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October 2024


John Bolton’s straight-talking mustache, “Regis,” bitch slaps Dennis Kucinich and Sy Hersh, still has time left over for three Happy Hour gin Gibsons and a pair of Continental stewardesses

From Expose the Left, video and a transcript of UN Ambassador John Bolton (and his straight-talking mustache, “Regis”) taking on Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich during testimony yesterday before the House subcommittee on international relations.  An excerpt of the transcript follows:

KUCINICH: Have you ever heard of [Sy Hersh’s New Yorker piece on Iran]?

BOLTON / “REGIS”: I’d never heard of the report, I never read the article, nor do I intend to.

KUCINICH: Do you have any interest as to whether or not—as the U.S. Ambassador, you don’t have any interest as to whether or not U.S. Marines are actually operating in Iran right now?

BOLTON / “REGIS” I said I had not heard of the report and I didn’t intend to read the article in “The New Yorker.”

KUCINICH: If I gave you this article right now, walked it over, would you look at it?

BOLTON / “REGIS”: I don’t think so, honestly, Congressman, because I don’t have time to read much fiction.

KUCINICH: We know that U.S. Troops are in Iran. How does this affect U.N. Negotiations?

BOLTON / “REGIS”: Congressman, you know more than I do, that’s all I can say.

When asked later what he thought of Kucinich’s hamfisted attempt to get him to comment publicly on what may or may not be covert US operations inside Iran (all part of the “new patriotism”), John Bolton’s straight-talking mustache, “Regis,” lit up a $3 cigar, took a belt of Scotch, and shrugged. “Honestly?  I’ve passed kidney stones harder than that creepy little imp.  Sharper, too.

     “And if I didn’t flinch then, I certainly wasn’t going to flinch because some sawed-off commie decided to wag a magazine in my face like it was an extension of his wee pinko dork.”


(h/t Iam and Jon Lane; see also, Flopping Aces, RightWingNews, )

39 Replies to “John Bolton’s straight-talking mustache, “Regis,” bitch slaps Dennis Kucinich and Sy Hersh, still has time left over for three Happy Hour gin Gibsons and a pair of Continental stewardesses”

  1. Tman says:

    When we review the Bush II presidency, the appointment of John Bolton to the UN will stand as one of my personal favorites.

  2. I actually saw this on TV.  I feel so well-informed and proud. 

    That and pissed off I lost the remote.

    TW: walked.  I walked to the TV to change the channel.

  3. Scrapiron says:

    I guess there has to be people like Kucinich, but it’s a total embarressment that the people of Ohio are so simple minded they keep electing the laughing stock of the world to Congress. Isn’t there anyone in the state with a brain, if not that would be an acceptable excuse.

  4. Sticky B says:

    I can’t wait to get elected to the house. It will be so fuckin’ cool to openly speculate about the location of our troops during an ongoing military campaign. And patriotic too. Cause dissent is the most pure form of democracy ya know. Hope none of those troops get their asses shot off. That would be a really harsh blemish on my ideologiclly driven speculation. Or not.

    TW: week

    Shoulda been “weak”……as in pussy.

  5. mojo says:

    Good god, man – the STEWS! What about the Stews?

  6. sen_mccarthy_was_wrong says:

    Mr. Mustache Bolt On was such a manly man for refusing to discuss what every American should be aware of – we are conducting more illegal military operations in another sovereign nation without a declaration of war or any provocation.

    You\’re just pissed because Kuchinich et al might ruin your little wargasm.  You guys really want another war because you want another success after the smashing success you had in the last \’war\’ next door.

  7. Paul Zrimsek says:

    Luckily for Rep. Kucinich’s future backtracking needs, there is a watery border between Iran and Iraq.

    Are our troops wearing magic CIA hats?

  8. natesnake says:

    You\’re just pissed because Kuchinich et al might ruin your little wargasm.  You guys really want another war because you want another success after the smashing success you had in the last \’war\’ next door.

    Did it ever dawn on you that covert operations may be our best tool to prevent war with Iran?  Would you rather we wage a full scale assualt against Iran?  One hundred thousand troops?  Tanks?  Planes?  Do you pick up XM radio with that coat hanger that’s sticking out of your head?

    There was once a patriotic phrase that said, “Loose lips sink ships.” People much smarter than you are running this country.  Thank God.

  9. shank says:

    That was awesome.

  10. – Kicinich is the very embodiment of the stereotypical inept goober that rises above his level of incompetence. Like the barber, whos brother has to move him to the last chair to keep from losing customers he’s hacked, stands around all day reading Union handouts and advances onward to President of the Union. Unfortunately, being able to cut hair is not one of the job requisites, and in Dennis the menace’s case, it works because being a Democrap Senator doesn’t require knowing fact from fiction, or minor things like character, and statesmanship. He was a total idiot as a concilman, and they couldn’t wait to get rid of him, so where better than to send him to congress.

  11. ed says:


    I watched that exchange on tv and all I’ve got to say is that I’m certainly not man enough to tangle with that moustache.

    That bastard sure is buff.

  12. Some Guy in Chicago says:

    as an encore, Regis then gave Kucinich a wedgie.  Sadly, the c-span cameras had stopped recording- but I can assure you, Dennis cried.

