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October 2024


Battle for the Narrative of Haditha

And so it begins

Whether the historical referent becomes My Lai or Jenin (or something in between) will depend upon the outcome of the investigation, of course; but, if the early analogies are any indication, one does get the creepy sense that many in the US media are kind of hoping for the former, so convinced are they that the soldiers they so love are, by in large, nothing more than a collection of Pfc. Louden Downeys.

Or maybe they just have a lot of unused file footage of My Lai lying around and don’t want to see it go to waste.

(h/t Slayerdaddy; more here)

100 Replies to “Battle for the Narrative of Haditha”

  1. Jeff Goldstein says:

    For the record, I’m not convinced the Times UK misuse of the photograph was in any way intentional.  So I’m satisfied with a retraction and correction.

  2. Mark says:

    Agreed.  But it is something I would totally expect from The Guardian or Der Spiegel.

  3. topsecretk9 says:

    one does get the creepy sense that many in the US media are kind of hoping for the former, so convinced are they that the soldiers they so love are, by in large, nothing more than a collection of Pfc. Louden Downeys.

    Boy you can say that agian…it’s beyond a creepy feeling. Which is why I get so pissed with the snotty and defensive responses when they a caught making such an egregious error as this. Wonder if Keith Olberman is bummin Michelle Malkin busted this hoax.

  4. Enrak says:

    Whether the historical referent becomes My Lai or Jenin (or something in between) will depend upon the outcome of the investigation, of course;

    Has the narrative for Jenin been transformed on the left and in the general public consciousness?  I spend too much time on blogs to know, and left-wing blogs stopped talking about it shortly after it became clear there was no massacre.

  5. topsecretk9 says:

    For the record, I’m not convinced the Times UK misuse of the photograph was in any way intentional.  So I’m satisfied with a retraction and correction.

    Yes Jeff, you are right BUT…this is their business which is to FACT CHECK their content/product. When companies make BIG inadvertent mistakes (say, like this) the media plaster and “shape” what we are to make of it.

    So the defensive response, such as irritation people might question their “motives” just smacks of elitist hypocrisy.

  6. Pablo says:

    Has anyone noticed the general lack of outrage from the mighty Arab street? Muslims in general?

    It seems as though this has done more damage to our troops in the eyes of our media than it has in the eyes of people in the the Middle East. Notice anything missing here?

    tw: look

  7. kate says:

    No it’s worse. This is a media that is clearly out of control on this story. It is also a media that does not expect to be held accountable for its sloppy reporting because it never has been, witness Katrina.

    I just wrote AP because they headlined a story:Survivor demands GIs executed. They have changed their headline and their story is creepy, consisting of an interview with a village lawyer and his demanding more money while encouraging the 9 year old to demand the soldiers’ execution.

    AP has plenty more villagers to interview before the report is released I would guess.

  8. rls says:

    For the record, I’m not convinced the Times UK misuse of the photograph was in any way intentional.  So I’m satisfied with a retraction and correction.

    With the retraction and correction part I agree with.  However someone at the times cropped the photo and elected to use it, knowing that it was not related to the story (other than dead Iraqi’s)

    I think Occam’s razor applies here.

  9. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    For the record, I’m not convinced the Times UK misuse of the photograph was in any way intentional.  So I’m satisfied with a retraction and correction.

    So, the point instead is that any pretension to truth on the part of even the most established media is a simply a pretentious lie instead.

    And this is, you should excuse the expression, news?

  10. Darleen says:

    I don’t think the retraction and correction are sufficient. Where’s the apology of juxtapositioning a picture of bound, blindfolded, executed people with a story headlined “Massacre Marines blinded by hate”, clearly supporting Murtha’s self-serving “in cold blood” mendacity? The false picture served to editorialize in the guise of news presentation. The UK Times needs to go beyond mere retraction to counter such a pernicious presentation.

  11. actus says:

    Whether the historical referent becomes My Lai or Jenin (or something in between) will depend upon the outcome of the investigation, of course;

    Don’t forget Malmedy!

  12. Monty Baker says:

    Yes, it’s all about the media, and it’s all about left-versus-right.

    You got your war, the majority of the media backed the war to the hilt, and now it’s falling apart in front of your eyes….blame the Left, blame the media.

    Stop your pathetic wailing about how unfair it all is.

    If you support the troops, then why don’t you support them getting all the help at least 20% of those who have returned home need to get over their war-time experiences? The rate of PTSD amongst these young men is a time-bomb that must be dealt wiht now.

    Are we going to watch another generation of Western liberators drink and drug themselves to death, or take their own lives? Or are the people who care about them going to mount a real fight that can be won?

    The fight to get them all the help they will need?

    This war has only begun. The fallout back home in America will last for generations.

  13. 6Gun says:

    Yes, it’s all about the media, and it’s all about left-versus-right.

    Only in your mind, Monty.  Stop projecting.

