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November 2024


Return of the Podium Bunnies? [McGehee]

John Edwards is running for president again.

Never mind his platform—how’s his hair?

30 Replies to “Return of the Podium Bunnies? [McGehee]”

  1. McGehee says:

    What—nobody wants to snark at Johnny’s expense?

  2. SPQR says:

    His hair is looking for its Sistah Soljah moment to distance itself from John Edwards.

  3. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Actually, I’m thrilled John Edwards is running cause what we REALLY need as our leader in these difficult times (dealing with terrorists who want to kill us all, “global warming” and all it’s implications for our childrens futures, enormous budget deficits and the pending bankruptcy of Social Security, etc.) is an ex-ambulance chasing, one-term senator that can channel dead fetuses in an effort to win outrageous damage awards in a malpractice suit.

    Hopefully the public will be bright enough to recognize how truly gifted this man is an elect him to the most powerful position in the world. Then he can SUE Al-Queda, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc! That should scare the hell out of them and end all their terrorist actions!

  4. Jim in KC says:

    The return of the Silky Pony.  Great.

  5. Warren Zevon says:

    His hair was perfect

  6. Timmy B says:

    I like him already as an anti-Hillary candidate, but I’m not sure he has an attack dog style suited for winning these elections.  Needless to say, any question about his past job performances will be swept away in any 3 minute story in any MSM outlet about what insurance companies do to us.  The very idea that a man who “chased ambulances” is evil is born of a person who has never seen what insurance companies do to people who are not represented.

    Since I know how things are, you can peep out this link to State Farm v Campbell for an example:

    After reading it, you can explain to me why you wouldn’t want counsel.

  7. Big Bang hunter says:

    – The Cahtah legacy, reborn…. what is it with the Left and hares?…..”The Killer Rabbit chronicals”

    – First shot across the lexicon bow for ‘07:

    “Bunniness”…The Neo political stage presense…

    Note to maintainance: Lay in extra brooms for the onslaught of rampant smarmy…Large crates of kleenex, to accomidate unbridled southern belle meltdown when he closes each speaking engagement with his patented “nose crinkle”.

  8. Timmy B says:

    I’m telling you, Big Game, relentless optimism doesn’t sell.  Edwards and his whistling on a sunny day persona will be shattered by any tough candidate.  In my case, I hope that prior to the ‘08 Main Event.

    I have to grudging acceptance of a Dana Millbank thesis: politics is a contact sport and, if you can’t handle being smacked, then don’t play.”

    It’s the only part of the Swift Boat thing that I find persuasive, i.e. if Kerry couldn’t handle them and Bob Perry, how could handle Putin or Maliki?  Same thing here: until Edwards can prove he is tough enough, and he did not last time, then he should go back to practicing law.

  9. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Timmy B,

    There certainly are good reasons to engage legal counsel, as I learned during a very contentious home sale involving a pernicious litigant. However, there are also many barristers of the ambulance-chasing variety that tarnish the profession. Candidate Edwards is one of the latter. If you take the time to read up on his casework, the ridiculous claims and charges lacking any scientific support, you’ll get a wake-up call about the true nature of the “Breck Boy”.

    He and his fellow shysters chased most of the OB/GYN’s out of North Carolina, to the point where many pregant women in the Tar Heels state have to venture across state lines to Virginia or South Carolina to find pre-natal care.

    So, while I’m no fan of big insurance companies, or HMO’s for that matter, it’s the trial lawyers

    that funded nearly 100% of the Edwards campaign

    and as a result, there would never be any needed tort reform under his administration.

  10. Big Bang hunter says:

    – Well this time he won’t have the burden of outing any VP’s daughters, so at least he has that going for him, and as far as is known, there are no ghosts of form 180’s past on his resume’. Now if Hillery can’t find any fromes in his squeeky clean past, maybe he might make it past the first round. Besides, “VP, and Presidential candidate” looks great on the ole “spectus vitale”, so whats the harm. Sort of a “Nadarism” for Bunnyman. At least the electorate won’t have to listen to endless nuanced explainations of why he did something before he didn’t do it.

