The Last Samurai (2003) Directed by Edward Zwick. Stars Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe, William Atherton.
Five words or less review: Nice hair, “Maverick”-san.*
The Last Samurai (2003) Directed by Edward Zwick. Stars Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe, William Atherton.
Five words or less review: Nice hair, “Maverick”-san.*
R.I.P. Goose, R.I.P….
I would have gone with, “Nice bathrobe, Braveheart-san,” but that’s just me.
Ooh, that’s good. We’ll strike a compromise. And the edit button.
Whether it’s a review of The Last Samurai or John Wilkes Booth looking at his hands just before his death, “Worthless, worthless” seems more fitting.
I quite enjoyed the Last Samurai, but I seem to be just about the only one. Of course, I’m a raging Japanophile, so that probably goes a long way towards explaining it.
The only one my ass. That movie kicked ass.