  14. topsecretk9 says:


    Give it a yank. That you would excuse a false report/imagery just because it gives you wet dreams about evil acts by our soldiers so as to be able to pathetically wail about the war speaks volumes. And makes Jeff’s point.

  15. Kent says:

    Are we going to watch another generation […] drink and drug themselves to death, or take their own lives?

    Do us a favor, Monty:  try your hand at all three.

  16. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:


    “You can’t handle the truth!”

  17. Phil Smith says:

    Shorter Monty: “I love the murdering psychopathic drug-addled drunken suicidal troops!!”

  18. Shorter Monty: “I love the murdering psychopathic drug-addled drunken suicidal troops!!”

    no, no, no, he cares more than you do.

  19. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Ya know, if we weren’t ignoring Actus, I’d swear the little shitstain just compared the USMC to the Waffen SS who massacred American and Belgian prisoners during the Bulge.

    Good thing we’re ignoring him

    Monty — Give it a rest.  In ‘71, Kerry warned that a generation of homicidal killers was coming home to America after ‘Nam, and it gave us thirty years of stock TV and movie villains.

    After Gulf I, the deranged Desert Storm vet joined their cliche’d ranks.

    Now, I know you’d really, really like to see it happen again, but we’re not going to let it.

  20. E Rey says:

    If you support the troops, then why don’t you support them getting all the help at least 20% of those who have returned home need to get over their war-time experiences?

    Demolishing false charges of baby-killing is an essential part of that help.  Call it an ounce of prevention.

  21. actus says:

    Ya know, if we weren’t ignoring Actus, I’d swear the little shitstain just compared the USMC to the Waffen SS who massacred American and Belgian prisoners during the Bulge.

    I’m just giving you my no-spin zone

  22. Darleen says:

    Wanna make a bet the same leftbots flogging Haditha as “proof” of the US military being nothing but jackbooted killbots from the ranks of brainwashed high school dropouts” are the same ones with “free Mumia” t-shirts?

    No matter if police misconduct is discovered, investigated and prosecuted ALL COPS ARE EVIL when 1% fail to live up to utopia.

  23. Hattie says:

    Conservatives believe that the sin is in exposing what’s going on. Any of you see the web site of GIs laughing and gloating over Iraqi body parts?

    I can’t for the life of me understand how anyone can support the murder going on over there. 9/11 is no justification, because, of course, Iraqis had nothing to do with 9/11.

    The Vietnam analogy is apt. What’s going on feels similar to Vietnam. Except for one thing. We were actually fighting a Marxist insurgency over there. Now we’re fighting “terrorists.” That is a fight we can never win, or lose. How convenient for the warmongers.

  24. Conservatives believe that the sin is in exposing what’s going on.

    um, no, I have a problem with this being used to paint our entire military as criminals.  What is wrong with waiting for the investigation to be completed?

  25. Jeff Goldstein says:

    You got me, Hattie. I fear the dialogue.

    Keep speaking Truth to Blog Power, sister. Show how much you care.

  26. Patrick Chester says:

    maggie katzen asked:

    What is wrong with waiting for the investigation to be completed?

    Since when do lynch mobs wait for mere investigations?  hmmm

  27. Bill says:

    The UK Times outta pay closer attention to what their own home grown widdle islamocrapheads are up to—as well as in Canada&#8212

  28. Phil Smith says:

    What’s going on feels similar to Vietnam.

    We’re not your fucking therapists, Hattie.  Your feelings are pretty much irrelevant.  Find a thought somewhere in that sad excuse for a brainbox of yours, and get back to us. 

    We were actually fighting a Marxist insurgency over there.

    Report for reeducation immediately, Comrade.  You just implied that Vietnam was justifiable.

    Now we’re fighting “terrorists.” That is a fight we can never win, or lose.

    No, that’s a fight that you could never win, and would clearly lose.  The Dutch already have lost, the French are losing, and Borders Bookstore is actively looking for someone—anyone—to surrender to.  So are you.

  29. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:


    As usual, your ‘narrative is devoid of facts and is little more than another leftist, anti-American rant.

    1)The “sin” isn’t “exposing what’s going on”, it’s the extrapolation of one tragic incident (one where all the facts are not yet in evidence)

    to smear the entire US military and fraudulantly define the conflict through the prism of this one event. And if that’s the standard then why doesn’t your side condemn the jihadiats for the decapitation and mutilation of American contracters and Iraqi civilians with the same venom?

    2)No one is “justifying the murder over there”.

    If, after the fatcs are in, no one will demand the exoneration of any Marines that killed civilians in cold blood, regardless of the situation.

    3) Yes, this is a fight we can win, it just requires a commitment that your side hasn’t had since the end of WW II, the “last good war” in your view. The only way we lose this war is if panty-waist cowards like you demand that the political class instruct the military to cut and run, just as we did in Vietnam.

  30. Kent says:

    Any of you see the web site of GIs laughing and gloating over Iraqi body parts?

