
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024



…Or more precisely, Jason Leopold will reiterate his belief in the indictment’s imminence on Monday, muttering about it to himself over a half-dozen Wahoo’s fish tacos and a Diet Berries and Cream Dr Pepper.  But that’s kinda like news, right?



update:  Wow.  And to think I was only kidding.  It’s getting harder and harder to parody this stuff, I tell you.  Though on the plus side, I’m now convinced I have psychic abilities. 


  1. Kent says:

    over a half-dozen Wahoo’s fish tacos and a Diet Berries and Cream Dr Pepper.

    Oh, man… I just had this hideous, unspeakable mental image of Jason Leopold and Oliver Willis—both stripped to their respective waists; each one gripping a boning knife—locked in a steel cage together, battling over the scraps…

  2. wishbone says:


    I think not.

  3. topsecretk9 says:

    I wonder how Jason feels about Murray Waas dissing him at yearly Kos? With two of his sources..wink, wink sitting at the same table… silent

  4. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:


    Thank God you put up another post. The previous one about the Haditha incident has generated close to 300 comments and thanks to Kathy and her friends and their liberal inanities, is about to spontaneously combust.

    If this is a preview of the upcoming fall elections, I’d suggest this is the time to go ahead and purchase that gun you’ve been considering, cause when the left loses again, ther gonna take to the street like the banana republic political thugs they truly are.

  5. now, now pvrwc, two commenters don’t a riot make. ;D

  6. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:


    the two commenters reflect perfectly the blue state mindset, which, as you’ll recall gave more votes to Gore than Bush in 2000 and came within a whisker of electing John Francois Kerry POTUS in 2004.

    I’d love to believe otherwise, but when they don’t sweep into power in the fall, as they’ve been repeatedly assured they will by the media, do you really think they’re gonna just lay down and take their medicine?

    I’m sorry, but you underestimate the lunacy of the left.

  7. Jason is putting up a post on Monday.

    for reals? i can hardly wait, hey! it’s Monday here already! c’mon!

  8. MayBee says:

    I believe Jeff.

  9. MayBee says:

    And by “believe” Jeff, I mean if he’s wrong I’ll find another meaning for the word “believe”.

  10. corvan says:

    Then shouldn’t there have been more posts about Liza Manelli?

  11. lee says:

    “I’m sorry, but you underestimate the lunacy of the left.”

    Yeah, well, it would be damn near impossible to OVERestimate it!

  12. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Jeff, the REAL Jeff,

    Looks like we’ve got another candidate for the penalty box. I’d suggest at least 5 days for a game misconduct, but impersonating and slandering a blog host might be grounds for a lifetime ban, sorta like gambling in major league baseball.

  13. corvan says:

    And Madonna, when have you posted about Madonna?  How can you be gay and not post about Madonna?  Though you posted about Neal Gannon a good deal…that makes up for alot I guess.  Okay we’ll call it a push.  You’re bi.

  14. wishbone says:

    Ummm, Cher?  Hello!!!  (You have to imagine the last in Rip Taylor’s voice for it to be truly effective.  Confetti not included.)

    And those shoes don’t match those pants in the immortal words of Robin Williams.

    P.S.:  Lowercase jeff, you might want to check around PW a little.  We don’t do homophobia.  Leftyignormausphobia is another story.

  15. corvan says:

    You mean our host didn’t post that sutff about his sexuality?  Of for Godsakes will somebody please make notes differentiating between the edgy humor and the out right slander.  I have to know when to be amused and when to be apalled.

  16. Jay says:


    In other news, I’m planning on having waffles for breakfast.

    More on both those stories as they develop ….

  17. mojo says:

    Hey Jeff – looks like one of the homos slipped his chains and wiggled his way outta the basement.

    I told ya to fix that chicken wire, man.

  18. Jay says:


    General rule of thumb: if it’s funny, the real Jeff G posted it.  If it’s stupid and childish (and more than a little embarrassing that someone would think it was clever), then it’s probably a troll.

