
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

December 2024


“An Appeal from Center-Right Bloggers”

The following is a joint statement issued on behalf of a number of bloggers concerned with the forthcoming House leadership elections; the text was prepared by NZ Bear:

We are bloggers with boatloads of opinions, and none of us come close to agreeing with any other one of us all of the time. But we do agree on this: The new leadership in the House of Representatives needs to be thoroughly and transparently free of the taint of the Jack Abramoff scandals, and beyond that, of undue influence of K Street.

We are not naive about lobbying, and we know it can and has in fact advanced crucial issues and has often served to inform rather than simply influence Members.

But we are certain that the public is disgusted with excess and with privilege. We hope the Hastert-Dreier effort leads to sweeping reforms including the end of subsidized travel and other obvious influence operations. Just as importantly, we call for major changes to increase openness, transparency and accountability in Congressional operations and in the appropriations process.

As for the Republican leadership elections, we hope to see more candidates who will support these goals, and we therefore welcome the entry of Congressman John Shadegg to the race for Majority Leader. We hope every Congressman who is committed to ethical and transparent conduct supports a reform agenda and a reform candidate. And we hope all would-be members of the leadership make themselves available to new media to answer questions now and on a regular basis in the future.


N.Z. Bear, The Truth Laid Bear

Hugh Hewitt,

Glenn Reynolds,

Kevin Aylward, Wizbang!

La Shawn Barber, La Shawn Barber’s Corner

Lorie Byrd, Polipundit

Beth Cleaver, MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

Jeff Goldstein, Protein Wisdom

Stephen Green, Vodkapundit

John Hawkins, Right Wing News

John Hinderaker, Power Line

Jon Henke / McQ / Dale Franks, QandO

James Joyner, Outside The Beltway

Mike Krempasky,

Michelle Malkin,

Ed Morrissey, Captain’s Quarters

Scott Ott, Scrappleface

John Donovan / Bill Tuttle, Castle Argghhh!!!


Others commenting:  Gay Patriot, Illinipundit, California Conservative, Three Sources, Latino Issues, Right Wing Nation, The Right Track, dcthornton, Don’t Go Into the Light, Caltechgirl, Martin’s Musings, Medary, reverse vampyre, California Yankee, Suitably Flip, Crazy Politico’s Rantings, Save the GOP, Publius Rendezvous, Random Numbers, Stuck on Stupid, and Blogan.

31 Replies to ““An Appeal from Center-Right Bloggers””

  1. mojo says:

    On the wall at The Fort

    “It’s quiet tonight, sarge.”

    “Yeah… Too quiet.”

  2. Powerline, Michelle Malkin and LaShawn Barber are “Center-Right”? 

    This brings up an interesting point: why are conservatives in the blogosphere so ashamed of the term “conservative?” Bloggers like Roger Simon, Charles Jonson, Althouse, Reynolds, etc. get blue in the face if one calls them on their ideological underpinnings.

    Now you have, in the parlance of our times, the wingnuttiest of wingnuts calling themselves “Center-Right.” Why be ashamed of what one is?

  3. B Moe says:

    Now you have, in the parlance of our times, the wingnuttiest of wingnuts calling themselves “Center-Right.” Why be ashamed of what one is?

    So you are finally ready to admit to being a shit eating baby raper, then?

  4. The term “the undue influence of K Street” is pretty sloppy language.

  5. Inspector Callahan says:

    Geez, Vino, can’t you read English?

    It doesn’t mean that each blogger is Center-Right, it means that they’re EITHER center or right.  It’s a consortium of center and right bloggers, ie, center-right.

    Which of the above bloggers does not fit, then?

    TV (Harry)

  6. Earthling in a time of Pomeranians says:

    (Fingers crossed that this works even though it looks bad in preview)


    What I think we’ve all been waiting for:[/url]

  7. Earthling in a time of Pomeranians says:

    Yeah, worked real good.  Sheesh.

  8. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Why be ashamed of what one is?