    TW: building44 ….All candidates can pick up official election applications in the State Registars office….room 611a….

  11. B Moe says:

    Can you explain how that link relates to “what insurance companies do to people who are not represented” Timmy B?  Because I am not seeing it.

  12. Robert Schwartz says:

    Well, I saw Lon Chaney walking with the Queen

    Doing the

    I saw Lon Chaney, Jr. walking with the Queen

    Doing the

    I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic’s

    His hair was perfect

    Werewolves of London

    Draw blood

  13. Timmy B says:

    Classic case re: torts and punitive damages.

    The incidentals, i.e. how State Farm treated (and continues to treat) its own customers, let alone third parties is what you were supposed to glean.  See, the advantage of that case is that State Farm was arguing facts any longer, only what the damages from its actions were. As the Supremes noted, they contested liability in a case where their defendant admitted liability, they misrepresented themselves to him, their corporate policy is and was to litigate every case no matter how small, so challenging their auditing program (designed to offer 20% or less than what damages were and a portion of the rest went as a bonus to the adjuster), they offered to represent him and pay his expenses, and, when they lost, they reneged on that offer (“I guess you should sell your home”).

    In sum, a jury in liberal Utah was shocked and disgusted, the Supreme Court of Utah was shocked and disgusted, my class was shocked and disgusted, and the Supreme Court was shocked and disgusted, but kept their eye on the prize and awarded lower damages. 

    You stand alone in thinking business processes which are designed to NOT help their own customers are adequate. No shame in that, B Moe.  It’s what makes America great. 

    Here in Indiana, AllState, which uses the same businesses process State Farm does, was dinged for 20 million in punitive damages. I would suggest switching insurance companies…..

    oh and hating John Edwards

  14. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Timmy B-fuddled,

    It’s not that anybody here “hates” John Edwards. It’s that we recognize him for what he is, an ambitious, unqualifed poser with a record of disgracful behavior in pursuit of fraudulent

    claims against doctors in North Carolina. That he is even mentioned as possible Presidential timber

    shows how ignorant the electorate can be.

    We may despise his tactics, recognize his class-warfare campaign strategies as devisive and unworthy of anyone seeking high national office and find his wife’s maudlin, smarmy autobiography an example of authorship at it’s worst, but we don’t “hate” him.

    No, “hate” is the stock and trade of the progressive left these days, depsite all their protestations of “compassion” and “moral superiority”.

  15. Timmy B says:

    I didn’t mean hate as in “kill his family,” Mr. over-reacts.  I meant hate as in loathe. 

    Jesus, do we have to define every verb we use for the ever-so-sensitive? I thought it was people like me who were supposed to over-the top victim mongers with thin skin and whiny complaints?

    Besides, I’m the one who said you hate John Edwards: “I would suggest switching insurance companies…..

    oh and hating John Edwards”. 

    See, that’s me saying that, not you

    Amnerican political labels are silly things.  The far Right and the Far Left have been so conditioned by their consumption of cheer-leading media sources, a person not completely in the camp can’t even have a dialgue without words being parsed, meaning questioned, and motives impugned.

    That gets annoying

  16. McGehee says:

    Naw, we don’t loathe him either. We just kind of snicker at him behind his back.

    Kind of like we used to do to neoconsstink. Whatever happened to that feller?  wink

  17. Timmy B says:

    Kelly said changing my name would make people nicer and/or make me seem like less of an ass. 

    I don’t think it worked in the former sense and I would guess you would agree it didn’t work in latter?


    Ah, hell, I tried to be congenial.

    In the end, McGehee, I think your point is indicative of why he can’t win.  Most of the righties I know, including the best Grandma in the world, are either terrified of her or hate her with a blinding passion that saps reason from their mind. 

