
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


“A Yearly Kos attendee laments the end of a truly inspiring event”:  a protein wisdom haiku

“Hearing Atrios

say ‘wanker’ live?  In person?

Gave me a chubby.”*



“Wesley Clark bestrides

the earth like a silver-haired

God.  Only thinner.”


update 2:

“Which will last longer?

The memories?  Or the smell

of Truth to Power?”

29 Replies to ““A Yearly Kos attendee laments the end of a truly inspiring event”:  a protein wisdom haiku”

  1. mojo says:

    Interesting that he uses the brit term, rather than the more robust and manly americanism “jerk offs”…

    SB: all

    in won

  2. Rick says:

    Probably in honor of Excitable Andrew Sullivan.


    TW:  “hot.” The PW randomizer is uncanny.

  3. BGates says:

    Win elections? Sure.

    If sheople got our genius.

    Dumb voters.  Screw’em.

    Poetry of the east, wisdom of the swamp.

  4. BGates says:

    Nazi paste eater!

    Who cares what you write online?

    Oh. Wait a minute…

  5. Terry says:

    Sisyphus had the following post up re the Kos meeting:

    Top 11 Seminars At The Yearly Kos Convention In Las Vegas:

    11. The Latest in Tin Foil Hat Technology

    10. Genghis Khan, Ivan the Terrible, Nero, and Attila the Hun – Bush Isn’t Just Worse Than Hitler

    9. Endorsing Republicans: A New Strategy for Electoral Success

    8. How to Win At Blackjack in the Age of Bush/Cheney

    7. Panel Discussion: Which Unelectable Candidate Should We Support for President In ‘08

    6. Pig Latin: The Key to Foiling NSA Surveillance

    5. How To Explain To Your Cocktail Waitress That Your Tireless Blogging In Support Of An Increased Minimum Wage and Universal Health Care Is Actually More Valuable To Them Than A Tip

    4. The Nude Protest and Other Methods of Enticing Bill Clinton to Attend Your Event For Free

    3. How to Fool People into Thinking You’re Not Nuts

    2. Fuck: The Magical Word That Wins All Arguments

    1. Americans Are Stupid: Why Our Intelligence, Charm, and Good Looks Are Not Recognized By the American Public

  6. Major John says:

    Argh!  Please do not mention the name of THE HERO OF KOSOVO, UNDEFEATED WARRIOR-SAGE OF OUR TIME!!!

    Man I wish that guy would just disappear from public life.  “Fade away”, Old Soldier, fade away.

  7. Jay says:

    The most interesting comment to me was:

    The Republicans don’t run away from their freaks. The Democrats do.

    That isn’t true.  The modern conservative movement began in the 1950s with William F Buckley casting out the John Birch Society.  Since, then, a number of freaks have been cast out: Pat Buchanan, David Duke (a wannabe Republican), etc.

    The truth is that right-wingers expel their freaks when they become too freaky.  The left has never had to do this (Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, all those hippie professors, etc.) because they have the protection of the media.

    The result is that the left gets more and more freaky. 

    tw: when.  If this keeps going on, imagine a day when Kos is considered a moderate.

  8. reader says:

    Allah re leftoid disaffected Dems:  “…this says a lot to me about how dumb we would be to isolate ourselves from the G.O.P, even when they screw up. I don’t want to the Right to end up like these people.”

    Major John re Weasly Clark:  “Man I wish that guy would just disappear from public life.  ‘Fade away’, Old Soldier, fade away.”

    Yes. And a most definite yes.

  9. playah grrl says:

    “Wesley Clark bestrides

    the earth like a silver-haired

    God.  Only thinner.”

    and shorter.

    face it, DNC dudes, Wes Clark isn’t tall enough to be elected president.

    also, the euro-mythology is that clark was sacced from NATO for trying to start WW III.  my euro-friends hate and fear him far more than GW.

  10. McGehee says:

    my euro-friends hate and fear him far more than GW.

    Aw nuts. You just had to tell us about his good point, didn’t you?

  11. JorgXMcKie says:

    Yearlykos appears to be just one more example of South Park reading the future.  Isn’t this a magnificent example of the ‘Smug Cloud’ self-fart-smellers syndrome?

    TW: ‘too’ —for a moment I thought it said ‘loo’ and was guessing you’d been successfully invaded by Andrew Sullivan.

  12. OHNOES says:

    The Republicans don’t run away from their freaks. The Democrats do.

    Translation: “We lump all Republicans together with any of those eeeevil Christofascist Pat Robertson-David Duke types and then declare that th former doesn’t run away from the latter. QED.”

  13. JPS says:

    Playah Grrl:

    “face it, DNC dudes, Wes Clark isn’t tall enough to be elected president.”

    Is that right?  I vaguely thought he was at least as tall as the current president, and taller than Howard “I’m five-eight and three quarters” Dean.  (I am aware that Dean was not in fact elected president; I just find that quote funny enough to repeat.)