    Why do you throw out red herrings?  Some people like sardines, y’know!

  9. TODD says:


    Read the letter.

    Now where is my damn PIE????

  10. mamapajamas says:

    I have one question about this:

    The new leadership in the House of Representatives needs to be thoroughly and transparently free of the taint of the Jack Abramoff scandals, and beyond that, of undue influence of K Street.

    Can we wait and see who is actually guilty before we start purging our ranks?  Some of the people who supposedly received money from Abramoff received it through a 3rd party and aren’t aware of the connection.

  11. The_Real_JeffS says:

    I did, Todd, but was replying to In Vino Veritas.  Or did you mean our blog host?

  12. Jeff Goldstein says:

    mamapajamas —

    Absolutely. And in fact, one of the questions I raised when Bear contacted me was that I didn’t want lobbying demonized in such a way that lead to the far more dangerous (and, in my opinion, prima facie unconstitutional) campaign finance reform.

    Bust violators.  Punish the guilty. But don’t play this as a showy object lesson, where some have to suffer unfairly for the greater good.

    Individual responsibility; innocent until proven guilty (with the requisite understand that in some situations, political pragmatism—falling on one’s sword for the party—is an option, so long as it’s voluntary).

    After all, I’m not a progressive.  My collectivism stop at my support for local sports teams.

  13. Frankly Josh, half the signatories are squarely “to the right of Attila the Hun” to use John Carpenter’s famous description of Kurt Russell and Lee Van Cliff!

    To qualify them as “center-right” activists is kind of like Jorg Haider’s pathetic pretense of being an “<i>Austrian liberal democrat</i>”, or comrade Fidel Castro’s self-description as “<i>moderate center-left socialist</i>”…

    Dr Victor de la Vega

    Thomas More Center for Middle-East Studies

  14. ultraloser says:

    To summarize this statement:

    The House leadership should be free

    from undue influence.

    Congress should be open, transparent, and


    Laudable goals, but weakly presented in this appeal, which is unlikely to have any measurable effect.

    Real progress to achieving those goals could be made with the repeal of McCain Feinstein.  This is an issue that should unite all bloggers.

    If the blogsphere brought down that travesty, the result would be a real transfer of power back to the people.

  15. none says:

    Vino, your comment is rich given that every Democrat on the planet ran screaming away, Howard Dean style, from the “liberal” tag and became a “progressive” during the 2004 election cycle.

  16. KG says:

    You can add me to the list too.

  17. Mumon says:

    Given what I read here, it sounds like your endeavor is pointless.

    And including Malkin? She’s suspected of doing something like a Jason Blair, last I heard.

  18. Kevin B says:

    A quick guide to dumb 2 dimensional political orthography:

    Kos —- Left

    Dean — Centre

    Kerry—Centre Right

    Hilary – Right

    The above list of extremist nazi bloggers – Far Right

    Adolf von Chimpy … well you get the picture.

    At least from the viewpoint of the ‘moderates’.

    To reduce the complexity of human social relationships to a straight line and then demand that people agree with everything your wing believes otherwise they’re banished to the other end is ridiculous but. sadly, all too human

  19. Darleen says:

    “Center-Right” is not a specific position but a range. More elegantly…those Right OF Center which covers the majority of conservatives and libertarians and the hybrids of those two.

    (I signed on, too)

  20. Peter Griffin says:

    just tell them to stop agreeing to fund every friggin thing under the sun, and most of this could go bye-bye in the near term

  21. Davebo says:

    the text was prepared by NZ Bear:

    Good thing it wasn’t prepared by Protein Wisdom!  They’d probably have called in the bioweapons team.

    As it is, they’ll chuckle and toss it. 

    I guess 3 and a half mill wasn’t enough to put Rog and the Pony Tail into the Abrahmof league.

  22. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I’m not sure what that means, Davebo, but I suspect it’s a shot at me, at PJM, and an excuse for Harry Reid, et al, all-rolled up into one great big bag of lefty pixie dust that magically wins elections and turns the world into an egalitarian utopia by dint of pure will.


