
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


Marcotte Moolah [Dan Collins]

As everybody knows, Ann Coulter more or less called John Edwards a faggot, and now his website’s asking for contributions (Coulter Cash) to demonstrate that people aren’t going to stand for that kind of bigotry.  I therefore invite you to donate money, to demonstrate your opposition to the kind of anti-Godbag bigotry demonstrated by former Edwards blogmistress Amanda Marcotte, to her favorite conservative pundit, Jeff Goldstein, so that he can buy a new computer.

20 Replies to “Marcotte Moolah [Dan Collins]”

  1. happyfeet says:

    I’m loving the soft pastels on the Coulter Cash page. Sort of a “springtime in America feel,” complimented with the most subtle and delightful use of shadow and accented by a positively whimsical “shooting star” logo that just screams SUPERSTAR! It really captures the delicious Johnny E brand of fabulousness –

  2. furriskey says:

    If we call Jeff a faggot, do you think Edwards might divvy up the take?

  3. Dan Collins says:


    Are you the Queen of Roumania?

  4. B Moe says:

    I signed up on Edwards website to have a little fun during the Marcotte dust-up, and I swear to God their webmaster must be Nigerian.  I think I am averaging about an email a day begging for money.  Anything that happens in the news is another excuse to send poor old John some scratch, the strokes on that new house must be a bitch.

  5. mtnman says:

    Is it just me, or is everyone missing the allusion Coulter is making to the Grey’s Anatomy dust up over one of the actors calling another a f and then going into “rehab” to cope with his “issues”?

    I’m not sure if or how much this mitigates the impact of her comment, but it surely puts it in context.

  6. Nolo Contendere says:

    I might send the Silky Pony a tip on a new leave in conditioner, but if he wants cash, let him chase an ambulance.

  7. Shecky "Vegas? I Died Everywhere Now!" Green says:

    mtnman—I pointed it out somewhere, I think, but that’s even lamer for Coulter.  That showbiz scandal is weeks old, weeks, I say.  She might as well quote

    “Thirtysomething” …

  8. furriskey says:


    Are you the Queen of Roumania?

    I used to live in Bucharest. Does that count?

  9. CraigC says:

    Er, no, I don’t think anyone missed that, mtnman. That was kind of the point, wasn’t it? Otherwise, why say it?

  10. Challeron says:

    Some years back, a Chicago morning DJ (Murphy In The Morning, if anyone cares) set up an “anti-pledge drive” after Oral Roberts pronounced to his flock that if they didn’t pony up some big bucks, God was “gonna call [him] home”; Murphy saw this as Blackmailing The Believers, and so he set up the ILORD (I Let Oral Roberts Die) Non-Fund.

    Can we do something like that here?  Can we go to the “Coulter Cash” page and donate negative amounts, with the explanation that “Jewf Goldfarb Needs The Money More Than You Do”?

    (Apologies, JG: We don’t want any nasty Leftist Links back to here when we do this….)

    I would like some way to tell Edweirds that he ain’t gettin’ the money I just pitched to Jeff for his new ‘pooter….

    (Two Americas indeed: We and They….)

  11. Pablo says:

    I fully support all personal attacks on John Edwards as pointless yet entertaining wastes of time.

    He’s so sweet that when you bang him in the ass, his nose starts pumping out cotton candy! NTTAWTT.

    And no, I’m not sending any money, Silky. BECAUSE YOU LET THE COMEDY DIE!! Damn you to hell, Nancy Boy!

  12. JMcD says:

    After the ‘incident’ John Edwards,so I heard,has taken to bed with a sick headache,well dosed with that old bottle of ‘Lydia Pickhams Compound’ that he inherited from his granny.Thought I’d take up a little collection and send along with a get well card.Maybe John could get something for his wardrobe or some hair care products….They say buying a new hat is a REAL cheerer upper too.

  13. Dan Collins says:


    There’s nothing like setting the world to rights by sending an additional $100k to a multi-millionaire lawyer.  Poor thing.

  14. furriskey says:

    I wonder if he’s related to Donald Trump.

  15. BJTexs says:

    Isn’t there someplace where we can all contribute “Fascist Francs?”

    That seemed to have a better ring than “Godbag Goobers,” but it could be just me…

  16. furriskey says:

    epicene, etiolated euros.

    I once asked a German what, if he wanted a single currency for trade, and not political purposes, was wrong with the US Dollar.

    He replied, “Only an Englishman could say this.”

    I have been musing throughout the subsequent seven years on what he can have meant.

  17. furriskey says:

    Not that I wasn’t flattered, you know…

  18. BJTexs says:

    I have been musing throughout the subsequent seven years on what he can have meant.


    Did he mention the German word for “poodle?” grin

  19. furriskey says:


  20. Claire says:

    So how much has Edwards kicked down in “Godbags Offsets?”

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