In a recent, highly publicized speech, Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton has accused the the Bush administration of being unconscionably multilateral in allowing Europeans to negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program. A waste of valuable time, says the Junior Senator from New York, who would have preferred that the US strap on some chaps, cowboy up, and start whippin’ some turbaned ass.
Meanwhile, in a related story, and upon hearing the news of Ms Clinton’s speech, DNC Chair Howard Dean—who has spent 5 years pushing the narrative that Democrats are sincere and unflinching critics of the kind of offensive cowboy uniltateralism that serves to turn the global community against hardline US foreign policy, particularly when that unilateralism shows a marked disrespect for the counsel of our austere EU allies—had his head pop like a boot-pinched cherry tomato.
Three or four people giggled.
While people frequently point out that Hillary runs a triangulation strategy between the hawks and the loons of the Democrats, evidently that doesn’t mean that she has any interest in saying anything coherent.
“outsource the negotiations”
tw = outsource
John Kerry outsourced his favorite word to Hillary.
The biggest problem Hillary has is that it is impossible to run a campaign based upon National Security as a Democrat. She should stop trying. Her base won’t care and she’ll look less foolish. Of course that advice applies to every Democrat.
Imagine Hillary as Goldilocks (well, her hair gets blonder (more blonde?) each year), where the only policy criticisms she makes are: “too hot” and “too cold,” because we all know her campaign slogan will be “Just Right for America”!
(Barfing will begin at any momment.)
So……when does Hillary start wearing a 10 gallon hat, oversized belt buckle, and alligator cowboy boots?
The Real JeffS—Soon’s PETA approves killing the alligator…
Will Hillary replace those agents and on-the ground sources that Billary canned leaving us in this position or will she just announce that * left us vulnerable because he didn’t increase our intel assets enough?
OBL, wanna negotiate? How about starting by asking fo a better cave. Maybe more eyeliner, you dashing warrior of Islam.
I will stop now just in case I say something offensive to the terrorists. Poopie, I meant insurgents.
This reminds me of what I consider to be Kerry’s biggest melt-down moment of the 2004 elections, when I realized he had no true compass.
After berating Bush for ignoring Europe and the UN during the Iraq tangle, he decried Bush for cooperating with France and the UN in Haiti. Primarily, because the CBC was calling our treatment of Aristide racist.
I honestly do not mind it when people disagree with the way Bush handles things. Heaven knows I often do. But only the one with power ends up paying any price for the choices he makes. The chattering politicians can say whatever they want to generate heat, and nothing happens to them if they turn out to be wrong. They just point their fingers at any mistakes made and move on to the next big show.
I can’t stand it that they are so righteous in their indignant inconsistency.
Maybee – they are just being consistant balancing that with their inconsistancy on outrage. You have to get your hands around the nuance. That lets you approach every issue as a blank piece of paper that awaits you artistry in pronouncements like what the meaning of “is” is. That and hoping no ones really listening to a word you say, which is a pretty safe bet with Democrats after the first 10 seconds….
Hillary later said the US should be working with CHINA on the Iran situation.
Does that mean Bush has it just right because he’s being attacked from both sides? I think I’m getting whiplash.
“Just Right for Americaâ€Â
Forbes…maybe she could run with “Just Right Enough for America”
Seems like that’s what she is gunning for.
But but,
Don’t you vote for the candidate who’s views on a subject are the same as yours? Who couldn’t vote for Hillary? Any position you can take, she will agree with you now or sometime before the election. What’s not to like?
Hillary can warble all she wants (and unless she gets an honest to goodness voice coach, she’s going to be pretty silent pretty soon…lord knows I cringe hearing her screech on many levels) and she can play every side of the argument. But she revealed everything she ever needed to say about what she feels is the proper relationship between citizen and
empressgovernment:Hey BBH, I think I get it. It is nuance, but the nuance is more like a strobe light.
I’d love to get my hands around “the nuance”–preferably around its throat so I could strangle it.
Darleen — Ain’t it the truth. What I wonder is if she’s gonna blow them out completely and wind up sounding like Robert Mitchum after smoking an entire key, or tighten up until she’s rendered apparently mute because her bat-like screech is above the bounds of human hearing.
I love how she implied that the Bush administration has down-played the Iran threat!
Yeah, that has been the consistant mantra from the Democrats for the last 6 years…the Bush administration DOWNPLAYS threats from the middle-east. Yeah, that’s the ticket. They don’t lie to make the threat look greater than it is, they lie to make it look less than it is!
And after repeatedly chastising the administration for not seeking help from our European allies throughout the war on terror, now it is wrong that we stepped back and let the EU handle talks with Iran. Despite the fact that it was the right move initially considering our close ties to that most zionistic satan…Israel.
Come on Hillary, at least do us the courtesy of TRYING here. You have to at least put forth the effort of coming up with a lame reason why you are so outrageously inconsistant. You are like a magician that lets us watch you put the rabit in the hat, then pull it out and yell “Tadaa!” and expect us to buy it.
I’ll bet it was a hell of a lot more than just “three or four”.
tw: hospital
Because….uhm… got nuthin’
Make that five.
TW: Now if only she could get Al Sharpton to do the same. That’s when the real laughter comes.