    Nope.  Can’t say that I have; and the fact that there’s no link accompanying the accusations might lead some to believe, not altogether unreasonably, that you haven’t, either.

  31. tb says:

    Do us a favor, Monty:  try your hand at all three.

    Give it a yank.

    “You can’t handle the truth!”

    no, no, no, he cares more than you do.

    Shorter Monty: “I love the murdering psychopathic drug-addled drunken suicidal troops!!”

    Wow, you people are trashy. The guy raises a legitimate concern about the welfare of our veterans and you shit all over him. You need a shower.

    I’d swear the little shitstain just compared the USMC to the Waffen SS who massacred American and Belgian prisoners during the Bulge.

    I think he’s referring to Bill O’Reilly’s repeated lie about the Malmedy massacre being comitted by Americans, which is somehow supposed to excuse the Haditha thingy. BOR was in effect citing the actions of the SS as justification for the current allegations.

  32. Darleen says:

    What’s going on feels similar to Vietnam

    Hattie…1)How OLD are you? 2)Try using your brains instead of your gonads.

  33. Wow, you people are trashy. The guy raises a legitimate concern about the welfare of our veterans and you shit all over him. You need a shower.

    well, tb, it could be that many of us know intimately or are veterans and see it for the condesending crap that it is.

  34. E Rey says:

    Conservatives believe that the sin is in exposing what’s going on.

    Including what has been exposed about these photos?

    I can’t for the life of me understand how anyone can support the murder going on over there.

    Like the murder depicted in these photos?

  35. Darleen says:

    The guy raises a legitimate concern about the welfare of our veterans

    Didn’t see it.

  36. MarkD says:

    Hattie thinks the jihadis won’t bother her because she’s so sympathetic.  Submit or die?  I think she’s made up her mind. 

    I’m old and obstreporous, so my minds made up.  Of course, I was one of the dumb asses who volunteered for the Marine Corps during the Vietnam era, so what would I know?

    TW:  analysis. Jeff, this thing is spooky.

  37. The rate of PTSD amongst these young men is a time-bomb that must be dealt wiht now.

    Remember, folks, “it’ll be another Vietnam” is a threat, not a prediction. The myth of the lunatic vet—never true for Vietnam, and not true now—has been taken out of the playbook.

    Just like the grieving mother (America Firsters ran that play before WWII) and the fake-vets-and-fake-atrocities claims (VVAW, Kerry).

  38. 6Gun says:

    The Vietnam analogy is apt. What’s going on feels similar to Vietnam.

    Just checked your blog, Hattie, you silly old moonbat.  Chimpy McHilter. 

    Got issues?

    And I’ve got a link for you, dear. Hope it comes in way out there in HI…read the whole thing.  Can you?

    We’re not your fucking therapists, Hattie.

    True.  But the left is sick in the head.

    tw: No longer funny.

  39. Brian says:

    The AP is now firmly on the My Lai bandwagon.  Ratchet up that propaganda machine!

  40. 6Gun says:

    Is moonbat “speaking truth to power” kinda like waving silver crosses in front of vampires?  You know, supernatural and all?

    Must be, because it sure involves a whole lotta wishful thinking. 

    Maybe it’s the sheer shock value that’s reforming evil neocons by the trainload?


  41. BTD_Venkat says:

    I sort of think it’s the fault of the warbloggers.  It wasn’t really a great call to preemptively shoot down the Vietnam analogies in the early days of the conflict.  The media is feeling like it’s sticking it to them (the anti-media folk).  Not surprising.

  42. LagunaDave says:

    Wow, you people are trashy. The guy raises a legitimate concern about the welfare of our veterans and you shit all over him. You need a shower.

    Yeah, you’re right.  After all, it wasn’t like he was cynically exploiting his deep, deep concern over “the welfare of our veterans” to push any political agenda that most of them would find repugnant.

    You got your war, the majority of the media backed the war to the hilt, and now it’s falling apart in front of your eyes….

    And I’m sure the troops who are in harm’s way right now would be grateful for being told they are losing the war (when the exact opposite is true).

  43. 6Gun says:

    …and we can’t go around having the media being all objective and reliable now can we, BTD?

    tw: Testing cause and effect.

  44. I think he’s referring to Bill O’Reilly’s…

    Who? I can’t find any comments here from anyone by that name.

  45. tb says:

    Who? I can’t find any comments here from anyone by that name.

    Jeez, and I get accused of being obtuse.

  46. 6Gun says:

    Wow, you people are trashy.

    Speaking of hurt feelings, Monty, what’s with ignoring my acusing you of not knowing the contents of your own mind?  I mean, I put effort into that post.

    Sure, you asked for a sound spanking and others were only too happy to lend a hand, but I was trying to avoid the snark and speak my actual truth to your power, such as it is.

    Can you at least add mine onto your list of trashy remarks?  Please?  It’d mean a lot.

    tw: Police.

