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November 2024


Manufacturing Consent?

Karol Sheinen at Alarming News smells something fishy about a recent email campaign excoriating Bush on immigration.  Which was bound to happen, given that something called “Moby” might be involved.

From my perspective, it doesn’t matter to the substance of the message who the messenger happens to be.  But that doesn’t mean that we should be suffering sock puppetry kindly, either.

9 Replies to “Manufacturing Consent?”

  1. Phinn says:

    I love it when they say things like “I voted for Bush, and my family has voted Republican for 3 generations, but how can this pResident justify all these tax breaks for the rich?  Halliburton!  Wal-Mart sucks!  What this country really needs is a single-payer health care system like they have in Canada and ….”

    They’re pretty easy to sniff out.

  2. rls says:

    The unfortunate part of all this is that so much of what “they” say is true.  The Republican controlled Congress has not halted spending, has not dealt with immigration and has not confirmed Lower level judges. 

    That being said, how can the alternative be the Democrats?  If you bailed out this next election and voted for Dems wouldn’t that be like jumping from the frying pan to the fire?

    Oh…yeah…ignore acthole – obligatory post.

  3. stiv says:

    The giveaway is that the message proposes voting against all Republicans because of the stance taken by some.  A true advocate would be urging that only those taking the undesired position be punished.  If I said that since Lincoln Chafee, Olympia Snow and that other woman from Maine have voted against this or that we should vote against all Republicans it would be the same thing, only much more transparent.

  4. Blind Howlin' Rethuglican says:

    I was bron a Reblikkan 2 b 4 life!!!!!!1

    I vot 4 teh BU$h!!11!!!!

    Now bu$h is teh suxxorzlololoolol!!111!!1

    Democarts 4tw!!1!!!!!!1

  5. But that doesn’t mean that we should be suffering sock puppetry kindly, either.

    um, yeah, Jeff, can we talk about actus?  hmmm

  6. Major John says:

    I am puzzled about people disappointed with Republicans saying they will vote Dem – hoping that the Democrats will spend less, confirm less activist judges, control the borders, fight the GWOT harder, end pork-barrel follies!? The complaint seems to be the GOP is becoming more like the Dems.  Why go for the whole problem then?

    I never thought I would be for a third party…but I am starting to wonder that if the GOP continues its slump into mediocraty and the Dems continue their idea-free reactionary lunacy, it might be the only large-scale solution.

  7. Phinn says:

    I’d jump to a new party in a heartbeat, Major. 

    Free markets and minimal gov’t spending.  Put fiscal policy as the top 12 things on the party’s list of priorities.  Everything boils down to economics anyway.

  8. Major, you might check out rto’s side project that got abandonded becuase of, well, stuff happening…..

  9. TonyGuitar says:

    Major John, Phinn says he would jump to a new party in a heartbeat,

    You are correct Though, Dems and pubs are so much alike. No choice but to move right to win.

    The Greens are a major force in Europe.  The party seems like a reasonable foil for us and I would like to see them strengthen.

    Scoop! From security insiders, who think it*s OK for the word to get out now.  Credit data security on line has been vastly improved with the industry switchover to smart cards in Europe.

    Organized crime has switched to North America for data mining.  Don*t be smug.  Anyone can lose their card data.  Author Jesse M. Torres [PC diasters,Mishaps and Blunders], mentions IT experts who lost their credit data.

    Names witheld of course.

    Conversion to smart cards with mandatory pin is now underway for North America.  Online data security will be restored soon. At least for smart card users.  MasterCard,Visa and AmEx; the big guys have signed on.

    See my *BendGovernment* site for up to the minute stuff about data mining and software probably lifted from the Israeli military. *Michael* who put in three years military computer branch, and his wife fined $450.000.  They had two mansions in Germany and the U.K.  TG

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