    Oh, and watch for long sentences.  The real Jeff G can’t say hello in less than 150 words.

  19. wishbone says:

    The real Jeff G can’t say hello in less than 150 words.

    Give or take a Billy Jack photo.

  20. topsecretk9 says:

    I believe Jeff.

    Posted by MayBee | permalink

    on 06/12 at 12:33 AM


    I wholeheartedly believe Jeff’s sources told him this and so therefore I am not really saying I believe him, really<i> and so therefore I believe that if what Jeff says is <i>wrong I can still fall back on I only believe him …or something like that…

    Also, if Jeff links to someone else personally invested ( ahem…Larry Johnson…ahem and ahem by way of that ahem Joe Wilson ahem …totally backing up Jeff’s prediction ) I WILL NOT TAKE IT AS BELIEVING him…but, just useful and meaningless information that Jeff’s sources (albeit the sam as those personally invested) were lying to Jeff but not to the personally invested…but the personally invested I will just totally ignore they once backed up Jeff…

    or something like that

  21. lee says:

    “The real Jeff G can’t say hello in less than 150 words.”

    Sometimes it just LOOKS like 150 words, when really its just 60 words, but some of them take up a line and a half.

  22. corvan says:

    The odd think is folks on the left believing that a persons sexuality (whatever it maybe) is a bar to believing in personal responsiblity and Western freedoms.  I haven’t seen anyone tossed out of PW from bing gay.  I have watched plenty of people get tossed out of the left for being rational, though.

  23. corvan says:

    being gay not bing gay.  Fortunately Jeff hasn’t banned anyone for being a rotten typist either.

  24. topsecretk9 says:

    Is Leopold gay? This is getting sorta <i>Gannon>/i> like…

  25. topsecretk9 says:

    banned anyone for being a rotten typist either.

    or tag challenged… tongue rolleye

  26. mojo says:

    Your other left…

  27. topsecretk9 says:

    By the way I wanted to let all of my readers know that I am very, very gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But I am a FLAMING HOMO. I think it’s about time I stop lying to you guys and tell you straight out: I like dick. And I ain’t talkin’ bout Cheney.

    Posted by jeff goldstein | permalink

    on 06/12 at 12:35 AM

    bet dollars to doughnuts this is Leopold posting this…he’s really good at keeping track at post’s about himself and comments much…

  28. Robert says:

    I always knew there was something off about the way Jeff strokes my inner thighs at blogger bashes.

    TW big, and no comment

  29. LagunaDave says:

    cause when the left loses again, ther gonna take to the street like the banana republic political thugs they truly are.

    I don’t lose much sleep worrying about that.

    Snivelling cowards, every last one of ‘em.

    Not thugs, but bullies of the playground variety.

    And in the unlikely event it comes to that, we’ve got George Washington and the Marines on our side.  They’ve got John Kerry and Jesse Macbeth.

  30. Kent says:

    By the way I wanted to let all of my readers know that I am very, very gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But I am a FLAMING HOMO. I think it’s about time I stop lying to you guys and tell you straight out: I like dick. And I ain’t talkin’ bout Cheney.

    Doubtless posted by some poor, chromosomally-challenged end result of a shotgun wedding between first cousins, in place of the devastating “knock-knock” joke he’d originally planned to unleash.

  31. Moe Lane says:

    “bing gay”

    I actually read that at first as bling gay.  The resulting mental image amused me, then confirmed that I really needed a couple hours more sleep.

    Ah, Mondays.


  32. Bling Gay says:

    I do *not* like fish tacos, Mr. Jeff Goldstein.

  33. Once more we’re reminded that the people who call others “homophobic” are the ones who think calling people gay is the worst insult imaginable.

  34. MarkD says:

    Jeff at goldstein dot com,

    I come here for the big words.  Go away, you’re wasting my time.

