Brian Timm, via email:
Hey Jeff,
Last year, a buddy of mine sent me an MP3 of a gal by the name of Shirley Q. Liquor, singing “The Twelve Days of Kwanzaa”. I loved it, but assumed it was done by a black man or woman, whom one would expect can get away with such humor.
I was reading the latest issue of Rolling Stone last night, and came across an article on Shirley (linked on Shirley’s page). Turns out “she’s” a white gay man, done up in blackface, who sees himself as being on a “mission from God”. Shirley receives the expected backlash from agitators within the black community’s leadership, but it’s somewhat muted, I suspect, because she [is] played by a gay man. When grievance groups collide.
Anyhow, thought you might like the article, and I think you can hear Shirley’s MP3s on the web site.
Thanks, Brian!
Of course, what this means is I might owe each Jane Hamsher and Steve Gilliard an apology for my prior outrage over their instances of blackfacing political rivals and or racial/party traitors. Anyone know if either Steve or Jane is a gay man?
‘Cause if so, I’ve got me some a-scufflin’ and a-shufflin’ to do.
Steve told me Jane was.
But, but, Steve told me Jane…
Oh, never mind!
Better watch out, she might threaten you with a slander suit this time
A clown suit would be more appropriate.
You’d think she would be happy for all of the attention it will drive towards “FireLog Lake” when she can set herslef up as the victim and Lord (Lady?) High Executioner, receiving the sympathies of the perpetually outraged while demanding Jeff’s head on a pike.
But what if she demands Jeff’s pike on a head?
Northern, or walleye? It’s important to know one way or the other.
… I start giggling. Then laughing out loud. Then heehawing like an overstimulated donkey.
Sometimes, life is pretty damn good.
…irony meters explode.
I gotta get me a franchise for selling those things.