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November 2024


a post that explores what life might be like were former “One Day at a Time” star Mackenzie Phillips elected President

Phillips: “…And with that I mind, I hereby declare June, ‘National Let Your Kids Dose and Maybe Get Mick Jagger Off with Their Hand’ month.”

31 Replies to “a post that explores what life might be like were former “One Day at a Time” star Mackenzie Phillips elected President”

  1. My dad can beat up your dad says:

    While hindsight is 20/20, I think it was pretty clear that his superstardom would be short lived when he named the follow-up album Frampton Comes in Your Mouth.

  2. Dan Collins says:

    Featuring, “Blow Me That Way.”

  3. Silk says:

    Pics or it didn’t happen.

  4. timmyb says:

    Is McKenzie Phillips going to be Fred Thompson’s running mate?  Just curious how many actors will be running this time.

  5. JD says:

    Let’s see … Dodd acts like a Senator.  Edwards acts like an ass. Lieberman acts like the only sane one of the bunch.  Kucinich acts like he is from Mars.  Hillary acts like whatever will appeal to the crowd she is speaking to. Obama acts like he has done something worthy of making him President.

  6. Clint says:

    Is McKenzie Phillips going to be Fred Thompson’s running mate?  Just curious how many actors will be running this time.

    Silly Timmy, politics is theater.  They’re all actors.  The trained actors, however, are just better at fooling the people more often.

  7. timmyb says:

    Didn’t the good ol’ Jenny Cutler use that “D.C. is Hollywood for ugly people” line.  Seems to fit

  8. Jeffersonian says:

    Kucinich acts like he is from Mars.

    Speaking of Mars, what sort of bar did Mick snack on from the nubile Miss Phillips?

  9. timmyb says:

    JD, with the recent cancellation of Veronica Mars, your comment hurts more than usual.

  10. JD says:

    timmyb – What is a Veronica Mars?

  11. timmyb says:

    An awesome TV show that no one ever watched (and I mean no one)

  12. mojo says:

    She was better in the musical remake of “Reefer Madness”, Timmuh…

    SB: built56

  13. JD says:

    If nobody ever watched this show, yet you loved it, does that show conclusively that your judgement is well out of line with the American mainstream?

    Just askin’

  14. timmyb says:

    I stand so accused.  Is it possible to be correct and be “out of line with the American mainstream.”

  15. JD says:

    timmyb – I did not address whether you were right or wrong.  I simply noted that your position placed you well outside the American mainstream.  The distance between you an the “mainstream” appears to be equidistant to the distance between a Greenwald epistle and the truth.

  16. McGehee says:

    If nobody ever watched this show, yet you loved it,

    Either you loved the show without watching it, or you’re nobody.

    (Deliberate excessive literalism can be fun!)

  17. timmyb says:

    Or the distance between your war position and that of the American mainstream?

    You know, I was just reading Greenwald re: the al-Marri decision and the PW disdain for him always makes me giggle. He is dead on with his analysis of the court’s decision.  You should give it a read.

    So, the question remains, would I care to watch American Idol and be supported by the American people on entertainment views OR would I want to watch different TV shows and be with the mainstream on issues re: war and peace.

    In any event the point is rhetorical and just involved me giggling at your earlier supposition.  I investigate things on my own and determine what is right.  Like all people sometimes I err, but in reality the views of the American people are not important to my decision-making (except at election time, where I might vote for a lesser of two evils, based on that person’s ability to win…like voting for Joe Kernan instead of the Blade…..ooh, Indiana politics rears its head on PW.

  18. Rob Crawford says:

    You know, I was just reading Greenwald re: the al-Marri decision and the PW disdain for him always makes me giggle. He is dead on with his analysis of the court’s decision.  You should give it a read.

    Why? The man’s a fraud.

    As for al-Marri—that decision won’t stand review. That the little bastard was here “legally” doesn’t mean squat as to his standing as an unlawful enemy combatant.

    Like all people sometimes I err, but in reality the views of the American people are not important to my decision-making

    The why do you constantly use the bandwagon fallacy?

  19. Cowboy says:


    You really giggle a lot don’t you?

    Personally, I’d have that looked at.

  20. Rob Crawford says:

    That the little bastard was here “legally” doesn’t mean squat as to his standing as an unlawful enemy combatant.

    Ya know, now that I think about it, he wasn’t here legally. He lied on his visa application.

    Which kinda blows the court’s argument (as I understand it) out of the water.

  21. TheGeezer says:

    Deliberate excessive literalism can be fun!

    Unless you are a dyslexic hard-core Calvinist Free Will Baptist.

  22. JD says:

    Or the distance between your war position and that of the American mainstream?

    timmah – What you know about my positions would not fill a thimble.

    I investigate things on my own and determine what is right.

    timmah is now the arbiter of that which is right.  Comforting?

  23. timmyb says:

    Well, Rob, you’re the expert.

    Although, it baffles me what kind of person wants to live in a country where Hillary can lock up anyone she wants to by designating him/her an enemy combatant.  I know, I don’t want to live in Myanmar, but you think what you want

  24. mojo says:


    At last, Science provides undeniable evidence that the internet is actually run by a high-powered, untouchable group of dyslexic Tourette’s patients.

    SB: didnt65

    nuh UH!

  25. Pablo says:

    So, the question remains, would I care to watch American Idol and be supported by the American people on entertainment views OR would I want to watch different TV shows and be with the mainstream on issues re: war and peace.

    You don’t suppose that pairing contains all of the available options, do you?

  26. OHNOES says:

    Veronica Mars got cancelled? I kept meaning to watch that. Not to turn this place into Ace’s, but that Kristen Bell was delicious.

    I mean, really delicious.

    And the show itself seemed to be too complicated by half for its target audience… or, hell, for the age group of the characters themselves.

  27. Rob Crawford says:

    Although, it baffles me what kind of person wants to live in a country where Hillary can lock up anyone she wants to by designating him/her an enemy combatant.

    Anyone? Who said anyone?

    Bandwagons and strawmen—that’s all you got.

  28. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Greenwald is a joke.  He is one of the most dishonest people in the blogosphere—and he has admitted that he’d happily lie and distort to bring about the “correct” outcomes.

    As determined by him.

    And if the electorate gets in the way, those who vote “incorrectly” are to be demonized, marginalized, and kept permanently on the defensive.

    Thing is, many of us don’t back down so easy.  Greenwald has the audacity to call himself a conservative libertarian.  He may as well call himself Grand Wizard of the Universe.  Both are about equally true.

  29. timmyb says:

    Well, Jeff, he’s right about civil liberties in America

  30. McGehee says:

    Well, Jeff, he’s right about civil liberties in America

    Yup. I was oppressed by the system just the other day. “Help! Help!” I said. “I’m being oppressed by the system!”

    Damn supermarket baggers and their “paper or plastic” interrogations.

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