“The Happening” will not be the only big-budget studio film to test a new kind of villainy, in which the real victim is the environment, and, whatever the plot variations, the enemy is all of us. Beginning this summer and for months after, movies as diverse as the “The Simpsons Movie,†“Transformers,†a remake of “Creature From the Black Lagoon,†and James Cameron’s “Avatar†will take on environmental themes.
The Shit is Happening. The Happening is Shit. You know, when I voted against the Gorebot, it was largely so I wouldn’t have to suffer through 4 years of being lectured by a supercilious ninny. And James Cameron? That guy thinks his craps are the Sistine Chapel.
I voted against the Gorebot because he was bought and paid for by the Chinese… “No controlling legal authority,” my ass. How about just simply not committing treason?
This is from Cameron’s original Avatar treatment:
YAY! I got a bonus!!! Can you see the theme boys and girls?
CLIMATE INJUSTICE !!! Get out the credit cards sinners , and REPENT.
So happyfeet, did you choose your name before or after the recent film of the same name which is the first in this series?
It was like right at the week of release – hijacking the persona of the liberal penguin was like super-subversive in my little mind –
Too bad for Cameron… I liked his work a lot. Aliens, Terminator and more.
Yes, well, you know. When you’ve been in Hollywood as long as he has it’s hard not to be… enlightened.
I believe the science will bring the truth to light before our economy is brought to its knees by eco-friendly regulations
If you’d like to escape for awhile into a more righteous tale of environmentalism, I would suggest reading Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six. It’s meaty goodness.
Opus ….. is that you Opus ?
Uhm, actually Dan, research in Wikipedia turns up the fact that while his craps may not be the Sistine Chapel, they are small adobe huts just outside of Mexicali. These huts house several otherwise homeless families and boy are they ever thankful.
The humanity.
The descent began with “The Abyss”…
I’m still trying to understand the message; it hasn’t been told often enough or shrilly enough.
Let me see: releasing too much gas causes gerbil warming, but some people buy coupons that make it OK?
What do the scientists have to say about that? Is it truthy? Should we have them investigate, do research, or vote or something?
And the solution: shouldn’t we legislate, or better yet comply with a non-answerable international body, for more control, less freedom, and of course wealth transference (once we’ve defined the problem)?
Can I skip the movies now?
Crpl. Hicks: “I say we take off, nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”
Now THAT’S a “bonus message”.
Liberals are obsessed with the end of the world because their world ended when the Soviet Union collapsed.
Myrrh. His shits are made of myrrh. He shits myrrh. I kid you not. They are perfectly round and have a slightly golden tint.And his pee is champagne. People in Hollywood drink it. It’s true.
Beginning this summer and for months after, movies as diverse as the “The Simpsons Movie,†“Transformers,†a remake of “Creature From the Black Lagoon,†and James Cameron’s “Avatar†will take on environmental themes.
Why not save everybody some time and money and just endlwessly loop the movie “Havana” and have someone hit you in the head with a hammer.
A remake of “Creature from the Black Lagoon…” Why not just have Amanda Marcotte remake Humanoids from the Deep?
More scientists are rebelling aginst the Gorebot. And the New York Times reported it.
It’s going to be a rough go for the Greens if Hell keeps freezing over.
It’s happening slower than I expected, but there is growing demand for an “alternative Hollywood” with at least 75% less stupidity.
There was talk about it when the announcement was made that Bruce Willis would be working on a movie about the experiences of the 2-4 ID in Iraq (don’t know the status of that), and “300” appears to have been deliberately non-idiotarian (and using reduced-cost production techniques, which will help).
As time goes by, more decentralized sources for entertainment will evolve. Thankfully.
I think if I went to a sci-fi movie with some greenie on a spaceship bloviating about how humans shouldn’t be “speading their filth around the universe,” theaters would have to offer a 110% money-back guarantee to get me in the doors after that.
Exchange the spaceship for a Gulfstream V and you see that for free by watching C-SPAN. Or the Academy aWeards.
I don’t think it’s right that a SGT should mock a one-time Presidential Candidate who, had things panned out differently, might have been Emperor of the World.
I don’t think it’s right that bleu cheese mold is cultured on wheat bread, but there you are.
I’d pay money for the guys that do Robot Chicken to do a send-off of this silly thing.
Particularly if they can weave in their Ode to the Nut Shot.
They do that? Things are worse than I thought.
Karl, I liked this point in the article:
So, apparently right after he invented the internet, he got on the global warming bandwagon, right around the time that the rest of the scientific community said a new ice was forthcoming. He’s quite the visionary.
I wonder why that would be?
Wasn’t most of the 90s version of “The Outer Limits” composed of episodes like that?
Or at least “humanity stooooooopid” episodes where we basically blow ourselves up by the end credits or similar.