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November 2024


NBC White House correspondent David Gregory’s top 9 favorite ice cream flavors

  1. Rum raisin
  2. Rum raisin
  3. Rum raisin
  4. Rum raisin
  5. Rum raisin
  6. Rum raisin
  7. Fudge ripple / Chara (Black “Heavenly” Hash)
  8. Rum raisin
  9. Rum raisin*

(via Instapundit, who also provides a link to the video.  And for the record?  I share Gregory’s tastes.  Or at least I have, on several public occasions…)

33 Replies to “NBC White House correspondent David Gregory’s top 9 favorite ice cream flavors”

  1. Major John says:

    What?  No Champagne Sorbet?

  2. Salt Lick says:

    My bets are on the Indian hash. I fell into one of those very same giggling fits. Almost threw up I laughed so long.

  3. I think the real question here is:  where was Ted Kennedy?

  4. JohnAnnArbor says:

    But if only the CRIMINAL BUSHITLER REGIME would ANSWER the QUESTIONS about the OBVIOUS COVERUP of Cheney’s INTENTIONAL shooting, then poor David wouldn’t be DRIVEN to DRINK.  Clearly, David is just another victim of McChimpy Halliburton!  How much longer must Gaia’s inhabitants SUFFER under this MADNESS?!?!?!?!


  5. Paul says:

    David Gregory orders an ice cream:

    “One Rum Raisin ice cream, please.  Hold the raisin…and the ice cream.  And snap it up, jerk.  What the hell’s the hold-up?”

    “Uh…sir…we don’t have Rum Raisin this month.”


  6. utron says:

    I’m guessing ether.  Hunter Thompson said that a stiff jolt of ether could make you behave “like the village idiot in an eighteenth century Irish novel,” which sounds like a pretty apt description of Gregory’s little rant.

    Seriously, Gregory and his colleagues are making me nostalgic for the decorum and professional demeanor of Sam Donaldson.  Who would have guessed that the MSM could start out so low and still fall so far?

    T/W:  “john,” where David Gregory is probably puking up his sweetbreads at this very moment.

  7. <blockquote>Hunter Thompson said that a stiff jolt of ether could make you behave “like the village idiot in an eighteenth century Irish novel,” which sounds like a pretty apt description of Gregory’s little rant.</blockquote>

    Today or in the daily briefing a while back?

  8. corvan says:

    I got to agree with Salt Lick most of the real giggly folks I’ve run across were doing something other than (or in addition to) drinking.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that.  I’m all for legalization of most illegal drugs. 

    On the toher hand, if one made an important transcontinenetla business call snockered sideways that might be a symptom of a pretty serious dependency problem…oops.  Oh well, there are those who claim we need another Hunter Thompson.

    Funny the left was bent out of shape that a man appeared in the White House breifing room while gay.  Will they be willing to find out if Mr. Gregory was ever there in a more lassiez-faire condition?  Will Paul Begala call for blood tests?

  9. TallDave says:


  10. Rum Raisin my ass, he’s definitely been tip-toeing through the Sativa. A “Kushy” little souvenir from Kabul I suspect. 

    T/W: knew, as in I wish I knew David’s cell phone number.


  11. Chairman e says:

    He wasn’t over there hunting, was he? Why was Don Imus notified before the Washington press corps?

    And, yes, he was obviously stoned, though he might’ve had a few drinks just to bring him back into our dimension.

  12. Vladimir says:

    Maybe he drank a bong lassi?  I’m envious… my time in Dehli was partly spent laying in bed clutching my stomach and wondering how soon death by shitting would occur.

    Or maybe he was distracted by watching Maharishi veda-vision?

  13. Chairman e says:

    Rum Raisin my ass, he’s definitely been tip-toeing through the Sativa. A “Kushy” little souvenir from Kabul I suspect.

    Actually, now that you mention it, maybe it was opium. I smoked it one glorious time in college and enjoyed much the same effect as David exhibited. On the other hand, though, international dialing is difficult while totally sober, and being high on opium adds the complication of getting off the ground(or ceiling, as the case may be) to find the phone.

    Incidentally, our term “hip”, as in being fashionable, comes from opium users’ habit of consuming opium while laying on the ground sideways to avoid the inevitable sudden lack of motivation to stand that is so typical of opium usage. “On the hip” thus became a shibboleth among opium users. Damn I love the History Channel!

