falls on me to inform my employer that my skills as an analyst have been misrepresented. My little cubicle life is a fraud, and I am in fact…retarded. I suppose it goes back to the old saying “Those who teach…know more than those who don’t.” Or something like that…
I thought “Confederacy” was brilliant through about the first 1/2 of the book, but really dragged at the end.
I was expecting it to be about how the South lost the Civil War because they just weren’t very bright. So, I found the ending to be quite a surprise.
JD: gap wedge analogy. Almost filtered Diet Pepsi out my nose…
Patrick – Thanks. Stream of consciousness works wonders for me.
Caric – If you are still reading this, yes, I compared you, unfavorably, to a forged piece of metal whose sole purpose is to strike a tiny little dimpled ball, with quite a bit of spin imparted.
The analogy works particularly well with the spin imparted. Bravo!
BTW: The Eastern Pa Association of Midget clowns is holding a golf tournament in September. I can get you into foursome.
Bring your gap wedge!