
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


Site bugs (UPDATED)

It’s been brought to my attention that many of you are having trouble posting comments, for reasons beyond my pay grade.

I’ve passed on your emails to the appropriate party; hopefully the problem will be rectified soon.

Please bear with us. We’re young, we make mistakes, but our guidance counselor has insisted we have, like, scads, of potential…

update: Looks like a lot of comments were getting caught both in the spam filter and in the moderation cue. I don’t moderate comments, so I have no idea why this is. Anybody familiar with WordPress want to help a brother out?

62 Replies to “Site bugs (UPDATED)”

  1. happyfeet says:

    You went in and changed the whole platform but you had no plan for the aftermath.

  2. Pal2Pal says:

    As one who went from Typepad to WordPress to Expression Engine (can’t imagine going thru the hassle of switching back to WordPress from EE), I think a few post switch comment problems lets you off easy. Nice transition. I had to resubscribe Protein Wisdom to my Bloglines feeder list to get the new messages, but I guess that cannot be helped. 

  3. Jim in KC says:

    Me too.

  4. Jim in KC says:

    Safari on a Mac.

  5. Pablo says:


  6. thegeezer says:

    The site is still groovy.  Preview would be cool, though.

  7. dicentra says:

    Yes, Preview Is Our Friend.

    But thanks for bringing back the HTML in the comments. Much better.

    [Watch, this comment will be lousy with tags.]

  8. happyfeet says:

    So… <blockquote>This will work then?</blockquote>

  9. happyfeet says:

    Like this then…

    This will work then?

  10. happyfeet says:

    ok, so this is easy, just different.

    I’ll make the banner, you get flight suited up!

  11. JD says:

    Mobile PW ?!

  12. guinsPen says:

    Dear al-qactus in a time of al-falfies,
    Keep up the good work, Jeff.
    Im in agreed with teh preview poepel.

  13. guinsPen says:

    Hey,  my smileys have been "disappeared!"


  14. B Moe says:

    To whom it may concern, I am having no real problems at home, but on my PC at work the comment thread was slowly angling to the left, causing the left side of the comments and the comment box to slowly get eaten as the comment thread got longer.  I use firefox at home, but the PC at work wasn’t using firefox, because  it causes problems with some of our in house servers, apparently.  I switched to using firefox for my goofing off time at work, and the problem was solved.  Don’t know if this helps or not, but there it is.

  15. guinsPen says:

    Dear al-qactus in a time of al-falfies,
    Smileys 89, 140,345, & 205.

  16. Jeff G. says:

    JD —

    Mobile PW should work without having to hit a special button.   Let me know if isn’t working. 

  17. furriskey says:

    Everything is cool except my unrequited need to have a first strike through capability

  18. happyfeet says:

    The smileys, they are not particularly aesthetic.  Just my opinion that scrolling through a whole thread of those could very well induce epilepsy, so there may be a liability concern there too.

  19. Pablo says:

    Is this thing on? 

  20. Rick says:

    Whatever it takes, straighten it out so we run no risk of losing valuable commentaries from Keith Ellers and his cohort of enlightened ubermenschen.


  21. Carin says:

    We don’t need smileys here. We are serious people. I get a weird message when I go to comment – it says … oh crap, I can’t remember. I’ll have to close and start again.

  22. B Moe says:

    I don’t moderate comments… 

    Yeah, right.  And continuum doesn’t see periscopes in his corn flakes.  Sure. 

  23. Carin says:

    Ok, it says something like: “Mozilla

  24. Carin says:

    Well, crap. Where did it go? My comment got cut off.

    Ok, it says “Mozilla

  25. Carin says:

    Ok, I freaking give up. No HTML, but it’s cutting off my comments.

  26. JoeEgo says:

    Kill the SnapShots popups and I wouldn’t give a damn about lost comments.  Thanks :)

  27. JD says:

    Jeff – My old link to Mobile PW no longer works. When I pull up the main page, I do not get a Mobile PW button like on the prior format. Is there a new button or link that I am missing ?

    Regardless, love the new format.

  28. mojo says:

    And PIE! I want some goddamned PIE! Waitress! 

  29. happyfeet says:

    Joe – you can disable the Snap thing – there’s a control at the top right of the pop-up…

  30. dicentra says:

    Here’s a new mystery, unrelated to PW, but I thought youse guys might know.<br>They told us what time the Space Shuttle would be passing overhead, so I went out and looked.<br>Lo, there it was. Or rather, there they were. Two points of light, a few degrees of arc apart, same speed, same trajectory, the leading one a little bigger and a little yellower, and the second bluer and smaller.<br> What gives? Which one was the Shuttle, and what was the other one? 

  31. Jay Reding says:

    Is it possible that the comments all have several links to them? WP defaults to auto-moderating comments if there are more than 3 links. (At least, I’m fairly certain it does.) If you want to disable that, you can just set the number to something like 10 or 20 in the moderation panel and then you shouldn’t be bothered unless you have a comment that’s really link crazy…

  32. Ric Locke says:


    Jeff, all WordPress blog templates that include comments pass them through a script. Its name is wp-comments-post.php and it’s found in your main directory.