  14. Ardsgaine says:

    Here’s a heads up: vodka and ice cream do not mix.

    Don’t even think about it.

    TW: The bill was pretty high.

  15. utron says:

    Here’s a heads up: vodka and ice cream do not mix.

    Wise words, my friend.  Wise words.

    On the other hand, ouzo and black cherry soda make a delightful aperitif that goes down smooth and then hits you like a right to the jaw from Smokin’ Joe Frazier.  Maybe David Gregory was experimenting with some South Asian variant on this recipe.

  16. A fine scotch says:

    If they flew over the Pacific to get to India and made a pit stop in Thailand, I have 2 words to explain DG’s behavior:


  17. Kevin says:

    Bah.  He’s not drunk.  He’s just a retard.  Suggesting he’s high or drunk seems like such a ‘liberal’ tactic.  I hope conservatives distance themselves from it.

  18. kelly says:

    Just listened to the audio.

    Me? I’d say a combination of imbibement and inhalent.

  19. Big E says:

    Could have been any number of substances or combinations thereof.  Only David and his dealer knows for sure.

    We can only hope that he wakes up totally unaware of what he did only to see 40 messages on his blackberry/phone from his boss.  Oh that agonizing 30 seconds-3 minutes while the memory of making a complete jackass out of yourself (while working, even worse) comes charging back into to your conciousness like a naked Teddy Kennedy chasing a Chivas truck across the front Lawn of the Kennedy Compound at 3am while Bill Clinton cheers him on from the back of the truck while simultaneusly giving his 25 new interns the “hands on experience” their mothers always warned them about, ugly and wrong, very very wrong. 

    He’s lucky he doens’t work for Foxnews.  If he did the story would lead every newscast and be on the front page of all the papers for the next week.

  20. Ardsgaine says:

    So perhaps his favorite flavor is Heavenly Hash?

  21. Hoodlumman says:

    Maybe he wasn’t drunk but he and President Bush were having a tickle fight.

    And Gregory was losing.

  22. natesnake says:

    That self important idiot deserves the spot light.  As much shit as they gave Rush over his little “addiction” problem, I hope there is a solid week of baseless accusations, wild hypotheses, and appeals for him to enter a alcohol/coke/hash/opium/ether/rubber-fist abuse program.

    T/W Pot, kettle.  Kettle, pot.

  23. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Ardgaine —

    Had the chara / hash part.  Totally missed the “Heavenly Hash” connection.  I’ve changed the post to r include it, because it’s spot on.

  24. Diana says:

    C’mon … give the guy a break.  It was his Howdy Doody …  WAIT! … Flub-a-Dub moment.

    Exit … career.  Maybe there’s a book in this.

  25. Beck says:

    I dunno, I find his antics rather refreshing.  People take life way too seriously.

    Oh, and Chambourd goes especially well with any chocolate desert.  Just pour it on.

  26. Chairman e says:

    Chambord, and don’t hate me for saying this anymore than I hate myself for trying it, goes surprisingly well with Red Bull and vodka.

  27. Lou says:

    If anybody knows what a stinkin drunk sounds like its Don Imus.

  28. Boss429 says:

    I don’t know about NBC policies, but at the companies I’ve worked for what he did would lead to mandatory substance abuse testing, and if tests turned up positive mandatory enrollment in EAP.

    If NBC has such a policy, alcohol would be a slam dunk for him to talk his way out of, pretty much anything else can be detected by testing over the next few days to couple of weeks. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

  29. KM says:

    Redrum raisin.

    REDrum raisin.

    REDRUM raisin.



  30. KM says:

    So, what do they drink in India, anyway? I’m always on the lookout for an exotic libation.

  31. marianna says:

    LOL.  David Gregory is a whack job.  Why doesn’t he get it over with and just join Al Qaeda.  I’m sure the Islamofascists are laughing at us everytime Gregory opens his mouth to utter some ridiculous bit of peacockery.

  32. Beck says:

    I hear ya KM.  But what the heck is a nisiar?

  33. KM says:

    I think it’s secret Kos-speak. There’s no precise English meaning, but “Bushitler” is a loose translation.

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