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November 2024


Blumenthal: Libby Defense Cynical [Dan Collins]

In Salon, Sidney Blumenthal calls Libby’s defense cynical, but doesn’t mention Bill Clinton’s lying under oath to a special prosecutor.  Nor does he mention the cynicism of the prosecutor’s selectivity in his charges.  Nor does he mention the comparative seriousness of what Sandy Burger did, and the lightness of his treatment.  I’m looking for an adjective to describe Sidney Blumenthal.  An earlier version held that Russert russerted that Libby had given him the Plame name (oops).

Anything occur to you?

Joe Malchow has a jaundiced view of the uproar in NYC about a possible UN move elsewhere.  I’m against giving them a new stadium, unless it’s on Fire Island.

21 Replies to “Blumenthal: Libby Defense Cynical [Dan Collins]”

  1. Austin Mike says:

    Anything occur to you?

    Do you mean about Blumenthal, or just in general? Because I just had a delicious cup of chicken soup here in my cube, and it just occurred to me that I could have another….

    Oh, heck, ok, ok, ok:  Blumen Idjit.

  2. I’m looking for an adjective to describe Sidney Blumenthal.


  3. BumperStickerist says:

    I’m looking for an adjective to describe Sidney Blumenthal.


    (if neologisms are out, then I’d suggest ‘redoubtable&#8217wink

  4. Austin Mike says:

    That is a noun, unless the nuns lied to me in grade school….

  5. TomB says:


  6. Karl says:

    “Cynical” would be portraying the 19-year-old who benefitted from favorble job treatment as “stalking” the boss and as lying about the sexual acts evidenced by the DNA on her dress.

  7. kelly says:

    Isn’t Blumenthal the guy who likes freshly stewed puppies?

  8. Mikey NTH says:

    Blumenthal engages in Streicherism.

    Try that one on for size.

  9. Mikey NTH says:

    In re the UN:

    Is the old League of Nations building available?  I think it would be fitting.

  10. semanticleo says:

    Anyone who listened to the GJ testimony acknowledged

    Libby was confident through 2/3 with the last third

    showing stress and confusion typical of prevaricators.  The Vegas money from Conservatives appears to align with the bet that a hung jury will see no re-trial, but such optimism is barely audible graveyard whistling.

    I go on record as saying Fitz will re-try, and the new judge will not be bamboozled by the defense tactic of sanitizing the jury pool based on Cheney’s testimony, or libby’s.  And any classified docs contingent upon the ruse of

    such testimony, will not be entered until the jury gets to hear direct and cross.  That’s something

    for them to fear.

  11. happyfeet says:

    that’ll be in what – early 2009?

  12. Mikey NTH says:

    Try getting on topic, Cleopatra.

  13. CockLikeAHorse says:

    Blumenthal is a very very bizzare looking guy—the kind who makes you want to go out and grab some lacrosse players and head over to Marcotte’s house–and THAT, my friends, is U G L Y!

  14. SGT Ted says:

    Blumenthal is a hatchetman for the left

  15. Lurking Observer says:

    Sidney Blumenthal is calling someone else cynical??

    You mean the guy who claimed that George HW Bush (not Dubya, his father) didn’t just abandon his plane and leave his crewmates to die? (Yeah, the Left respects those who fought—as long as they’re not Republicans.) BTW, this was in 1992, long before anyone ever heard of “Swiftboating.”

    Funny how Dems rally around the likes of Sid. Perhaps that’s also cynical?


  16. Lurking Observer says:


    Should read:

    You mean the guy who claimed that George HW Bush (not Dubya, his father) just abandoned his plane and left his crewmates to die?

  17. TheManTheMyth says:

    Alright Lurking–we’re going to give you this one.  Next time, you die, and go to the afterlife as a shade who has to listen to Alphie talk all day, every day!  grin

  18. Lurking Observer says:

    Noo, noooooo, noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!

    Pater noster qui es in coelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum

  19. ed says:


    @ Dan Collins

    Is it too late to vote the UN *onto* Survivor Fiji?

  20. ThomasD says:

    After much soul searching I have decided to adhere to a personalized form of John Cougar Mellencamp Diplomacy in my relations.  But, I do forsee some difficulties.

    “No you honor I did not ‘assault’ Mr. Blumenthal.  While I respect his right to be objectively on the other side I just wish he would modify his behaviors to a manner more consistent with his stated desire for a peaceful co-existence, specifically he really needs to silence his hate filled and violence fomenting rants.  And to that end I was merely attempting to start a dialogue that might bring about the peace and comity he claims to desire.

    As a matter of fact I would prefer to characterize my actions, not as ‘assault and battery’ as the prosecutor so viscously mischaracterizes them, but instead as a legitimate offer to open serious and fruitful negotiations intended to bring about his total silence on just about everything.  After all, it’s for the children.”

    “Yes your honor it is unfortunate that Mr. Blumenthal required medical attention, but really, it was his repeated refusals to enter into a meaningful negotiations that precipitated my repeated ‘offers to negotiate.’ That Mr. Blumenthal persisted in his offensive behaviors, all the while refusing to even consider my desire for fruitful dialogue, merely convinces me that he is not serious in his desires for peaceful coexistence and is truly the violent warmonger among us.”

    “No your honor I am not joking, this is a serious method of diplomacy, put forth by no less than the likes of a former pop music star during an interview with the noted PBS journalist Charlie Rose.  Certainly a vaunted member of the Fourth Estate such as Mr. Rose must know enough to recognize the inherent value of the opinions of a man who almost thirty odd years ago actually penned a hit record and was once covered by the likes of Pat Benatar, a noted 80’s performer. “

    “It is Mr. Blumenthal who has failed to follow this much discussed form of conflict resolution by unilaterally rejecting every one of my diplomatic overtures.  I suggest that he be incarcerated as soon as he is released from the hospital.”

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