  13. Phil Smith says:

    $3 cigar my ass.  You musta missed a decimal.

  14. Steven H. says:

    So, did Bolton put his hands on his hips? Because that would be going too far.

  15. Spiny Norman says:


    You\’re just pissed because Kuchinich et al might ruin your little wargasm.  You guys really want another war because you want another success after the smashing success you had in the last \’war\’ next door.

    Just like we\’re pissed about how Kucinich exposed the CIA’s \’mind-control\’ satellites. That one really \’hurt\’.

  16. Pablo says:


    Damn. Now I’ve got a boner.


  17. LionDude says:

    Let’s not forget that it was/is the left who pined for covert special ops. only in dealing with Iraq and, in some cases, Afghanistan in order to snare Osama “The Prisoner Who, Once Captured, Will End All Islamic Global Terrorism” Bin Laden and a grossly misunderstood Saddam Hussein.

    “Regis” doesn’t sleep…he waits.

  18. Major John says:


    Did we stumble across an old member of the Weather Underground?  Cripes, here I am thinking it is 2006, not 1968.

  19. Idly Awed says:

    On a purely unrelated note…

    Could that South Pacific earthquake have been triggered by Keith Richards falling out of that palm tree?

  20. Sean M. says:


  21. natesnake says:

    Could that South Pacific earthquake have been triggered by Keith Richards falling out of that palm tree?

    Yes, but not because of the Butterfly Effect.  The quake was instigated by Satan’s shear frustration that Richards will never die.

  22. Matthew O. says:

    Jeff, That was great.

    McCarthyite – Hell yes I hope we have ops going on in Iran.

  23. TODD says:


    It is real easy for you to sit in your dorm room reaking of pachouli and used KY tubes to bash on our military, covert ops or not, since you do not have the balls to defend the same country that gives you the right to speak and think in such a fucked up way. You sir are a true piece of shit.

    That is all…..

  24. – Actually its probably not so easy for preperation McCarthy to sit anywhere Todd, suffering as he does from the “Trotskis”, and a really bad case of mental Hemoroids.

    word soup: That’s the result of permenently having your head stuck in your Marxist ass.

  25. Rorschach says:

    Natesnake: In the words of Bill Hicks – if we ever DO have a nuclear war, Keith and a bunch of cockroaches will survive.

    “Where’d everybody go?  I saw a bright light and I thought we were on…”

  26. Scape-Goat Trainee says:

    Let’s not forget that it was/is the left who pined for covert special ops.

    Yes, but only in the case where it may result in embarrassment to America or better yet a reprimand from the stellar body of deep thinkers at the UN. Otherwise, well we’re just being Imperialists don’tcha know.

  27. Matt Esq. says:

    Assuming Richards ever dies, I will pay good money to be nearby at the cremation.  Imagine the buzz when a person who is about 65% drugs goes up in smoke.

    Imagine and inhale deeply.

  28. kbiel says:

    Forget John F’n Kerry.  I’m going to say a prayer every night until the ‘08 primary season for another Kucinich presidential campaign.

    Please God, please let it happen!

  29. I guess there has to be people like Kucinich, but it’s a total embarressment that the people of Ohio are so simple minded they keep electing the laughing stock of the world to Congress.

    Hey now! Kucinich is in Congress—he’s not elected by the entire state. As I recall, his district is near or in Cleveland—the “Mistake on the Lake”.

  30. syn says:

    Bolton, now this is a man with mojo.

  31. lee says:

    Are you guys sure McCarthy was serious, I thought it was parody…

    It’s so hard to tell sometimes.

    TW:or a lot of times

  32. I saw that on Brit’s show. I don’t often laugh at the news. Because the news should be serious. And our officials in Washington should be serious. But that exchange was just f’n hilarious.

  33. BTW, kidney stones aren’t so bad after No. 5. By that time your plumbing’s been pretty well reamed. I speak from experience.

  34. lee says:

    I STILL say “Regis” would have been a better choice than Tony Snow for press secretary

  35. alppuccino says:

    but it’s a total embarressment that the people of Ohio are so simple minded they keep electing the laughing stock of the world to Congress. Isn’t there anyone in the state with a brain, if not that would be an acceptable excuse.

    Dude, I second Robert Crawford, and ask you to retract your sweeping characterization of the Ohio people.  Remember, we held off the crazies in our state to elect George W. Bush, inspite of those who would vote for Dennis the Menace.

    Now take that back!

  36. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    Paul Zrimsek — Green Berets can walk on water.  SEALS pass through it without leaving a wake.  And Force Recon just tell it to step aside…

  37. Sherard says:

    Let’s not forget that it was/is the left who pined for covert special ops. only in dealing with Iraq and, in some cases, Afghanistan in order to snare Osama “The Prisoner Who, Once Captured, Will End All Islamic Global Terrorism” Bin Laden and a grossly misunderstood Saddam Hussein

    Oh, I LOVE irony.

  38. Major John says:

    Yes, but not because of the Butterfly Effect.  The quake was instigated by Satan’s shear frustration that Richards will never die.

    I’ll have you know that I was this close to dying an ignoble death because of that post.  How would it look to survive a war and then die choking on a cup of coffee from the vending machine.

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