  47. tb says:

    Yeah, you’re right.  After all, it wasn’t like he was cynically exploiting his deep, deep concern

    You don’t know anything about it.

    over “the welfare of our veterans” to push any political agenda that most of them would find repugnant.

    Yeah, I’m sure they would find an adequately-funded VA repugnant. And I’m sure they’d hate being mobilized out of that fucking country.

  48. LagunaDave says:

    That is a fight we can never win, or lose.

    Now that’s one I’ve never heard before.

    So I guess it’ll be like a tie or something?

  49. tb says:

    Speaking of hurt feelings, Monty

    Um, that was me, tb (TODD BISHOP OF PORTLAND, OREGON to all you amateur sleuths), that called them that.

  50. Darleen says:


    Every day, in my little corner of So. Cal, I deal with crime, from the petty to the capital. Off all the murders most foul that have recently run through our office, not one can be attributed to being a “time bomb exploded” vet.

    So, ya think maybe there MIGHT be a few other things to consider besides the pernicious myth of “The US military turned him into a mindless killer”?

    There are still alive many a WWII vet that saw/experienced brutality not equaled by what current Iraqi vets see, and they didn’t start murdering by the hundreds and thousands, even as most of them never saw the inside of a therapists office.

  51. LagunaDave says:

    You don’t know anything about it.

    What a devastating argument!

    Yeah, I’m sure they would find an adequately-funded VA repugnant.

    Well, I was certainly outraged to learn that even Jesse Macbeth, a “Special Forces Ranger” couldn’t get treatment for his battle wounds.

    Who, among the owners or commenters on this site, has ever argued that we shouldn’t fund the VA adequately?

    And I’m sure they’d hate being mobilized out of that fucking country.

    This may come as a shock, but the people in our military have decided to place the security of the country and the defeat of its murderous enemies above their own personal comfort and safety.

    What leads you to believe that they want to be chased out by a handful of thugs before they complete the mission they are there to do?

  52. tb says:

    Off all the murders most foul that have recently run through our office, not one can be attributed to being a “time bomb exploded” vet.

    What does that have to do with anything? Here’s what Monty wrote:

    The rate of PTSD amongst these young men is a time-bomb that must be dealt wiht now.

    Are we going to watch another generation of Western liberators drink and drug themselves to death, or take their own lives?

    He doesn’t say anything about vets being turned into mindless killers. He’s talking about post-traumatic stress disorder.

  53. Jeez, and I get accused of being obtuse.

    Well, you clearly are. Obtuse, that is. More so than I am, obviously, because you missed the point:

    In this thread, only the leftoids give a rat’s ass what Bill O’Reilly says or “thinks”.

  54. 6Gun says:

    Um, that was me, tb (TODD BISHOP OF PORTLAND, OREGON to all you amateur sleuths), that called them that.

    Geez, Todd, what can I say?  That cat is so outta that bag, man. 

    Portland, eh?  Like…toke dood?

    Anyway, is your head wooden too?

    tw: Hair

  55. He’s talking about post-traumatic stress disorder.

    Thanks, man.  Good to know you got a brutha’s back.

  56. 6Gun says:

    Todd links to Big Brother Nanny:

    The National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was created within the Department of Veterans Affairs in 1989, in response to a Congressional mandate to address the needs of veterans with military-related PTSD.

    Sounds good already, Todd Bishop of Portland Oregon.  So whaddya think of this stuff, you little bureaucracy-lover, you:

    In 2002, President George W. Bush established the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (NFC) and charged it with the mission of reviewing mental health care in the United States. The following year the NFC released its findings and recommendations. The report called for the establishment of an ambitious, Orwellian plan to screen every American for mental illness, from pre-natal to the elderly. The NFC recommended that screening is to be followed by “treatment” and “support,” but these help-oriented euphemisms are a major cover-up for barbaric psychiatric methodologies that include, but are not limited to, powerful, mind-altering drugs to Electro-Convulsive Therapy (ECT) – ultimately proven to create zombies, mass murderers and even death in those subjected to these kinds of “treatments.”

    -The Genesis of President Bush’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health

    I bet you could even go down and sign up early…

    tw:  Social security.

  57. Thanks, man.  Good to know you got a brutha’s back.

    Yeah!  What he said!

  58. Darleen says:

    Todd of OR

    Once more and slowly.

    We haven’t had the 8 years I’ve worked in my DA office, ONE murder committed by a vet…be it “killbot” or PTSD. Lots of other murders for lots of reasons and sometimes no reasons at all.

    One of my co-workers dad passed away last year. He was a WWII vet who served with the Big Red One. He was in North Africa, landed at Omaha Beach and survived the Battle of the Bulge. He went home to marry, have kids, and preside over a close knit family, while brushing off any talk of the details of the horrors he saw. He was true to his convictions that he would spare his family and friends and he took his stories to the grave.

    But notice, he didn’t take any one ELSE to the grave with serial murders due to PTSD. Certainly, different people react to stress in different ways … and having AVAILABLE strategies for coping is reasonable and prudent


    The whole Watch out, he’s a VET! shit is just that. Shit.

