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January 2025


The “My Life as a Man” poem

Sometimes, when I succumb

to laziness (and to the promise

of a comforting, cheek-ringed

respite), I sit down to do my

pee pee.

But —

After, I feel the fillup of guilt and

shame, knowing in my heart that

somewhere, a gimpy man who

wishes to pee proudly upright simply


22 Replies to “The “My Life as a Man” poem”

  1. Sticky B says:

    There’s nowhere to sit down in my shower, so I have to do it standing up. Same for my patio.

    Does anybody out there know why grass doesn’t seem to want to grow within 4 feet of my patio??

  2. Jim in Chicago says:


  3. TomB says:

    Preach it, brother.

    Jeff, you’d make a great Baptist preacher if it wasn’t for that whole, you know, Jewish thing.

  4. Sigivald says:

    On the other hand, Mr. Gimpy doesn’t have piss-splatter all around his toilet.

    Peeing while standing is for urinals, ideally in places where someone else is paid to clean up after you.

  5. alppuccino says:

    Of course, safety does come into play when a 74 degree upright boner brings on the risk of stumblage due to contorting to avoid dousing the TP dispenser.

    Too scientific?

  6. Salt Lick says:

    Ode to My Pee Pee (Or Love Without End):

    And sometimes when we touch

    Oh, the honesty’s too much

    And I have to close my eyes and hide

    I wanna hold you til I die

    Til we both break down and cry

    I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides

  7. Thanks.  I feel spiritually elevated already.

    And, no, not at a 74 degree angle.

  8. alppuccino says:

    I could get in the 80’s in my teens.

    Mother Nature’s dirty trick.  Use it or lose it.

  9. utron says:

    Is this one of those “I sang the blues ‘cause I had no shoes/ ‘til I met on the street a man with no feet” parables?  Man, I hate those stories.

    Damn you insidious Jewish preachers, who won’t even leave me in peace to take a guilt-free whiz.

  10. Robb Allen says:

    Notice my nipple

    See how it itches

    I scratch it in public

    No one cares

    I love being a Man

  11. McGehee says:

    Mr. Gimpy: “Aw, jeez! Hey, if you’re gonna piss in a sit-down stall standin’ up, LIFE THE FUCKING LID, you disgusting son of a bitch!”

  12. McGehee says:

    Mr. Gimpy is also slightly aphasic.

  13. utron says:

    A few years back my GF moved into an apartment where we discovered the words, “Put the seat back down, you filthy DOG” *carved* into the underside of the toilet seat.  Apparently Mr. Gimpy was the previous tenant.

    Actually, now that I think about it, the carver was probably Mrs. Gimpy.

  14. alppuccino says:

    I think you’re okay with the sitting – it being winter and all.  But for those on the downhill side of 40, summertime brings the chance of an iced-tea bag if you’re sporting the “July Ballsack” on a low-flow terlet.

  15. Shit, I use a bed pan.

  16. Robb Allen says:

    Isn’t this why God created Depends?

  17. tim maguire says:

    Am I the only one who noticed it doesn’t rhyme?

  18. rls says:

    There could be another reason why one sits.  Have you ever read the signs in some Houston bar restrooms?  “Short horns – stand close.” I have seen that picture of the “Naked Testicle Spiderman”

  19. forest hunter says:

    I’ve got one of those special seats equipped with plumbing for those who are ultra hygiene oriented and during the winter months the warmth of the seat is a very nice amenity. The habit of sitting is also a tremendous aid to the janitor (me) as well as the air quality.

    That said, I walked into the head at the Kingdome during a Seahawk game, and there was an individual at the urinal who might’ve passed for a man, no sign of fear at all, “What’er you lookin’at!?” she hissed as she pissed! I had a lot of things runnin’ through my mind, but kept my mouth shut for fear of a Linda Blair moment. Anythings possible,eh.

  20. Utron,

    Shoulda got his shoes, man.  He wasn’t using them.

  21. cthulhu says:

    And then there are times

    when one is unsure whether

    to dump or pass gas.

    Gastrointestinal health in a haiku…

  22. m. panegyric says:

    then there is just pissing free and everywhere, yes it might be messy, but think of the liberation.  I bet you didnt even realize you were bound into that shape any more.  cut loose, for once, or, for always.

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