    Edwards?  No fear, because you can’t take the guy seriously, unless you are an OBG/GYN int he Raleigh Durham area

    PS That’s the last time I take advice from Kelly…

    PPS Grandma isn’t a hater, but she is mighty fearful.  I posit that in reference to her calling Hillary a “bitch.” Only time I ever heard say that!  She didn’t seem angry, just matter of fact…

  18. McGehee says:

    Ah, hell, I tried to be congenial.

    What this is, is hazing. You’re being initiated.

  19. B Moe says:

    You stand alone in thinking business processes which are designed to NOT help their own customers are adequate. No shame in that, B Moe.  It’s what makes America great.

    Unfortunately you don’t stand alone in missing points and tilting at straw men.  This case has nothing to do with the kind of medical malpractice Edwards dealt in. 

    And remember, everyone who pays for a State Farm policy is a State Farm customer, the majority of which never file a claim.  Would it be in their interest for State Farm to just pay every claimant whatever they asked for, no questions asked?  I am not defending State Farms actions in this particular case, I don’t know enough about it to form an opinion, just pointing out that claimants aren’t the only customers an insurance company has to be concerned about.

  20. Big Bang hunter says:

    – Yes… hazing…. and after drowning you in a bathtub filled to the brim with speghetti, loudly pronounced to be worms, we’ll lay the final shock on you, that you’re residing in an absolute quagmire of “classic Liberls”. that usually the aqdults from the SecProgs efficiently.

    – What?….He/she didn’t know?….My bad…..

  21. Big Bang hunter says:

    ”…that usually seperates the…” – Ed

  22. McGehee says:

    Enduring unpredictable spelling is another part of the process.


  23. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Timmy B,

    Sounds like Grandma is a wise woman. Perhaps you should listen to the wisdom of your elders as opposed to claim they’re guilty of a hating with a “blinding passion that saps reason from their mind”. That decription, btw, perfectly fits the vast majority of your so-called progressive bretheren suffering from BDS.

    Just take a look at some off the evil, disgusting comments from the “compassionate left” at Huff Post, Daily KOS et al, concerning the death of ex-Pres. Gerald Ford. After Pres. Reagan’s death, they spewed their hate filled vitrol for days and now again display their lack of class and decorum.

    Hatred and loathing have clearly become the single unifying force on the politcal left in this country.

  24. Jim in KC says:

    PPS Grandma isn’t a hater, but she is mighty fearful.  I posit that in reference to her calling Hillary a “bitch.” Only time I ever heard say that!  She didn’t seem angry, just matter of fact…

    Perhaps her accumulated wisdom and perspective are allowing her to see something you’re not?

  25. Hauling this mess back on track from the “All about Timbo” that it’s become, latest news is that the Breck Girl has selected the Pit Yorkie, David Bonior, as his running mate.

    Let the tedium begin…

  26. gahrie says:

    What I think is sad, is that so far, Sen. Clinton is the rightwinger of the Democratic hopefuls.

    How far has a once proud party fallen?

  27. Lost Dog says:

    What? I don’t get it.

    Do we look at Billary in context of her life, or in context of the last twenty minutes?

    If it is the last twenty minutes, I’ve got a boner up to here. If we look at her whole life history, she is an unabashed Marxist.

    Take your pick. I already have…

  28. Pablo says:

    Hatred and loathing have clearly become the single unifying force on the politcal left in this country.

    Don’t forget projection!

  29. Furriskey says:

    As one who has spent many years keeping lawyers away from my clients I think TimmyB has a bloody good point. Some insurance companies are little better than licensed crooks. The way to keep them honest is to employ a professional intermediary. And please don’t throw Spitzer at me, he’s another political lawyer.

    Anyway, I think there has been a major improvement following the name change.

  30. Rich Edwards says:

    Re: Perfect Hair, I wonder if he was out mutilating little old ladies late last night?

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