  59. jdm says:

    One of my co-workers dad passed away last year. He was a WWII vet

    Geez, Darleen, WWII was a Good War. There were no bad experiences there. It was like Hogan’s Heroes. Mostly. Except for those people who died. Not sure how tho’…

  60. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Wow, you people are trashy. The guy raises a legitimate concern about the welfare of our veterans and you shit all over him.

    No, the disingenuous asshole tried to change the subject, just like Saul Alinsky and/or Moby said a good lefty ought to.

  61. jdm says:

    You got your war, the majority of the media backed the war to the hilt, and now it’s falling apart in front of your eyes….blame the Left, blame the media.

    It ain’t fallin’ apart, asswipe, although the Left and much of the media are trying to pull it apart.

    Because no one goes to war, any war, unless the Left and the media says we do.

  62. the Left and much of the media are trying to pull it apart.

    Which is what “it’ll be another Vietnam” means.

  63. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Thanks, man.  Good to know you got a brutha’s back.

    Good God, how white do you have to be to write that?

    And yeah, Hattie, how about a link?

    Jeff, on reflection, I think you’re being too forgiving of the Times.  It’s nice that their American editor fell on his sword, but there had to be a whole chain of ‘decision-makers’ who selected and authorized that photograph.  Who first decided that was the right photo for the article, and for what reason?

  64. Cave Bear says:

    PSTD is nothing new.  They called it “shell shock” during and after World War I, “battle fatigue” for WW II, and of course after Vietnam the “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder” moniker was cooked up, all referring to the same thing.

    The only problem is that just because someone displays symptoms of PSTD by no means indicates he/she is going to go out and “blow up” on someone.  Audie Murphy, the most decorated vet of WW II, had PSTD bad.  After coming home, actor James Cagney asked Murphy to stay at his farm, so he could have some privacy and adjust to civilian life.  Cagney later said that Murphy was in a bad way for a while, having horrible nightmares and the like.  But he got over it and later went on to have a successful movie career, never having killed anyone other than playacting in assorted westerns and the like.

    What most people don’t realize is that those rare individuals who supposedly suffered from war-related PSTD and later did something like murder, already had some underlying psychological issues that the stressor simply brought to the surface.  Indeed, it does not have to be having been in combat.  There are any number of traumatic events that can happen to someone that can bring out some underlying mental problem and so make that person unstable in some way.

    And the government has known about this issue all along.  I’ve seen training films made by the military right after WW II for doctors and other health care professionals, as well as families of combat vets, explaining the problem, what they might see in the way of symptoms, what to do, and so forth.  Certainly every mental health professional around today knows all about “battle fatigue”.

    I’ve known my share of combat infantrymen.  And yes, they have seen things the likes of which we can scarcely imagine (and be thankful you can’t).  Does it affect them?  Sure.  They would not be human otherwise.  Is it likely to turn them into homicidal maniacs or the like?  Bullshit.  They are no more likely to than anyone else who had been through a powerful trauma.

    Leftoid moonbats really turn my stomach sometimes (like jdm, for example)…

  65. jdm says:

    Leftoid moonbats really turn my stomach sometimes (like jdm, for example)…

    Ah, the pains of using sarcasm on the net. Try re-reading whatever I wrote that set this off as if it was sarcasm.

  66. Kent says:

    And yeah, Hattie, how about a link?

    Scampered like a scalded tabby, didn’t she…?

  67. 6Gun says:

    We haven’t had the 8 years I’ve worked in my DA office, ONE murder committed by a vet

    So much for Hollywood coming knocking, Darleen.  You really know how to throw cold water on a script party, don’t you?

    And yeah, Hattie, how about a link?

    Here we go:

    Not since Eisenhower perhaps has an ordinary American President appeared with such a capacity for transforming the mundane into the glorious , the consoling, the uplifting, in these times of change, like when the WTC gets blown up.

    America, where wings take dream. Unless you were jumping out of a window of the WTC that day.

    You don’t let things like that fluster you when you need your forty winks.

    The Bushes are the banality of evil made flesh.


    This affliction, the “inability to think,” characterizes Bush and his followers. Lacking introspection, they do not understand that they are evil.

    Oh, that old banality-of-evil-made-flesh thing again.  Good God, how foolish do you have to be to write like that?  And is the paragraph break key busted?

    shut eye

  68. klrfz1 says:

    Shortly after Jessie Macbeth is exposed as a fake a British news organization is discovered using photos in a fraudulent way in their coverage of the Haditha investigation. The left (Monty Baker, Todd Bishop of Portland Oregon, actus) just doesn’t care. Whatever lies are used as propaganda against the war, the left (Monty Baker, Todd Bishop of Portland Oregon, actus) just doesn’t care.

