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November 2024


“The Schrödinger’s cat meets Schrödinger’s mouse post” (from the protein wisdom conceptual series)

Schrödinger:  “I think it’s perfectly reasonable to posit that I could have a vermin problem—one that is potentially, however, entirely under control, and so in ‘truth’ not really a vermin problem at all.  Unless of course it is—by dint of its potentially not being under control.  In fact, there’s always the possibility the infestation is rampant by now.  Or not.  Or both.

“—Say.  Are those Doritos?”

28 Replies to ““The Schrödinger’s cat meets Schrödinger’s mouse post” (from the protein wisdom conceptual series)”

  1. Tai Chi Wawa says:

    Kerry any relation to Schrödinger?

  2. eLarson says:

    Legend at the Heisenberg Institute map board:

    “You are around here somewhere.”

  3. me says:

    Are those Doritos a superposition of Nacho Cheese flavor and Cool Ranch flavor chips? And which flavor do you get when you open the bag?

  4. Warren bonestel says:

    If the cat doesn’t see the mouse, is the mouse still there?

    If the cat is observing inside of the box, and you are observing the outside of the box, who really lives or dies when the box is opened? (IMO, that would all depend on which one has a heart strong enough to endure the shock of having their philosophical paradigms transformed.)

    If you </i>ask<i> me, Schroedinger’s thought experiment was just another way to get grant money…but that’s just my observation …from outside of the box

  5. Czarmangis says:

    I agree…Next time Israel goes into Lebanon they need to lead the way in this new world and the manner with wich we fight this new war…

    Ignore thoughts of collateral damage and emulsify the enemy along with his women and children…

    That should ring Pavlov dogs bell.

  6. mojo says:


    (munch munch)

    SB: couldnt

    get your own?

  7. bubba says:

    I used to love the way he would get pissed off when Lucy sat on his piano and gave him her bed-room eyes. Never interrupt an artist when he’s playing the “Moonlight Sonata”!

  8. N. O'Brain says:

    Schrödinger’s cat.

    I always liked RAH’s take:

    “Did anyone bother to ask the cat?”

  9. Pablo says:

    Boxes are a conspiracy. There are no boxes. The cat is reality based.

  10. Scot says:

    When ever I look in the cat’s box, I find that he has taken a crap and gone off somewhere to muck with my quantum experiments about the existence of mice under the kitchen cabinets. So, I’ve always wondered. Does looking at your mouse traps break down the quantum wave form in the same way as looking in the cat’s box?

  11. Pandora says:

    I told that idiot Schrödinger to find another box.

  12. 6Gun says:

    I’m likely not to take that Doritos bait, man.

  13. McGehee says:

    So let me get this straight. Schrodinger willingly put his cat into a sealed box rigged to kill the cat when opened—if it wasn’t already dead.

    And nobody called the SPCA on him?

  14. ahem says:

    It depends on whether or not you’re a Progressive.

    Progressives don’t eat Doritos; they’re too bourgeoise–and, besides, they stain your fingertips. Carrot sticks, on the other hand are a natural snack–not manufactured by some Zionist-owned industrial conglomerate where they indirectly contribute to the growth of the global warming that is killing Americans nore surely than your racist fantasies of radical Islam, asshole.

    Besides, they’re good for the eyes.

  15. me says:

    “Did anyone bother to ask the cat?”

    I believe Max Tegmark took up the cat’s cause.

  16. me says:

    Besides, they’re good for the eyes.

    I see.

  17. Rusty. says:

    Schroeder’s mouse: “We’ve developed cat traps to deal with the cat problem. However we either don’t know how many cats there are or we don’t know the whereabouts of the cats we know about. See. That’s our problem.

  18. mojo says:

    A variation of this thought experiment suggests a controversial outcome known as quantum immortality, which is the argument that if the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is correct then a conscious observer can never cease to exist.

    Or, as Viggo the Unholy (aka Vigo the Cruel, Vigo the Torturer,etc, etc) put it:

    “Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I’ll be back.”

    SB: degree


  19. Rob B. says:


    Tell them about the twinkie…

  20. Kevin B says:

    I vaguely remember reading a book, (a trilogy?) called Schrödinger’s cat and the Universe next door which struck my young mind as being very profound.  Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, I’ve had so many memory wipes* since then that I can’t remember anything about it.

    *ethanol based liquids are best for this purpose.

    Turing says, full marks for industry but zero for relevance

  21. Kevin, that’s Bob Wilson (Robert Anton Wilson.) Pretty good, but not up to Illuminatus!

  22. Kevin B says:

    Yeah, it was part of the Illuminatus trilogy and the other one was called The Eye in the Pyramid.

    Maybe ethanol based memory wipes are not as good as I thought, or maybe the ehtanol I’m imbibing now has brought it all flooding back.

    Extracted from the memory pool.

  23. sleeperg says:

    Cactus derived ethanol-based fluids and Habanero Doritos.  Hah, that’ll get you to your Everett view of quantum immortality!  The cat lives in one of the multiple worlds and is unaware that it has ceased to exist in the parallel worlds.

    TW: That showed that m*(*#$L mouse!

  24. guinsPen says:

    A friend’s cat was afraid of mice.

    I think it was a Democat.

    I’ll be here all week, try the veal…

  25. Great Mencken's Ghost! says:

    Legend at the Heisenberg Institute map board:

    “If you’re here, do you have any idea where you’re going?”

  26. McGehee says:

    Legend at the Heisenberg Institute map board:

    “You should be either everywhere or nowhere—but since we can’t observe you, you’re neither.”

  27. Gekkobear says:

    You silly people.

    Schrödinger was lucky to live through all the cat based experiments in which they were put into a box and didn’t know if Schrödinger would be alive or dead when the box was opened.

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