Apocalypto (2006) Directed by Mel Gibson. Stars Rudy Youngblood, Dalia Hernández, Jonathan Brewer, Morris Birdyellowhead, Carlos Emilio Báez, and Espiridion Acosta Cache
Five words or less review: Oscar-worthy—if not fortheinterferenceoftheHollywoodJooooooos…!
I thought it was a very good movie.
I’d include more analysis but I don’t want to spoil things for people who haven’t seen the movie yet.
I’ve been meaning to see that.
Morris Bird-yellow-head – outstanding.
It drags in the middle a bit but otherwise a fun romp through the end of someone else’s civilization for a change.
It was entertaining and came the closest, as yet I’ve seen, to depicting a period in which none of us will ever know how close it came.
Five words… blood, guts, gore, love, fragility.
One review described it as mindless goofy fun, and then went on to say how that was a good thing.
I’ll see it someday.
Apocalyp-to, Apocalyp-fro, Maya-O-My!
He was trying to say Apoplectic, but he’d had a few, you know how it is.
Very, very good film. For all his demons–maybe because of them–Gibson makes consistently compelling film.
Frankly one reason why I liked the movie is because it didn’t follow the normal Hollywood ultra-PC nonsense about the “noble savage”.
But still. As good as this movie was, I bet it’ll be vastly overshadowed by a Broadway musical version paraphrasing the lyrics from The Sound of Music.
Oh the hills are alive with the screams of sacrifices…
Got a good beat and you can dance to it.
five words or less?
Best fellatio joke, all time.