    Why do you think we want to give your lying propaganda as much coverage as possible? The more normal people know about the left (Monty Baker, Todd Bishop of Portland Oregon, actus), the less credibilty you have. You are not going to be able to rely on the same old lies, lies and more lies. Not now and not ever again!

  69. Kent says:

    6Gun:  another perfect little “gem” from that very same page:

    I will never again refer to other women as “bitches,” “whores,” “skanks,” “cunts.”

    I will never again refer to other mothers as “breeders.”

    Imagine—no, seriously; I mean, just imagine—being the sort of person who actually needs to REMIND themselves of something like that. big surprise

  70. 6Gun says:

    Heh.  And this reply:

    Yes, Spawn of Satan has a ring to it. Alas, the epithet has already been taken by Jenna Bush.

    Bad Mother would suit me well, I think.

    Posted by: Hattie | May 29, 2006 at 10:52 PM

    Yeah, Bad Mother does it for me, Hattie.

  71. alppuccino says:

    I’ve seen training films made by the military right after WW II for doctors

    Didn’t Troy McClure do those? 

    You might remember him from other WWII training films like Midway:  Get ready Chuck Heston and The Clap:  France’s first gift to America

  72. Darleen says:

    good GAWD, 6Gun

    Non-leftist lack the capacity to think and to understand how eeevvvvviiiillll we are?

    Hattie and her ilk don’t believe people who disagree with them are mistaken, they believe they are not human.

    There really is little difference between such fundie-Leftists and Islamists. Hence, the apologia.

  73. jdm says:

    Ixnay on the arcasmsay there, alppuccino, lest you become a nausea inducing leftoid moonbat.

  74. alppuccino says:

    Maybe, jdm, but I’m confident that around here, smart ass comments in the form of Simpsonisms, are safe from all misunderstanding.

  75. 6Gun says:

    I hear you, Darleen.

  76. jdm says:

    You’re probably right, alppuccino – and I did enjoy those Simpsonisms. I guess I’m on my own… damn.

  77. Cave Bear says:

    jdm, my apologies for the misunderstanding.

  78. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    You’re probably right, alppuccino – and I did enjoy those Simpsonisms. I guess I’m on my own… damn.

    EXcellent….steeples fingers

  79. Patrick Chester says:

    Darleen wrote:

    Non-leftist lack the capacity to think and to understand how eeevvvvviiiillll we are?

    What? You don’t feel this sudden urge to vote Democrat or Green so you won’t be seen as the ultimate evil?  hmmm

    (Yes, I know: Hattie et al aren’t trying to convert people to their faith. They’re trying to justify doing unpleasant things to nonbelievers, currently at the “count coup by posting truthiness to power screeds at evil blog comments” stage.)

  80. alppuccino says:

    jdm, my apologies for the misunderstanding.

    Behold!  The power of Homer.

    Good on ya CB.

    And jdm, if ever you want to talk about your PCSD, (post comment stress disorder) – I’m here.  Now come in from that ledge.

  81. jdm says:

    CB, don’t worry about it. This isn’t this first time my sarcasm, my muse!, my art! has been misunderstood.

    My only comfort is knowing that years from now, when truly foolish people go through these archives in an attempt to understand how Goldstein the Heretic came to be, that one of ‘em will say to an other, “have you noticed? that ‘jdm’, he’s one sarcastic SOB”.

    The other one will nod and reply, “shame, he’s not funny either”.

    And the first will agree and retort, “yes, sarcastic and unfunny… that’s quite a skill…”

    …. hmmm, did I write that? … Yeah, OK, so I’ve been drinking. OK, maybe even too much… Hah! Simpsonism:

    “Homer: Ok brain. You don’t like me and I don’t like you, but lets get this thing over then I can continue killing you with beer.

    Homer’s brain: “Deal!”

    That should make me popular.

  82. jdm says:

    Thanks for the offer, alppuccino. I think I’ll just keep drinking… which reminds me of yet another Simpsonism:

    “To alcohol: The cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.”

    … is it just me, or is it significant that Muslims can’t, well, shouldn’t anyway, drink alcohol?

  83. ed says:


    @ Jeff

    For the record, I’m not convinced the Times UK misuse of the photograph was in any way intentional.  So I’m satisfied with a retraction and correction.

    I completely disagree.

    The bodies in that photo had their hands tied behind their backs.  They weren’t just killed.  They weren’t just murdered.  They were executed.

    It takes a lot more than just incompetence to pluck a damning photo like that *AND* put the caption that they deliberately chose.

    Unless the Times has the night janitor doing this work then they have at least 1 web designer, a couple writers and an *editor* responsible for this.  Any one of these people could have, and should have, caught this.

    My personal opinion is that if there is one single Marine or Army casualty resulting from this criminal action by the Times.  Then the those at the Times responsible should be held criminally liable.

  84. ed says:


    Perhaps that’s the only way to deal with this mass defection by the media.  Hold them criminally liable for what they publish.

    Perhaps what’s needed is to permanently eliminate Sullivan vs New York Times.