  14. The Colossus says:

    Dude, I was this close

    to making out with Wonkette

    She dug my anger.

  15. attendee says:

    bright las vegas lights

    crazy children convene as

    everyman elites

    aluminum caps

    coke, cola, clark and dove bars

    caffeine karmic buzz

    in the desert you

    can remember your name cuz

    kos gives you no shame

  16. Kent says:

    The Republicans don’t run away from their freaks. The Democrats do.

    Eric Alterman

    Harry Belafonte

    Julian Bond

    James Carville

    Margaret Cho

    Noam Chomsky

    Ward Churchill

    Eleanor Clift

    Hillary Clinton

    George Clooney

    Howard Dean

    Maureen Dowd

    Louis Farrakhan

    Dianne Feinstein

    Al Franken

    Janeane Garofalo

    Al Gore

    Theresa Heinz-Kerry

    Bob Hervert

    Arianna Huffington

    Molly Ivins

    Jesse Jackson

    Teddy Kennedy

    John Kerry

    Paul Krugman

    Jason Leopold

    Bill Maher

    Julianne Malveaux

    Cynthia McKinney

    Michael Moore

    Carol Moseley-Braun

    Keith Olbermann

    Sean Penn

    William Rivers Pitt

    Katha Pollitt

    Ted Rall

    Scott Ritter

    Tim Robbins

    Susan Sarandon

    Al Sharpton

    Cindy Sheehan

    Helen Thomas

    Nina Totenberg

    Joseph Wilson

    Andrew Young

    Bitches… please. LOL

  17. Kent says:

    “Bob Herbert,” obviously.

  18. reader says:

    Sheets Byrd

    Dick Gitmo Nazis Durbin

    Dennis Department of Peace Kucinich

    John impeach Bush for protecting us Lewis

    Jim Baghdad McDermott

    John early withdrawal Murtha

  19. McGehee says:

    coke, cola, clark and dove bars

    Dove bars!? They’re eating soap!?

    And they make fun of us for eating paste.

  20. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Battlin’ Barbara Boxer

    Wooly-headed Lynne Woolsey

    Batsy Barbara Lee

    Hoot-Owl Nancy Pelosi

    Barney Beans & Frank

    Ann Lou-lou Lewis

    Katrina Velociraptor Vanden-Houvel

    Dangerous Ron Dellums

    Moonbeam Jerry Brown

    We may have a new parlor game here folks….

    TW night

    we could do this all….

  21. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Casino Harry Reid

    Cold Cash Jefferson

    Porky Moran

    Short-Eyes Clinton (Mrs.)

  22. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Alec Ball-less Baldwin

    Barbra Birdbrain Streisand

    Danny Dingbat Glover

    Rob Meathead Reiner

    Julia Horseface Roberts

    Sharon Shit-for-brains Stone

    This is actually a lot of fun!

  23. reader says:

    [Clark and Dove bars- Wes and War is Not the Answer empty calories. ]

    Chris discourse interruptus Matthews

    Kathleen death and displacement of my people is better than working with Bush Blanko

    Patrick treat me like I’m black Kennedy

    Charlie bring back the draft not really Rangel

    Dan drunk on TANG Rather

  24. reader says:

    George buy the election I’m a billionaire Soros

    Russ no eavesdropping on terrorists for shame Feingold

    Martin faux President not fake like Bush Sheen

    Jane not Fonda of hard US power ever

    Richard always drooling Dreyfuss

    Harry Colin and Condi house slaves Belafonte

    Danny big BIG fan of Fidel Glover

    John Cameron what the world needs now is more pan and transsexuality Mitchell

    T/W finally.  No more for me, it hurts too much

  25. “I love the smell of patchouli in the morning.  It smells like … truth to power.”

    – M. Moulitsas

  26. ahem says:

    The smell…

  27. Kent says:

    Jimmy Carter

    Rachel Corrie (… fetishized patron saint of moonbat mania…)

    Jesse Macbeth

    Natalie Maines

    Markos Moulitsas

    Randi Rhodes

    Susan Sontag (… until just recently, anyway… wink )

    Bruce Springsteen

    Oliver Willis

    Micah Ian Wright

    We’re way, way over one hundred by now, right…? LOL

  28. Kent says:

    Mumia Abu-Jamal

    Stephen Colbert

    Phil Donahue

    Che Guevara (Drooling Moonbat Icon NUMERO UNO—!!!)

    Mary Mapes

    Maryscott O’Connor

    Jon Stewart

    Pinch Sulzberger

    Kayne West

    Tookie Williams (latest entry in the Moonbat Martyr Sweepstakes!)

  29. nikkolai says:

    Don’t forget about:

    John “Fucking” Kerry

    Calypso Louie Farakhan

    Bobbie “Sheets” Bird

    Howard Nutso Dean

    John “Chick-hands” Edwards

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