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November 2024


Update to the Edwards/Coulter/"Hardball" ménage à trois

From Bryan Preston at Hot Air, who essentially echoes some of the arguments I’ve been making in the comments to my earlier post:

Silky is set to be on Hardball tonight. What do you want to bet last night’s confrontation with Coulter was a set-up, first to play the sympathy card and next to get Silky the free advertising, I mean airtime? Of course it was. Hardball is acting as Silky’s press agent on this, setting up the fight, then setting up the reaction, everybody wins–Silky gets his sympathy and thereby his fundraising pitch, AC gets some airtime, Hardball gets to be the stage manager. What a crock.

Anyone want to lay odds on whether Ann Coulter will be allowed to call in and nip at Silky the way Mrs. Edwards was allowed to do to AC last night?

Political theater of the absurd. Only now it’s been packaged, polished, and corporatized by the media.

Were Ionesco alive, he’d likely throw up and his hands, admit that he’d been bested by the reality, and write himself a kitchen sink drama — or maybe one of those Geico caveman ads.

update: More from Frank J and Dean Barnett, who writes:

How did Elizabeth Edwards have a call in number handy when to the rest of the viewing public’s knowledge no such number existed? A cynical individual might conclude that there was nothing spontaneous about Ms. Edwards’ outrage whatsoever, and that the whole incident was big set-up co-hatched by the creative minds at Hardball and the Edwards Campaign.

40 Replies to “Update to the Edwards/Coulter/"Hardball" ménage à trois”

  1. Jonathan says:

    Parody is dead, but at least we have Ann’s legs.

  2. Jeffersonian says:

    What I want to know is when John McCain and Russ Feingold are going to jump on this with both legislative feet.

  3. happyfeet says:

    And this is how she acts when she knows she’s going to meet Jesus soon. Wow.

  4. JD says:

    We all must remember that Chris Mathews is not a Democrat. He was only the Chief of Staff for Tip O’Neill, clearly a Rethuglican.

  5. N. O'Brain says:

    “…big set-up co-hatched by the creative minds at Hardball and the Edwards Campaign.”

    “Creative” is too kind a word, Jeff.

  6. happyfeet says:

    Creative might be exactly the right word. I’m thinking NBC has an understanding with respect to the rights to the tv movie, and we’ve just hit the denouement of the first hour.

  7. McGehee says:

    If not for Ann, the Left’s dudgeon glands would have atrophied years ago.

  8. Rob Crawford says:

    What I want to know is when John McCain and Russ Feingold are going to jump on this with both legislative feet.

    Eh? What are you talking about? Matthews is a journalist; it’s impossible for access to his show to be considered a campaign contribution.

  9. Shawn says:

    So when’s the show going to be renamed Slow-Pitch?

  10. Rob Crawford says:

    So when’s the show going to be renamed Slow-Pitch?

    I was thinking “Tee-Ball” myself.

  11. John says:

    I was thinking “Tee-Ball” myself.

    I was thinking “Blind-Side” as well

  12. Matthews is going to regret getting a reputation for ambushes.

  13. N. O'Brain says:

    To donate, .


  14. mojo says:

    Oh, of course it was a set-up. Sheesh.

    I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the oh-so-spontaneous call was initiated in the other direction. Wanna bet MSNBC stonewalls if asked for the in and out call records?

  15. Hucklebuck says:

    Reminds me of an appearance Bush 41 made on Larry King in campaign ’92, set up with a friendly live audience. The first caller? George Stephanopolous. After Stephy finished his free airtime, pro-Clinton tirade, Bush made a mildly sarcastic remark about how convenient that was. King merely huffed that they “take all callers in the order recieved”. Made me wonder how early in the day they allowed him to call in to insure first place.

  16. Pellegri says:

    mojo: Probably, yes. Albeit I think we’re probably going too far in this particular direction if we start doing that. Of course it’s more dirty tactics, but even when it’s shown to be dirty tactics… Well. “Fake but accurate,” and Ann Coulter is just a mean broad anyway.

    Mutter. Grumble.

  17. N. O'Brain says:

    The transcript:

    :AC – So about the same time Bill Maher said, by the way I did not call John Edwards the F word, I said I couldn’t talk about him because you go into rehab for using that word.

    UNK – You say you were joking

    AC – Yeah, I wouldn’t insult gays by comparing them to John Edwards, that would be mean. But about the same time Bill Maher was not joking and saying he wished Dick Cheney had been killed in a terrorist attack, so I’ve learned my lesson if I’m going to say anything about John Edwards in the future I’ll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot.”

    So she was rally insulting Bill Mahr.

    Too nuanced for the MSM.

    Or Mrs. Edwards.

