
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


My first brief conversation with a plate of Szechwan-style pork

me: “So.  Any last words?”

szechwan-style pork:

me:  “Eh, just as well.  Because I’m freakin’ starving, brother.”

szechwan-style pork:

me:  “Anyway—CHARGE!”

16 Replies to “My first brief conversation with a plate of Szechwan-style pork”

  1. harrison says:

    That’s o.k.

    He’ll get you back in a couple of hours.

  2. runninrebel says:

    It was a good death.

  3. john pike says:


    Why don’t you just publish the freakin’ Mohammed cartoons, you inconsiderate bastard!!!

    Do you know that you have offended over 1.2 BILLION muslims by eating pork???

    Or was that the Jews that don’t care for the tasty pigmeat??  oh, well…

  4. rls says:

    That’s OK Jeff.  My food doesn’t talk to me either..except sometimes at night…long after the time for conversation has passed.

  5. Beck says:

    Pork?  Some Jew you are.  HYPOCRITE!!!

  6. Good Lt. says:

    Pork – The Other WhiteAngloSaxonProtestant Meat.

  7. TODD says:


    Racist..Why does it have to Asian pork?

  8. Gas-Ex in a time of flatulence. says:

    As others have noted, spicy pork tends to get the last word, in the end. Literally. You may find yourself sleeping alone tonight, so I hope it was worth it.

  9. runninrebel says:


    The meat in question was from a chicken that was adopted by some pigs. So, it wasn’t really pork.

  10. mojo says:

    Squeal like a hot ‘n spicy PIG, baby!

    SB: sense

    in the platonic, of course.

  11. MayBee says:

    You are such a nativist.

    Did you even try speaking to it in Mandarin?

  12. JD says:

    <style pork (post-ingestion):</b> “So.  Any last words?”

    Goldstein: ….(urp)….

    <style pork (post-ingestion):</b> “Okay, then.  CHARGE!

  13. JD says:

    Fargin icehole HTML tags!  Grumblegrumblegrumble…

  14. gahrie says:

    nice Johnny Dangerously reference.

    10 points.

  15. Thoughts of a dying pork:

    “…Alright…. my time is up… if theres a pork G_d in heaven, this bean stalk joooo Giant will at least jam one of those chop sticks into the soft lining of his inner cheek….not enough by a lot, but to hope for….and then theres later…… yes….later…. heh… h-h-heh….heh”

  16. Shanghai_Flyer says:

    Did you even try speaking to it in Mandarin?

    Sichuan pork would speak Sichuanese, you LANGUAGEIST!!!!11!!

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