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November 2024


Film reviews in five words or less, #35

Apocalypto (2006) Directed by Mel Gibson.  Stars Rudy Youngblood, Dalia Hernández, Jonathan Brewer, Morris Birdyellowhead, Carlos Emilio Báez, and Espiridion Acosta Cache

Five words or less review: Oscar-worthy—if not fortheinterferenceoftheHollywoodJooooooos…!

11 Replies to “Film reviews in five words or less, #35”

  1. memomachine says:


    I thought it was a very good movie.

    I’d include more analysis but I don’t want to spoil things for people who haven’t seen the movie yet.

  2. TallDave says:

    I’ve been meaning to see that.

  3. Simon says:

    Morris Bird-yellow-head – outstanding.

  4. moviegique says:

    It drags in the middle a bit but otherwise a fun romp through the end of someone else’s civilization for a change.

  5. Luther McLeod says:

    It was entertaining and came the closest, as yet I’ve seen, to depicting a period in which none of us will ever know how close it came.

    Five words… blood, guts, gore, love, fragility.

  6. jon says:

    One review described it as mindless goofy fun, and then went on to say how that was a good thing.

    I’ll see it someday.

  7. Tai Chi Wawa says:

    Apocalyp-to, Apocalyp-fro, Maya-O-My!

  8. furriskey says:

    He was trying to say Apoplectic, but he’d had a few, you know how it is.

  9. Dale Price says:

    Very, very good film.  For all his demons–maybe because of them–Gibson makes consistently compelling film.

  10. memomachine says:


    Frankly one reason why I liked the movie is because it didn’t follow the normal Hollywood ultra-PC nonsense about the “noble savage”.

    But still.  As good as this movie was, I bet it’ll be vastly overshadowed by a Broadway musical version paraphrasing the lyrics from The Sound of Music.

    Oh the hills are alive with the screams of sacrifices…

    Got a good beat and you can dance to it.

  11. otcconan says:

    five words or less?

    Best fellatio joke, all time.

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