  85. ed says:


    … is it just me, or is it significant that Muslims can’t, well, shouldn’t anyway, drink alcohol?

    No alcohol. 

    No pretty girls at the beach in thongs.

    No wonder they blow themselves up.

  86. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    The whole Watch out, he’s a VET! shit is just that. Shit.

    Darleen — But “Look out, Itchy, he’s Irish!” is still good advice.

  87. Terrye says:

    I get the feeling that some people out there are practically wetting themselves with the excitement….. at last they have the evil Marines. 

    Investigation? who cares? Just grab a rope and look for a tree.

    At last, they believe, we will release Saddam and allow him to return to rule in his happy land of kite flying children and dancing moonbeams and laughing butterflies. At last Zarqawi will rest knowing that his brave strategy of blowing up civilians has brought him the success he deserves. America will surrender, beg forgiveness and to the relief of Hattie and others of her ilk return Iraq to its former happy state of mass graves and filthy water and environmental disaster and ethnic cleansing.

    Ah yes, they are happy now. The morons.

    I remember Bill Clinton on TV telling me that not only did Saddam have weapons of mass destruction, but Bill further promised that Saddam would use them. That is why there had to be an Iraqi Liberation Act.

    And then there were the no fly zones and the food for oil scam and the weapons inspectors and dozens of mandatory UN resolutions.

    But somehow everything that is wrong in Iraq or the world for that matter comes down to Bush and the neocons and the bad Marines. History, a corrupt UN, bad intel, jihadism, and terrorism are irrelevant to the Hatties of the world.

  88. onlooker says:

    Let’s wait to see whether this happened or not. Let’s not do the reflexive “it didn’t happen” or “all the dead were caught in the crossfire” or “all the dead were terrorists” or “it’s war, and these things happen.” Because, with particular reference to the last, that puts us on a level with the apologists for some older and nastier regimes.

    I supported the 2003 invasion. I thought that Saddam had WMDs; I thought that his removal was all to the good even when no WMDs turned up. I can’t get behind an episode like this, and I despise conservatives who attempt to excuse it. Godammit, we’re supposed to stand for something better than this! If right, to be kept right! If wrong to be set right!


  89. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    If nothing else comes of this, Saddam will never live to resume power.  Even, perhaps if, they let him go.  In the tribal culture of the Middle East, he has been proven the weak horse, and the day that 4th ID grunt hauled him out of his spider hole by the beard was the day he died in any meaningful sense.

  90. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Perhaps that’s the only way to deal with this mass defection by the media.  Hold them criminally liable for what they publish.

    There was no defection.  They were never ours.  The journalists of the west, that uncultured, uneducated, otherwise unemployable horde of “journalism” and “communications” majors have set themelves in judgment over us by their own mutual approval, regardless of our desires or the realities of the world.

  91. I can’t get behind an episode like this, and I despise conservatives who attempt to excuse it.

    I’m unaware of anyone who has tried to excuse it. Understand it, yeah, but everyone I’ve read has said there should be a complete investigation, trials if warranted, and if there are convictions, the appropriate punishment.

    There are almost certainly people who HAVE tried to excuse it—there is an endless supply of idiots—but let me just point out that it’s not the Bush supporters who are paying the officer sacked for Abu Ghraib speaking fees.

  92. topsecretk9 says:

    remember Bill Clinton on TV telling me that not only did Saddam have weapons of mass destruction, but Bill further promised that Saddam would use them. That is why there had to be an Iraqi Liberation Act.

    Exactly. But in oder to acknowledge this you’d be equating Clinton and Gore to Bush…or Hitler. So? Better to just erase those years.

  93. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    I can’t get behind an episode like this, and I despise conservatives who attempt to excuse it.

    Please link to a conservative who tried to excuse it.

  94. topsecretk9 says:

    Please link to a conservative who tried to excuse it.

    No kidding Great….

    And I’d like to add, I can’t get behind a liberal that would attempt to excuse a **NEWS** outlet for printing and depicting FALSE imagery AND I despise liberals who want to assume the accusations are true, DESPITE their profuse support of the “soldiers” in order to “wail pathetically” about the war –whether or NOT it is true….

    You know, a lot of liberals patted their blogger butts on the ass for EXPOSING Ben Demenche(sp) Movie review plagiarism, they — leftist blogs—single handedly brought MSM to IT”S KNEES!!! (gawd dammit!) ….so you’d THINK they would, …oh I don’t know…be THRILLED that bloggers EXPOSED a Media LIE and it was bloggers that saved us from this **LIE** and so that is (in the words of Hamsher—I’ll use asterisks so hard-ass doesn’t think see is being quoted—even though she is)


  95. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    …it’s not the Bush supporters who are paying the officer sacked for Abu Ghraib speaking fees.

    Nor the general who failed to reorganize the Iraqi army…or the general who ordered his troops to confront each other at gunpoint, or the general who steals money from the enlisted mean…

  96. Kent says:

    Still waiting for that aforementioned link btw, Hattie.

