The essential HillaryBernie dog-and-pony show “Give us all the power and we will give you free stuff.”
And they will get votes because we are no longer a moral country and the principles of self-responsibility are considered racistsexistxenophobicimperialistwesternculturehegemony.
Democrats aren’t running for President, they are running for Handicapper General.
I did not covet that President’s wife.
No Normal male did.
The Electoral College math favors the takers, I’m sorry to say.
Only because of California, which will be washed into the ocean when the drought breaks this winter.
You keyboard to God’s ears, McGehee.
The Electoral College is under a quite massive assault by those who want to undermine it from within anyways.
Once again, regarding the central government: The Patient Is Terminal.
Refugium inveniemus in provinciis!