From NZ Bear:
Right about now, Senators Coburn, McCain, Feingold, Bayh, Kyl, Ensign, Graham, Sununu, DeMint, and Cornyn are formally announcing the Pork Barrel Reduction Act.
And right about now, the real fight against pork and for earmark reform is beginning. According to the sponsoring Senators, the bill does the following:
- Creates a new point of order against unauthorized earmarks and policy riders. This point of order allows for the elimination of extraneous individual earmarks and policy riders. Under this provision, only the offending provision would be removed from the appropriations bill or conference report if a point of order was sustained, thus maintaining the integrity of the underlying bill.
- Prohibits federal agencies from spending money on items and earmarks that were only included in unamendable committee or conference reports. This provision requires that all earmarks and spending items be in bill text, allowing for amendment and debate.
- Requires conference reports to be filed and publicly available for at least 48 hours prior to floor consideration. This requirement increases transparency and debate and gives lawmakers and the American public time to review legislation before it receives a vote.
- Strengthens current Senate rules against the conference report inclusion of matter not considered by the House or Senate. This provision prohibits consideration of conference reports containing matter not committed by either the House or Senate. Current rules allow for a point of order against reports with new matter, but many new provisions sneak by when they are attached to must-pass bills that can overcome the point of order.
- Requires full disclosure of any and all earmarks included in bills or conference reports. This provision shines some much needed light on the process by requiring a detailed description of all earmarks, including the identity of the lawmaker seeking the earmark and the earmark’s essential governmental purpose.
- Requires recipients of federal dollars to disclose the amount of money that they spend on registered lobbyists. By increasing transparency and disclosure, this provision reduces the likelihood that taxpayers will unknowingly fund lobbyists who are promoting wasteful earmarks and working against the interests of hard-working taxpayers.
Full text of the bill available here.
Writes Bear (Christ! Who is going to take you seriously with a name like that, anyway?):
It’s time to bring some blog-pressure to bear in support of this effort, and so there is a new tracking page established to monitor which Senators are supporting, and which are obstructing, this much-needed reform. We need your help in contacting your Senators, getting their position, and reporting back to us on where they stand.
So please: make some phone calls, and if you are a blogger, link to this post and the tracking page, and ask your readers to do the same. The forces of business-as-usual pork-barrel politics are already on the march, and they will surely be fighting dirty to do everything they can to defeat this effort. Let’s make sure they don’t succeed…
”Earmark.” It just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?
Reached for comment, Barack Obama (D-IL) insisted to a gathering of reporters that they hadn’t really reached him for comment.
That link to drumwaster reveals someone who just doesn’t get it when it comes to the blogosphere.
Robert KKK Byrd is my Senator, so passage of this Act is not in MY best interest.
Ensing (R) is mine and passage of this bill isn’t in his best interest, a point borne out in his frequent look-what-I-got email newsletters. In this way only Dingy Harry is worse, but he’s just not from this planet so it’s okay.
I give the Republic 250 years. From the late 18th century. Because of the sweet juicy succulent pork.
tw: Last hurrah.
So why don’t I trust Ensing? Same reason you shouldn’t trust your boys. Immediately above his loud proclamation about pork-busting we find this tidbit:
tw: Now I give us ten years.
Biggest part of that is getting proposed legislation on the web 48 hours prior to a vote. Someone out “there” will be able to translate the blovated legalese and discover where these pork projects jump the shark in terms of the total legislative proposal.
Care to wager?
Again—Drumwaster and “Helo,” who wrote the post, are different people. And I am a big fan of Drumwaster and his site.
For Helo’s part, however, I continue to think his analysis bitter, puerile, presumptuous, and mean-spirited. And as far as I’m concerned, he can stand back and criticize all he wants. I just enjoy criticizing his criticisms—and those who join him in those criticisms (particularly the fuckwits who have needlessly taken personal shots at me).
You gotta watch what comes out of those GOP conference committees. That and the estimate for how much your medicare bills cost. What shenanigans.