  35. McGehee says:

    for reals? i can hardly wait, hey! it’s Monday here already! c’mon!

    He didn’t say which Monday.

  36. Major John says:

    a half-dozen Wahoo’s fish tacos and a Diet Berries and Cream Dr Pepper.

    That sounds like a punishment regimen, not a meal.

  37. schoolmarm says:

    Wow news flash Andrew Sullivan is GAY!!!

    I am offering a special this week for homophobic liberal trolls … lets just say I will get you in touch with your inner gayness.

  38. MayBee says:

    OT: But I just watched the US Military briefing on the Zarqawi autopsy.  I hope everyone that was so quick to jump to conspiratorial and/or anti-military conclusions takes a good hard look at themselves.

  39. ahem says:

    It’s always funny to see lefty trolls reveal their hypocrisy by trying to insult someone sexually or racially–like watching them shoot themselves in the foot.

  40. But I just watched the US Military briefing on the Zarqawi autopsy.  I hope everyone that was so quick to jump to conspiratorial and/or anti-military conclusions takes a good hard look at themselves.

    You realize they’ll just declare everything said by the military to be lies and continue in their delusions?

  41. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    cause when the left loses again, ther gonna take to the street like the banana republic political thugs they truly are.

    Where they’ll be squashed like the overripe bananas they are.

    And, have we truly considered Jeff’s INTENT when he told us he was a flaming homo?

  42. The Colossus says:

    Leopold has a post out called Sealed vs. Sealed

    Not sure what to make of it.  Leopold seems to be hinting that this is the Rove indictment, though he doesn’t say that explicitly.

    Me, I’m not buying it.  Rove’s lawyers issued some pretty strong categorical denials about the indictment story.  They’d look pretty foolish if there really was an indictment.  And I’m not thinking that Bush would keep Rove around knowing there was an indictment coming—he’d get rid of him as soon as possible, this being an election year. 

    I could be wrong.  I’ll apologize to Leopold if I am.  I’m not wagering that will be necessary.

  43. Pablo says:

    Leopold seems to be hinting that this is the Rove indictment, though he doesn’t say that explicitly.

    He seems to be trying to say that it could be a Rove indictment, which is a different thing than what he told us a month ago, that Rove had been indicted.

    If Leopold’s original story was correct, there would be no other possibility than that the sealed indictment is US vs Rove. But now he seems unsure and hopeful. He doesn’t seem to know anymore. Which means he didn’t know in the first place.

    Which we’ve known all along.

  44. Dan Collins says:

    Breaking news:

    Karl Rove to be indicted in Duke Lacrosse stripper rape investigation.

  45. MayBee says:

    Pablo Pablo Pablo (and The Colossus)

    Jason quoted (and I quote) “legal scholars”. Also “legal experts”.  I believe him.

  46. American Son says:

    BREAKING – Un-named sources inside the blogosphere have contacted Cleo and now say that an indictment for sloppy, biased, unresearched journalism will be handed down to Jason Leopold any momment. These same unimpeachable sources say Leopold has barracaded himself in his fruit cellar with fifty gallons of Annie Greenspring’s ripple, a crate of Mama Chevez instant burrito’s, and a four foot stack of back copies of “The Daily Worker”, in an effort to dodge the process server…..Developing

    TW: process …. I said that you Turing twit…

  47. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I’ve banned “Joni,” who was the one using my name.

    Probably fancies herself a hater of wingnut homophobes.  Ah, the irony!

  48. Pablo says:

    Well, we were having a lot more fun while you were a cockhound. Thanks for nothing, killjoy.


  49. The Colossus says:


    Excellent points.  I was also struck by how unsure he seems now.  If his original story were as true as he made it sound, this “well maybe this is it” post of his from today now makes his the first story look an awful lot weaker.  He’s certainly not helping himself any.

  50. The Colossus says:

    Uh, meaning Leopold.  Not Jeff.


