[W]e might consider the manner in which the precious little darlings at Oberlin College have this week protested the visit of the “factual feminist,” Christina Hoff Sommers. First we saw the willful conflation of violence and language — a calling card of all would-be censors. Next came the pretense that to debate is in fact to “silence.” And, finally, we were subjected to the predictable insistence that there are some opinions that are just too egregious to be heard. This approach was ugly, yes. But one could not help but notice that it was infinitely more effective than was that of our friend at UNC. In the modern era, “shut up” is unlikely to win too many hearts and minds. Pseudo-intellectual nonsense, on the other hand, is golden.
h/t David Thompson
Sleet. . . ?
Well anyway, the cousin who came before.
The dreamy real world.
That ain’t workin’
Whatever happened to “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me”?
Gone the way of common sense I guess…we live in a time of uncommon nonsense these days.
>we live in a time of uncommon nonsense these days.<
The Gods of the Copybook Headings
…sticks and stones will break my bones…