  18. billofwrites says:

    hey, protein wisdom visitors…

    if any of you have children (and i doubt it seriously; you’re all a bunch of “protein wisdom swallowing” faggots and fetid cunts) or even parents (i’m goin’ with alien births) i just hope they’re all captured in terrorist kidnappings and beheaded on live tv so you and i can watch them scream together on internet video forever and ever and ever…

    what?! too harsh?

    hey, i’m just talking the issues…

  19. MikeD says:

    It’ll give Silky an opportunity to raise cash. Which he will then piss away on a losing crusade. Nobody will be convinced nor will anyone change their mind. And that will be a few less dollars available to continue the charade into the Fall when he will slip into irrelevancy. Then people can waste their money backing Hillary or Obama. One can only hope that throwing money at her or Obama will be a similar waste (win or lose) and will become an object lesson in stupidity for the donor if no one else.

  20. Rick says:

    I do believe we’ve just been visited by the Silky Pony’s new blog master @ 8:02 p.m.


  21. Pablo says:

    Rick, are you sure that’s not Bill Maher? That is his schtick.

  22. B Moe says:

    I don’t think Maher could come up with something as clever as “billofwrites”. That is some classic comedy right there! billofwrites(rights?!!!!) That is a steel trap wit, his brain done chewed it’s own leg off getting out of there, no doubt.

  23. Pellegri says:

    This is hysterical, too.

    Really going for a walk now!

  24. guinsPen says:

    Hey bill,

    You’re the visitor.

    We live here.

  25. Pablo says:

    Maher is also probably smart enough to not try and make exactly the same point Coulter was making. Also, he’d probably do a better job of it if he did. Of course, he’d know what the fuck he was talking about given that he originated the material.

    OK, it isn’t Maher.

  26. Merovign says:

    Ah, the telephone poles are angry.

    And stupid.

    But then, do I observe the obvious?

  27. Pellegri says:

    Where did the telephone pole meme come from, anyway? As a (relative) newbie, I’m confused!

  28. B Moe says:

    A previous, particularly obstinate troll was often refered to as the talking telephone pole.

    Until the telephone poles started complaining.

  29. A previous, particularly obstinate troll was often refered to as the talking telephone pole.

    was it “talking” or “typing”? I always got a mental image of a telephone poll will little arms. like a t-rex, slowly hunting and pecking out his comments.

  30. Pellegri says:

    Oh man, that image made me laugh, maggie.

    Thanks for explaining, too!

  31. Merovign says:

    Did you ever walk down a lonely highway late at night, and as you passed a telephone pole you heard a strange “clicky clicky” noise?

    Well, there you go.

  32. Karl says:

    Re: the “setup” angle

    As Hucklebuck noted, George Stephanopoulos’ manipulated call-in to President Bush on CNN’s Larry King Live the Friday night before the 1992 election is a precedent for this sort of thing. And Michelle Malkin can tell you about being ambushed on Hardball.

    To be fair, Hardball is claiming Coulter knew that Mrs. Edwards might call in. That wuld take it out of the “ambush” category. But it could still be an orchestrated attempt to promote the Edwards campaign.

  33. daleyrocks says:

    Right – It appears to be filmed live and they tell her just before the show goes on the air and they expect her to say NFW. She had zippo time to prep. relative to Edwards. Sounds like an ambush to me.

  34. Sean M. says:

    Where did the telephone pole meme come from, anyway? As a (relative) newbie, I’m confused!

    I compared arguing with one of the old school trolls from this blog with trying to argue with a really retarded telephone pole. I’ve tried to find the thread that validates this claim, but I suspect Jeff’s recent move to a new host may have messed that up.

  35. Walter E. Wallis says:

    The term is utility pole. I attempted to climb one once, assuming I had inhereted my lineman dad’s talent. I didn’t.

  36. Swen Swenson says:

    Hey! Don’t knock the Geico caveman ads, my relatives need the work.

  37. Jeff G. says:

    Once again, the first club the “outraged progressive” — in this case, “billofwrites” — pulls out of the club is that cum guzzling faggot put down.

    Which is fine, because, you know, gay marriage is a right.

    And fetid cunts? That doesn’t mean he doesn’t respect women — just that the kind of women who would read a site he doesn’t agree with don’t deserve the honor.

    Which is to say, they are less “women” than is he.

    And I can’t say I doubt that on a certain level, either.

  38. Spiny Norman says:

    That the level of trollery that frequents this site has plunged to a point where we miss actus is a truly depressing state of affairs.

  39. BJTexs says:


    So true! I almost, ALMOST, miss the chimp anus alph-bot.

    Remember, I said ALMOST! To preserve the last vestiges of my self respect.

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