
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


a CITIZEN JOURNALIST reports from battleground USA, 16

Part of my duties as a CITIZEN JOURNALIST is to ask the kinds of questions that traditional journalists refuse to ask. Which is why, having learned of the University of Colorado’s hiring of a new “vice chancellor for diversity, equity and community engagement,” I hopped on my bike (which, in turns out, was unnecessary — seems Boulder still allows cars, and is, in fact, as larded up with them as it is with rich white liberals professing to hate the filthy things) and pedaled the 35 or so miles to campus, hoping to tease out from Sallye McKee, CU’s new diversity czar, an answer to the following question: “How will you know when the CU community has reached a level of optimal ‘diversity’? — and what are your specific plans for achieving that end?”

— Which, after doing all that high-impact pedaling up into the foothills in 90 degree heat, came out thus: “Hey, I like Lionel Ritchie as much as the next guy. But come now, sister — you can’t in good faith tell me that the guy stayed Black once he left the Commodores.”

At which point I began singing “Dancing on the Ceiling” in full voice until a couple of burly white security guards escorted me rather rudely from the building.

For the record, Dr McKee never did officially respond to the query — though at one point I caught her tapping her feet in rhythm to the chorus.

Which, I think, is plenty enough to call into question her authenticity — even if it does speak favorably to her tastes in 80s-era pop music anthems.


24 Replies to “a CITIZEN JOURNALIST reports from battleground USA, 16”

  1. A fine scotch says:

    As a follow up, once the CU community has reached the optimal level of diversity, won’t your position then be useless? Would you recommend to the CU Regents that your position then be terminated?

    TW – perception inet: Diversity’s all about perception, i’net?

  2. BJTexs says:

    “I want students to say, ‘Because I was at CU-Boulder, I’m able to live and work better as a leader in a global society,'” McKee said. “We want to work on building a campus climate that is safe and respectful.”

    Well I have a question for the President of UC. I can’t help but notice that Dr. McKee is a Black female. It seems to me that the vast majority of diversity Tsars managers are either black or female or both. My question is this:

    Were any pasty white Jewish men considered for this job?

    If you are really serious about promoting diversity and a “global society” shouldn’t you start with the diversity office? Or are you trying to send a message that Jewish men are insufficiently multicultural or are they in some way tainted by their religious and cultural ties to oppressors?

    I await your reply. GOOD DAY TO YOU, SIR!

    tw: excluded attacking Here come the Jooooos!!!

  3. happyfeet says:

    “When the senior leadership team meets to talk about issues of all sorts, the diversity perspective will be present at the table and have input.”

    Whereas before it was just us crackers.

  4. mojo says:

    Shoulda took the ‘dillo with, dude. I mean, at least he can dance, y’know? Plus, he’s a good panzer-rat to have around if there’s gonna be a tussle…

    SB: Das imminence

  5. “When the senior leadership team meets to talk about issues of all sorts, the diversity perspective will be present at the table and have input.”

    and will they be holding these meetings in English? or will there be a rotating list of languages? ugh, heard an interview this morning of Juana Bordas, author of Salsa, Soul and Spirit:Leadership for a Multicultural age. I’M NOT BEING REPRESENTED!!!! but, uh, I’m not saying we need quotas or anything. but so, I also learned that being able to speak another language makes on a better person. so where does that put me? I’m not even close to fluent in, like, three languages.

    TW: Friendship life. aaaaaw, you always explain things so well Mr. Turing.

  6. buzz says:

    “We want to work on building a campus climate that is safe and respectful.” It wasn’t before? How so and how will the new diversity vice chancellor change that? “When the senior leadership team meets to talk about issues of all sorts, the diversity perspective will be present at the table and have input. That hasn’t always been the case.”
    How so? What issue was discussed where diversity perspective (and speak of, what exactly IS that?) didnt have input? What sort of input was denied?
    Judging by the pictures it looks like this was during some sort of news conference. Do they not ask questions during those thing? How much did the new office of vice Chancellor cost the university? salary, support personal, equipment, that sort of thing.
    And speaking of bikes, what is with you people in Colorado? I took my motorcycle over to South Western Colorado and you couldn’t swing a dead cat while coming over the passes without hitting half a dozen of people in spandex. I get tired just holding the throttle open at that altitude, you people are biking up the mountains!