  51. Big E says:

    I’ve banned “Joni,” who was the one using my name.

    Probably fancies herself a hater of wingnut homophobes.  Ah, the irony!

    Hey you can’t censor Joni like that.  Haven’t you ever heard of the 1st amendment?  It gives her the right to come on to your web page and make homophobic comments while pretending to be you.  Dude that’s some pretty crypto-fascist crushing of dissent.  When will it end, man?  When are you going to stop being such a paste-eating moron and just agree with her? Or if that’s too much for you just shut up. 

    Now un ban Joni so she can post more comments in your name, possibly one where you “admit” to eating paste and dreaming about a “final solution” to the brown people problem.

    Needless to say, I’m totally serial.  Dooo it.

  52. American Son says:

    – Droll trolls for sale – ten cents a pail…

  53. mojo says:

    Psychic abilities? Wow!

    So – can you tell me where I lost my car keys?


    Found ‘em. Couch.

    SB: center

    your being

  54. Phil Smith says:

    Can somebody out there with some mad google skilz find that 06 cr 128 he’s talking about?  The district court records don’t give me nuttin.  Also, does the notation “cr” have any particular meaning?  All I can find is this document.

    It’s a proven (hell, he’s admitted it) fact that Jason Leopold is frequently full of shit.  It really looks like he’s full of shit on this one, too.  IANAL, but the document above seems to reference a motion to quash.

    TW:  Somebody with some training help me out, here.

  55. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Though on the plus side, I’m now convinced I have psychic abilities.

    Jeff, how about some lottery numbers?  C’mon man, share the wealth!!!!  hmmm

  56. TODD says:


    Gay or not gay?

    IDENTITY PHOBE!!!!!!!!!

  57. Muslihoon says:

    Once more we’re reminded that the people who call others “homophobic” are the ones who think calling people gay is the worst insult imaginable.

    Well said, Robert Crawford.

    Dan Collins: LOL!

  58. Jeff, how about some lottery numbers?  C’mon man, share the wealth!!!!

    Here they are: 0123456789. The lottery numbers are in there somwhere. Might have to mix and match.

  59. mojo says:

    Phil S: a helpful hint. Saying “I ANAL” around here is probably not a good idea. Especially with one of the basement homos on the loose, know what I’m sayin’?

    SB: ground


  60. narciso79 says:

    Is it just me, or is Mr. Fitzgerald, becoming the Washington D.C. eqivalent of Mike Nifong. He indicts a high official, based on a arguable

    hazy recollection of media contacts, unrelated

    to an even more erroneously trumpted up investi-gation in to what which is would be a real concern; (the outing of American intelligence officials, and operations; however neither Dana Priest, who ‘revealed’ the ‘secret’ prisons or Jason Vest, who blew the undercover name of the Agency’s operations chief in a December 2004; Boston Phoenix and Nation series of articles are

    facing indictment currently) Which is surprising,

    because back in the day, Pat knew the dangers of

    Al Queda; and the damage a pointly inquiry such

    as his has become to counter terror efforts. Interestingly, Jason became known for his earlier

    scoop of a supposed memo by the former Enron executive, and then Army Secretary Tom White, approving their usuriously energy policy toward

    California. It later turned out, not only did

    the memo, didn’t exist, but it wouldn’t have said

    what he thought it meant, and Bush had already fired the official in questions, over questions

    about Iraq

  61. Jay says:

    Can somebody out there with some mad google skilz find that 06 cr 128 he’s talking about?


    You have to google the “reality-based” internet for that information.  Ironically, that part of the internet is running on imaginary servers.

  62. topsecretk9 says:

    Though on the plus side, I’m now convinced I have psychic abilities.

    No wonder you are ahead of the news cycle!

