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November 2024


“In failing to stop the Islamic State, U.S. ignores the lessons of Auschwitz”

Ignores? I’m not so sure. Seems to me that through its malignant foreign policy and its (still astounding) embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood, the leftist Obama Administration has not so much ignored the lessons of Auschwitz as it has determined to revise its strategy. Systematic extermination of the Jews turns them into martyrs; the destruction of the “racist,” “apartheid,” “colonialist” Jewish state by oppressed freedom fighters, who have been allowed to take root in many of the surrounding countries (and who pose a direct threat to the US, as well — not that any of that matters to ObamaCo, which gives it lip service but does nothing at all to counteract the threat and in fact worsens it by its determination to keep our borders open), will be given the imprimatur of the UN and, under phony lament, will have been tacitly aided by the Marxist shitweasels currently running our country.

And yeah, I went there. Scream Godwin all you’d like: It doesn’t make what I’m saying any less correct. Not only that, but I believe that it goes all the way to the top, having been embedded in our imperial President by Reverend Wright, a barrage of anti-capitalist inculcation, and his radical chic friendships with terrorists, be they domestic or foreign. Hanging around on college campuses with the likes of Khalidi isn’t likely to make one an admirer of Israel. And in fact, Obama’s soft spot for Chinese totalitarianism should have been enough to teach us who he was long ago.

This isn’t a good man we’re dealing with. I hope he fails.

10 Replies to ““In failing to stop the Islamic State, U.S. ignores the lessons of Auschwitz””

  1. sdferr says:

    This isn’t a good man we’re dealing with. I hope he fails.

    So does PM Netanyahu hope he fails. Yet he must “deal” with this “ally” at every turn. What must be said cannot be said. That’s politics for ya.

  2. dicentra says:

    Given that the MBs and their fellow travelers are the direct, literal descendents of the Nazis, Godwin can stuff it.

  3. Silver Whistle says:

    Not only that, but I believe that it goes all the way to the top, having been embedded in our imperial President by Reverend Wright, a barrage of anti-capitalist inculcation, and his radical chic friendships with terrorists, be they domestic or foreign.

    I’m sure Dear Leader imbibed his anti-capitalism in mummy’s milk, and would have got it sitting on daddy’s knee too, had daddy stayed around long enough to pass on anything more than a couple of names.

    Otherwise, hell yes.

  4. Silver Whistle says:
  5. sdferr says:

    There is another fella whose name tends not to come up as frequently in association with our ClownCatastrophe quite as often as it might do, precisely because the name (Ali Abunimah) belongs to a man who acknowledged (around the time that the Rev. Wright was dismissed from his opening prayer-giving duties at the announcement of ClownDisaster’s offical intention to seek the Presidency in 2007) and revealed that he, like Rev. Wright, would be forced to recede into the background so that IWonPenPhone would not suffer the troubles certain to flow from the mere association with an openly radical supporter of Hamas and its like. Such are the vagaries of being chums or pals in ideology with the most powerful officeholder in the world.

    Abunimah founded and still runs, so far as I know, the “Electronic Intifada”. Tweets it out too, natch.

  6. dicentra says:

    sdferr, the image in your avi is not properly oriented.

    I wonder if you knew that.

  7. sdferr says:

    Manny’s still landing on his head, poor fella. And in consequence, so may be my birds.

  8. John Bradley says:

    the image in your avi is not properly oriented

    Gasp! That’s “not properly Asianed,” you naughty racist-person.

  9. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Going solely off of the title, I’d say the bigger problem with Thiessen’s piece isn’t the soft sell, it’s the generalized diffusion of responsibility. The United State’s hasn’t ignored the lesson of Auschwitz, Barak Obama has, his advisors have, to the detriment of us all.

    Maybe that’s the fault of Washington Post and not Thiessen.

  10. Jeff G. says:

    Again, I don’t think they’ve ignored it. They’ve learned from it and have found more palatable ways to carry it out. Just as Ayers once dreamed of exterminations and re-education camps, this is just the new, political savvy frame being placed around the “nudge” toward eliminationism.

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