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November 2024


Gloria Steinem, other progressive women, plan to walk into North Korea [Darleen Click]

You know, because KUMBAYA!

Making a dramatic statement in Korean relations, Gloria Steinem and other prominent women on Wednesday announced their intention to walk across the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea to call for reunification. […]

The DMZ is the world’s most fortified border, with the two countries still technically at war. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers face off across the heavily mined zone.

Organizers of the effort called on Wednesday said they hope for 30 women, including two Nobel Peace laureates, to cross from North Korea to South Korea on May 24, which is International Women’s Day for Disarmament.

The walk also marks the 70th anniversary of the division of the Korean peninsula.

These women could easily end up in a North Korean prison.

I fail to see the downside, here.

15 Replies to “Gloria Steinem, other progressive women, plan to walk into North Korea [Darleen Click]”

  1. eCurmudgeon says:

    These women could easily end up in a North Korean prison.

    More likely end up as pink mist.

    You know, that whole “heavily mined” thing?

  2. 11B40 says:


    My advice to the ladies would be keep an eye out for the tree-trimmers, especially the ones with axes because North Korea needs progressive women like a fish needs a bicycle.

  3. McGehee says:

    <David Spade>


    </David Spade>

  4. newrouter says:

    >announced their intention to walk across the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea to call for reunification. <

    good luck with your s korea visa application. try the norks as a backup.

  5. seethedolphins says:

    Only 30? How can we help get that number higher?

  6. newrouter says:

    >from North Korea to South Korea on May 24, <

    oops. forgot feminism is just commie for lesbians.

  7. Shermlaw says:

    Pyongyang will probably welcome the fellow travelers with open arms to prove how marvelously progressive it is. Otherwise, its minefield city.

  8. gahrie says:

    You know what would impress me? If they went to Saudi Arabia and drove a car.

  9. cranky-d says:

    The only way you can possibly believe that money spend on defense is wasted and this country is terrible is if you believe that everyone else in the world is as reasonable as you believe yourself to be.

    I hope we don’t waste a dime trying to get them out, but we will anyway. Saving the supremely stupid from themselves is the new American Way.

  10. Dana says:

    Hey, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea also supports reunification; it’s just that the DPRK supports it as under its own government, under Krazy Kim Jong-un. People with common sense can easily see that; “progressives,” lacking common sense, cannot.

  11. From Around the Blogroll

    It wasn’t actually that good a game, because Auburn was completely overmatched. Despite that, and playing their fourth game in four days, the Tigers played with heart. But a fourteen-team league shouldn’t have a tournament structured so as…

  12. mojo says:

    New TV show: “Hot in Pyongyang”

  13. geoffb says:

    If they want to make a real statement then they should all have a cable threaded through under the collarbone going from one to another so they can stay together, in happy solidarity, like and with the workers in the Nork gulags.

  14. palaeomerus says:

    >announced their intention to walk across the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea to call for reunification. <

    Sure, put the lights out on the other half of the peninsula.

  15. Their stupidity’s closest metaphor is a black hole: Light is pulled, and cannot escape.

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