  63. topsecretk9 says:

    find that 06 cr 128

    On the pacer website…106-mc-128 is the case number assigned to Time Warner Inc. in the US vs. Libby…the differences is the “cr” (i thought it was weird Leopold left off the 1, if you search 106 – cr– 128 it does come up Sealed vs. sealed)

    If you search the remaining parties assigned case numbers… Miller 106-mc-124 (for example, not positive that is the exact case number but all media in this case are sequential) and replace the “mc” with “cr” they are all recent cases filed and none of them have anything to do with Libby, Rove or Fitzgerald for that matter…

    IOW’s there is no way of even knowing a LICK of details about 106-cr-128 and that includes knowing if it even involves the CIA leak or not–it could be a drug bust or terror related or hey—the Nigerian Vice President’s wife who was reported to have been indicted before she fled to Nigeria – for all we know.

  64. JD says:

    C’mon guys, get the net willya?!?

    Look at Leopold’s case citation – “06 cr 128”.  Do I really have to point out that the “cr” stands for Karl Rove?  Of course, Fitzgerald couldn’t have it be “06 kr 128” because we neothuglicans would puzzle that out, so he got sneaky and got together with his pal Leopold and came up with a “code name” for the case.  It’s so apparent, I can’t believe we are even discussing it!

    Jason Leopold has some mad reporting skillz, yo.

  65. Nick says:

    Jason Leopold has some mad reporting skillz, yo.

    I’ll agree with the mad, but i’m not so sure about the skillz.

  66. MayBee says:

    CNN just reported NO CHARGES will be filed against Rove.

  67. Phil Smith says:

    What will Jeralynn say about that?

  68. Kent says:

    “Mass suicide watches now underway at DU, Talk Left, Firedoglake.  Film at 11.” LOL

  69. WASHINGTON, June 13 — The prosecutor in the C.I.A. leak case on Monday advised Karl Rove, the senior White House adviser, that he would not be charged with any wrongdoing, effectively ending the nearly three-year criminal investigation that had at times focused intensely on Mr. Rove.

    The decision by the prosecutor, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, announced in a letter to Mr. Rove’s lawyer, Robert D. Luskin, lifted a pall that had hung over Mr. Rove who testified on five occasions to a federal grand jury about his involvement in the disclosure of an intelligence officer’s identity.

    In a statement, Mr. Luskin said, “On June 12, 2006, Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald formally advised us that he does not anticipate seeking charges against Karl Rove.”

    Never-never-Land, er

    Four weeks ago, during the time when we reported that White House political adviser Karl Rove was indicted for crimes related to his role in the leak of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson, the grand jury empanelled in the case returned an indictment that was filed under seal in US District Court for the District of Columbia under the curious heading of Sealed vs. Sealed.

    As of Friday afternoon that indictment, returned by the grand jury the week of May 10th, remains under seal – more than a month after it was handed up by the grand jury.

    The case number is “06 cr 128.” On the federal court’s electronic database, “06 cr 128” is listed along with a succinct summary: “No further information is available.”

    We have not seen the contents of the indictment “06 cr 128”. But the fact that this indictment was returned by the grand jury hearing evidence in the CIA leak case on a day that Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald met with the grand jury raised a number of questions about the identity of the defendant named in the indictment, whether it relates to the leak case, and why it has been under seal for a month under the heading Sealed vs. Sealed.




  70. Shecky "Vegas? I died everywhere now" Greene says:

    I’m now convinced I have psychic abilities.

    So we should talk about my script for Zapped! 3 — The College Years.  Have your people call my people, they’ll do lunch.

  71. tachyonshuggy says:

    Rove not being indicted is just a smokescreen to distract us from the real story: Rove being indicted.

  72. Kent says:


  73. stoo says:

    I went to the truthout site to read their reaction, and found this:

    Maybe they’re just a tad behind the newscycle?

  74. McGehee says:

    Maybe they’re just a tad behind the newscycle?

    Must be people-powered, since as Confucius once said, “Man who run behind motorcycle get exhausted.”

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