    The script does a lot of things. One of them is to strip out HTML the original developers thought objectionable or dangerous; another is to pass the comment to any spam checkers/filters or other content filters the owner may wish. It also converts line feeds to either <BR> tags or <P> tags, depending on circumstances, and issues the bgcolor= directives to get the alternating white/gray for comments.

    wp-comments-post.php IS KNOWN TO BE BUGGY. If you feed it too much HTML it loses track of where it is in the <tag> — </tag> sequence. It’s also quite complex. I’ve never seen the whole thing, and I wouldn’t be able to follow it in detail anyway. You need help from somebody who’s wrestled with that serpent before.

    The nice new editor generates lots of HTML, which is then fed through wp-comments-post.php, which munges it pretty thoroughly. The result is worse than either system alone. Get knowledgeable help. It will probably have to come from the good folks at WordPress.


  33. Ric Locke says:


    The larger, yellower one is the International Space Station (ISS). The smaller, bluer one is the Shuttle itself, which was docked at the ISS for a while and has now departed. A beautiful sight, rendered less attractive by the associated politics.

    If you enjoy that sort of thing you should visit Heavens Above. Sparse and geeky, but with a wealth of resources for those of us who enjoy watching satellites, shuttles, and the like.


  34. dicentra says:

    Wow. Ric is, like, the freakin’ Oracle at Delphi or somethin’. Feed him a question and he goes into a trance, does some I Ching stuff, then burps up the answer. Kewl. Thanks, Ric.

  35. Ric Locke says:

    Aye, ’tis me avocation. Seamus O’Racle, at yer sarvice an’ yer family’s.

    <fx: removes cap and bows, peers nearsightedly at bowl> Bin a little short, hae ye? Offerin’s fer th’ prophet’re gae’in a mite thin.


  36. dicentra says:

    Except that at Heavens Above, it says that the shuttle leads the ISS. Sorry, Ric, no fruit cup. 

  37. Ric Locke says:

    Who’re you gonna believe, me or the people what knows what they’re about?

    <fx: wanders off, muttering>


  38. Jim in KC says:

    So, can I post "live" again?

  39. Witheld says:

    Ric, One that is always stumping me is which is the correct?  "affect" or "effect"? Sincereltly,

  40. Not really God says:

    Does a different moniker make a difference?

  41. The PW commenter formerly known as Jim in KC, until Word Press flaked out says:

    That’s certainly an unwieldy handle, isn’t it?

  42. The PW commenter formerly known as Jim in KC, until Word Press flaked out says:

    But can I successfully post twice under a different handle?

  43. The PW commenter formerly known as Jim in KC, until Word Press flaked out says:

    So does the e-mail address have anything to do with it?

  44. Lost My Cookies says:

    Mobile PW is working for me, but commenting is flakey. And all the pitchers are hitting batters in the College world series and that’s making my nine-year-old nervous. I need you to fix that so I can cure him of stepping out.

  45. furriskey says:

    The batter has a bat. The two immediate solutions are
    1. Throw the bat at the pitcher
    2. Stroll over to the mound and pound him into it.

  46. JD says:

    LMC – Can you post a link to MobilePW in this thread ?

  47. The PW commenter formerly known as Jim in KC, until Word Press flaked out says:

    2. seems preferable, given the unreliable ballistics of thrown bats.

  48. JD says:

    LMC – Explain to him that if he steps out, when the pitcher hits him, it will be in either the sternum or the nuts. If he does not step out, shoulder or hip. Easy choice.

  49. The PW commenter formerly known as Jim in KC, until Word Press flaked out says:

    JD, just go to from whatever the mobile device is.  Looks pretty good on my Verizon phone other than the phone doesn’t seem to recognize whatever html means "apostrophe here."

  50. JD says:

    I am going to try that again. I have not had the link for Mobile show up on my Treo.

  51. The PW commenter formerly known as Jim in KC says:

    Can my name be in bold text?

  52. JD says:

    I think it is time to drive over my Treo 700p. Sprint has the new 755p and my buddy will upgrade me for free!

  53. not_mojo says:


  54. mojo says:


  55. not_mojo says:


  56. lex says:

    From the Dashboard, if you go to the Options tab and thence to the "Discussion" sub-tab, you ought to see a range of tic-boxes to do with comment moderation. Uncheck all of those and the lumpen masses will have access.

  57. lex says:

    Oh, and LiveCommentPreview is a nifty little plug-in, if you’re interested in that sort of thing.

  58. mojo says:

    Ok, now how do I turn off the annoying "Snap!" previews?…

  59. mojo says:

    Found it – get a window to pop (tutorial link at bottom works), hit the "options" button in the pop-up.

  60. zamoose says:

    Jeff:I’m well acquainted with the WordPress backend — I help write a bit of it and am up on pretty much all of the current stuff.  Feel free to email me with any questions that you might have. And to quiet the smiley-happy masses, there’s always Alex King’s WP Grins (since you’re already using his Share This plugin, it seems)Also, it appears as if the user name/email combo above is not drawing from logged-in registered users.  There’s an easy fix for it (it’s usually in comments.php).And there’s always TinyMCE in lieu of Xinha for your commenting WYSIWYG needs. Like I said, I’m here to help. 

  61. Jim in KC says:

    So it looks like I might have gotten my name back.

Comments are closed.