  7. B Moe says:

    “We want to work on building a campus climate that is safe and respectful.”

    “It wasn’t before? How so and how will the new diversity vice chancellor change that?”

    Headscarves, be my guess. Head scarves and “reverse chastity belts” are all the rage in Europe.

  8. Pablo says:

    Well, at least it isn’t Canada.

  9. Pablo says:

    Doh! Wrong link. Here.

  10. JD says:

    When the diversity police are not sucking the life out of a meeting, what exactly do they do with their time?

  11. Sean M. says:

    As a follow-up, what’s your position on Billy Ocean?

    TW = Essence neglect. Ah, so it was a problem with the periodicals section of the school library!

  12. JD says:

    For a midget with a Ted Kennedy-esque sized head, Billy Ocean sure did have a good voice.

  13. Ouroboros says:

    You were overreaching.. You should have stuck with something you knew well, like Prince’s “Darling Nikki”… At least you would have gotten Tipper Gore’s attention.

    tw: Ireland pastime … I’m thinkin it’s a pastime pretty much worldwide.

  14. dog8myhmwk says:

    I don’t have anything to say about this, but I like my tw too much to let them languish.

    tw: monk employment – Will it help or hurt the economy?

  15. Beck says:

    Mmmmmm. Ahhhhh yes. That’s the good stuff.

    TW: “Violates Members.” Further observations unnecessary.

    I’d like it noted for the record that this is my first time ever announcing what my TW was.

  16. CraigC says:

    Honest to God, you can NOT parody this shit. George Orwell, where have you gone?

  17. rt says:

    *clenched fist salute* you da man, JeffG! FIGHT THE POWER!!!

  18. Swen Swenson says:

    I hopped on my bike … and pedaled the 35 or so miles to campus …

    Dude! They don’t actually ride those things, they just carry them around on top of their Subarus, at least until they get to the 16th Street Mall, where they like to ride on the sidewalks and scream at pedestrians to get out of their way.

    “Track! Track!”

    “Track? Huh?” [turning to look behind]

    [Screech, thud, crash, jangle] “Oh look, that nice lady bicyclist just ran into the post with the “No Bicycles on Sidewalk” sign!”

    True story. I don’t so much mind the psychotic street people, but yuppies riding bicycles on the sidewalks are a hazard. And if they could see themselves from the rear they wouldn’t wear that spandex. Talk about your visual pollution.

  19. Swen Swenson says:

    TW: Cuba Movement, Well, yeah, “Cuba” does start with C U..

  20. MarkD says:

    Around here, their thing is to ride over the bridge in the roadway, ignoring the signs instructing them to walk their bikes across on the sidewalk. During rush hour.

    Is it wrong of me to imagine some SUV driver forcing one over the side?

    I didn’t think so.

  21. steveaz says:

    Stay on the story, Citizen.

    Me thinks the new “DivCzar” is CU’s quo pro Churchill’s scalp. And, as BJTexas alluded, the appointment of a black female to the new position butresses the cosmetic appearance of it all.

    What I don’t get is, if the Uni wants diversity, why didn’t it create mulitple “Diversity-Czar” positions?

    This would offer the Board of Regents a diversity of individuals, hailing from diverse cultures, from which to gather diverse, counter-balancing opinions on the topic of increasing diversity – all while offering the Regents the added benefit of practicing what they preach.

    Seems simple.

  22. McGehee says:

    What I don’t get is, if the Uni wants diversity, why didn’t it create mulitple “Diversity-Czar” positions?

    All I know is, when I got out of high school I wanted to learn what was true, not what a lot of people contended (and oh by the way, here’s something completely different that a bunch of other people contend). That’s why I went to a university instead of a diversity.

  23. BJTexs says:

    Ah but McGehee, you were experiencing that UNI education without the benefit of progressive wisdom and attitude training. Thus any DIV you may have picked up is tainted by your own ignorance, your historical membership in the oppressor class and your ongoing indoctrination into the Patriarchy.

    It’s probably too late for you now.

  24. mojo says:

    Eh. Engineering degree, and I stayed far, far away from them assholes in the soft “sciences”…

    Hint: If ya can’t put numbers to it, it AIN’T a science.

    SB: cotton knowledge
    soft and fluffy?

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