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November 2024


Lesley McSpadden, mother of Michael Brown, the Cindy Sheehan of 2010s [Darleen Click]

Sheehan wore her dead son’s body for years as a PR banner. Looks like McSpadden is looking to make the role her own.

Ferguson could be visited by UN Special Rapporteurs, official investigators who would examine what advocates see as the inherent racism in the police force in Ferguson. Depending on who’s telling the story, Brown was either hands-up trying to surrender or inside the police car pummeling the officer. If Michael Brown’s mother has her way, the UN will intervene sooner rather than later because next week, she’s traveling to Geneva, Switzerland, to complain to the UN Convention Against Torture about her son’s shooting and the militarized police response to the ensuing violence.

Over two days next week, the ten-member Committee Against Torture will grill the U.S. government about U.S. implementation of the treaty, which was signed by Ronald Reagan in 1988 and received Senate consent in 1998. The treaty defines torture as the deliberate infliction of pain and suffering by a government official for the purpose of eliciting information or inflicting punishment.

McSpadden, who has been accused of robbing her own mother-in-law over t-shirt sales, is being sponsored by the U.S. Human Rights Network, a coalition of left-wing pressure groups, including the Women’s All Points Bulletin, Worker’s Center for Racial Justice, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Women of Color United, and dozens of others.

Organizers say Brown and his family have not received justice from the local, state, or federal government and that the trip to Geneva “is meant to make a case, to as wide an audience as possible, that both Brown’s killing and the militarized police response to protesters demanding justice for him, are a matter of human rights.”

22 Replies to “Lesley McSpadden, mother of Michael Brown, the Cindy Sheehan of 2010s [Darleen Click]”

  1. McGehee says:

    Organizers say Brown and his family have not received justice

    If they had, Michael wouldn’t have been running loose committing strong-arm robbery and assault on a police officer, and his mother wouldn’t be traveling to Europe on her meal-ticket tour.

    Justice cuts both ways — and by not doing its job on those two when it should have, it caught an innocent cop and an already hard-hit community of mostly decent people on the backswing.

  2. serr8d says:

    If the grand jury is to release their non-indictment of Darren Wilson this week (they meet every Wednesday) then it would be most expedient to do so at around dark:thirty, after sunset, when the expected bone-chilling arctic blast is cooling even the dumbest’s tempers.


  3. serr8d says:

    Heh. And fo’sho, deploy the water cannons.

  4. geoffb says:

    In exploitation, the rot starts at the head.

  5. serr8d says:

    Worse than Lesley McSpadden, more nearing Sheehan levels, were Trayvon Martin’s ‘parents’.

  6. 11B40 says:


    If only Mother McSpadden had gotten her son one of those Kevlar hoodies that Trayvon Martin’s parents are hawking.

  7. Blake says:

    McSpadden is heading to the UN with Brown’s babydaddy I see.

    I also take a rather dim view of a demonstrably corrupt organization, the UN, “investigating” anything in the US.

  8. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Ferguson’s future seems to be just about as assured as Detroit’s.

  9. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Factors Contributing to the Marriage Crisis

    One of those factors wasn’t by any chance arrested adolescence?

  10. newrouter says:

    keep cool with coolidge news:

    >About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful. It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning can not be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers. <

  11. newrouter says:

    >arrested adolescence?<

    tl :dr too stupid from paragraph 1

  12. guinspen says:

    Bears-Packers recap:

    **** According to the report, on October 18, the Ferguson Police Department report details the incident between McSpadden and other family members that took place on W. Florissant Avenue, a well-known strip of road where Ferguson protesters gather often.

    The report says that Pearlie Gordon, 54, and two men were selling “Justice for Mike Brown” shirts on a Saturday when “a large group of about 20-30 subjects ‘jumped out of vehicles and rushed them.’” Gordon is the mother-in-law of Michael Brown Sr., McSpadden’s ex-husband.

    Gordon told law enforcement that McSpadden, 34, told her, “You can’t sell this shit.” Gordon then replied, according to the report, that “unless McSpadden could produce documentation saying that she had a patent on her son’s name she (Gordon) was going to continue to sell her merchandise.”

    At that point, McSpadden’s mother, Desureia Harris, began tearing down t-shirts that were hanging on a line, Gordon told officers. Then, Gordon explained, other members of the group started “tearing her booth apart.” As the rush ensued, Gordon said she was repeatedly hit in the head and knocked on the ground.

    Gordon claims she heard McSpadden “yell to an unknown subject, ‘That’s Calvina’s mom, get her ass.” According to TSG, [Calvina is the first name of Michael Brown Sr.’s wife.] “McSpadden then ran up and punched Gordon,” the report said.

    Additionally, the report states that Gordon’s male associates were also beaten—allegedly with a pipe–during the clash. Over $1500 in goods and $400 in cash “was stolen by unknown subjects” who left the scene before police arrived, the report says. ****

    h/t nr

  13. guinspen says:

    Only the names have been changed, to protect the Bears.

  14. geoffb says:

    Cooler heads will surely keep everything calm. And a good Polar Vortex can’t hurt either as serr8d noted.

  15. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Or it could encourage more bonfires.

    You know, for the warmth.

  16. serr8d says:

    Anon hackers say tomorrow, 11 November 2pm for the grand jury non-indictment announcement. Needs be delayed to Tuesday.

    Read back a few days’ worth here. Chilling, like a water cannon blast at 28 degrees Fondly Fahrenheit.

  17. Pablo says:

    I’m going to feel some remorse at my delight if/when the good citizens of Ferguson start double tapping ghetto rats.

  18. Mike G. says:

    @Pablo…I would strongly suggest that if one has a carry permit for a firearm, that they do carry, especially if they live in an area with a significant Black population,,,just in case. Places like Atlanta, Chicago, L.A, ect. And especially in Ferguson and St. Louis.

  19. True, Mike, we could see some rioting outside of Ferguson.

    Depends on what the renamed ACORN’s are up to in other cities.

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