Was that the Brooke Shields TV show? Or did I miss another one of those major pop culture phenomenon in between barely-avoiding-flunking-out-of-college and going-back-to-get-a-perfectly-useless-degree?
Morning Jeff. I’m sure you knew that Roseanne whatsherface had a thing going with the guy from Toto, right? How the hell did that happen? Was it the perm or the black Members Only jacket?
Ewwww. Mild sexual content.
Not even mildly funny. Quit now.
tw: hour49. About 50 hours too late, unfortunately.
Hey, look! It’s a brave guy wearing a burqa!
Was that the Brooke Shields TV show? Or did I miss another one of those major pop culture phenomenon in between barely-avoiding-flunking-out-of-college and going-back-to-get-a-perfectly-useless-degree?
Morning Jeff. I’m sure you knew that Roseanne whatsherface had a thing going with the guy from Toto, right? How the hell did that happen? Was it the perm or the black Members Only jacket?
Are the kids out of school already?
TW: between16…and 17 would be my guess.
That was “Suddenly Susan,” McGehee, but the show faltered when the tie-in quick-fix dinner product foundered.
Rejected alternate title:
“Still Desperately Seeking Madonna’s Acting Ability.”
Yea, “Suddenly Sushi” just never found it’s niche market…
Judd Nelson ROCKS.
Well, there’s always the black bears and salmon venue.
Which, I just realized, would be a bear market.
Really? I thought it was when even the cast started referring to it in interviews as “Suddenly Snoozin’.”
You could tell the other side of the story: “Susan Seeking Suddenly”.
brave guy wearing a burqa..? well how do you people see the burqa-clad women?