    You know… the one to that purported “web site of GIs laughing and gloating over Iraqi body parts?” The one (doubtless) being run by the very same mythical woodlands pixie-faeries busily posting licentious message board commentary, re:  Thirsty’s kid(s)? That one…?

    Any old time, Slick.

  97. klrfz1 says:


    It sure as hell didn’t happen the way the Timesonline showed in their picture. Even they’ve admitted the caption was a damn lie.

    [Note: This story originally appeared with a picture whose caption erroneously described the scene as of the alleged incidents in al-Haditha. The image was in fact from a separate incident involving Iraqi insurgents]

    Don’t you care about the propaganda war being waged by anti-war leftists? The news coverage of the Iraq war is entirely one sided. That picture of a terrorist massacre wasn’t used by accident. The UK Times doesn’t use a random picture chooser for their stories. (I don’t know, maybe the NY Times does.) Someone wrote that caption deliberately and with malice aforethought. Now that it’s been disappeared like the Jessie Macbeth video, are we all just supposed to forget that it happened? If that’s what you believe then to hell with you.

    Here’s another example from that same Timesonline article. The Marine quoted in the article was injured in the bomb blast and passed out soon afterwards. They use an “eye witness report” from a guy who was unconscious at the time. They only give one side of the story. Is that right enough for you, onlooker? Why don’t you write to and tell them “wait to see whether this happened or not”.

    I agree with President Bush.

    President Bush said that he was troubled by the reports. “If laws were broken there will be punishment,”

    If, he said. If.

    And by the way, onlooker, even if some Marines are found guilty of intentionally killing innocent civilians, I will still support the troops because they are fighting for my freedom and because with all the anti-military propaganda they will need my support more than ever. How about you?

  98. Hattie says:

    I’m assuming all you hawks here have served, as they say, or are going down to the recruiting office next week to sign up. You seem so dedicated to fighting the war on terror. I’d go myself, but I’m too old.

    Those photos were on nowthat’ Soldiers were getting porn in exchange for their digital photos of dead Iraquis. Does that shock you? Our Christian boys killing people and then jerking off to dirty pictures? Where are the ideals that made this country great?

    But they can’t do that any more. I have the atrocity photos on my computer, and I’m sure many others do too. It’s instructive to see our boys peeing on dead dismembered bodies and laughing. It isn’t as if Iraqis were human, right. I thought we were setting them free and bringing democracy to them. How can you get to that ballot box when you are strewn all over the street?

    Now I’m almost 67 years old. So I remember Vietnam all too well. I even shook Nixon’s hand. Awful as he was, he was a better man than Bush.

    BTW: When Clinton said Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, he DID have weapons of mass destruction. However, by the time we attacked him, he did not have them any more. Read Scott Ritter on the subject.

    You people are just plain wrong.

    But I’m not posting here any more.

    You just enjoy being angry at how badly things are going and blaming the wrong people for your troubles.

    Back to your right wing echo chamber.

  99. Kent says:

    Those photos were on nowthat’

    “Were.” Uh-Huh.  They ”were” there.  And ONLY there, in all the whole, wiiiiiiiiiiiiiide expanse of the rabid and salivating leftist blogosphere, mind.  Instead of being posted anywhere and everywhere even remotely conceivable, from one end of the internet to the other.  With absolutely, positively el zilch-o in the way of MSM coverage, y’understand.

    The phrase “lying sack of shit” does present itself, unbidden, here.

    I have the atrocity photos on my computer, and I’m sure many others do too.

    Then post them, O Fearless, Reality-Based Speaker of Truth to Power!  You do have your own (marginal) sort of blog site, after all.

    You say they’re “on [your] computer,” right this very instant.  The hairball you initially hacked up, let me remind you, was that these were photos recognizably and inarguably of ”GIs laughing and gloating over Iraqi body parts.” So:  POST THEM, then.

    Oh, you’ll stammer out some pitiful, giggle-inducing excuse as to why you can’t possibly do any such thing, of course.

    Micah Ian Wright.  Jesse Macbeth.  Dan Rather.  Jason Leopold.  William Rivers Pitt.  “Thirsty” Haggerty.  And (now) you.

    Nice company, poundcakes.

  100. tb says:

    Who, among the owners or commenters on this site, has ever argued that we shouldn’t fund the VA adequately?

    None of them, I hope. You said Monty was pushing an agenda that you guess “most” troops would find repugnant. As near as I can tell he wasn’t suggesting anything more than getting them home and making sure they get whatever post-service help they need.

    This may come as a shock, but the people in our military have decided to place the security of the country and the defeat of its murderous enemies above their own personal comfort and safety.

    So I guess that means that you are putting your personal comfort and safety ahead of the security of the country? Are you a coward, a hypocrite or unfit to serve?

    What leads you to believe that they want to be chased out by a handful of thugs before they complete the mission they are there to do?

    What mission?

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