    Ah, who cares.  I’m on Klonopin now. Howsabout I don’t worry about what you meant by it and instead just ban your boring, stupid, predictably flabby-brained pronouncements and have myself some wine?

    Then you can head back over to Cole’s place and, with the help of fifty of your most meanspirited, joyless friends, play kick the the self-reflective conservative.

  23. MayBee says:

    Here’s my pollyanna plan for dealing with influence:

    Congressmen must list quarterly (and large font!) in their local newspapers any trip they went on or any perk they received, the group they got it from, and the legislation pending from regarding that group.  If their own constituents read it and don’t care and still vote them in, there’s not much the rest of us can do about it.

    Disclosure disclosure disclosure.  Then, let the people decide.

  24. Can the defeatists join the coalition? I admit we aren’t “center-right”. But we don’t believe in corruption. We would be most delighted to see more transparency and accountability in the Congress.

  25. albo says:

    If the members of the House Republican Conference would take their advice on this vote from the younger members of their staff who actually know how to operate the Intarweb thingy and are familiar with things like blogs and bit torrents and trogdor the burninator and zombo and such, then maybe this letter can have an impact.

    P.S.  All hail benzodiazipines

  26. Ric Locke says:

    Time for me to make my standard suggestion for Congressional reform vis-a-vis lobbying and campaign finance. It comes in two parts, and requires both:

    1) Term limits. Twelve years—two Senatorial terms or six Representative. Don’t bother; I’ve heard all the arguments against, and given the present situation I agree, but if part two is adopted term limits are vital.

    2) All Government receipts, whether taxes, fees, or whatever, become the private, individual property of the Congressman in whose district they were collected. The Treasury skims off the top to pay the other Constitutional officers—the President and Senators—and other than that there are no set-asides or restrictions; the rest of it is delivered to the Representative and becomes his personal funds. When the Government funds anything, it means the Representatives have to dig in their own pockets to pay for it. –Oh, and it’s all public. Every expenditure made by a Representative, whether to fund Government or buy a packet of Kit-Kats, gets listed in a public place. But if the Representative wants to bug out, buy Andorra, and retire, there is no recourse except at the ballot box next time.

    Drawbacks? Sure. Discuss.

    But it has a couple of really important features. One, I’m continually struck by how cheap it is to buy a Congresscritter—the average recipient of an Abramoff (sp?) check got something like two grand. $2K is a bunch to me, but for somebody working in billions it ought to get lost in the noise. And second, a lot of what gets paid for by the Government gets funded because there’s this sense that the money just comes out of the air. If the Congrescritter is paying for, e.g., a bridge to nowhere out of his own pocket, with money he could be using to buy midget porn or a new G-V it might make a difference in attitude.

    A third, optional but IMO useful, feature would be to add a recall vote.



    tw: million. Why should a million dollars matter to somebody managing 1/435th of two and a half trillion bucks?

  27. Scape-Goat Trainee says:

    “Vino, your comment is rich given that every Democrat on the planet ran screaming away, Howard Dean style, from the “liberal” tag and became a “progressive” during the 2004 election cycle.”


    Yes I suppose it COULD be called “progress” to throw away all your worldly possessions to the nanny-state and give up all personal responsibility.

    At least in some fairy tales.

  28. Vinnie says:

    My letter’s better than that letter by a mile.

    Mile and a half, even.

  29. astigmatic in a time of Laker Girls says:

    scapegoat, Vinnie:  In Democratic politics, liberal and progressive are synonymous, because liberals aren’t and progressives don’t.  Two values equalling zero are equal.

  30. astigmatic in a time of Laker Girls says:

    ric locke — Hey, it adds up.  Ted Kennedy’s taken over $7,000,000 in lobbyist payola over his squalid career… Byrd would be ahead of him but he took his first bribes in Confederate dollars…

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