Well, when you redefine words to mean anything you want due to politics, don’t be surprised when others take you seriously.
When Lara Stemple, a researcher at UCLA looked at the latest National Crime Victimization Survey, she was shocked to see that men experienced rape and sexual assault almost as frequently as women, and that women were often the perpetrators. Once the definition of rape was expanded to include more than just penetration, it became clear that men and women were equally likely to be raped, and more importantly, equally likely to be rapists. Researchers from the University of Missouri got the same results, finding that “43% of high school boys and young college men reported they had an unwanted sexual experience and of those, 95% said a female acquaintance was the aggressor.”
Sexual assault on college campuses and how that is handled has been all over the news lately, with even the President taking time to address the issue. But almost without exception, all the cases given as examples involve women as victims and men as perpetrators. Yet the survey and the confirmation from independent researchers indicates that men are often the victims and women the perpetrators.
So yes, let’s teach men what sexual consent means and how to obtain it. But let’s teach women that, too, because there are apparently a lot of women who do not understand the concept very well. Let’s teach men that women can be assailants and that they are under no obligation to accept or remain silent about unwanted sexual aggression from women. If consent is indeed “sexy”, then it needs to be applied equally. Current campaigns to encourage enthusiastic consent almost always target men, which is why I find them so irritating. It’s not the consent part that annoys me, it’s the fact that the campaigns imply that only men need to be certain they have on-going, enthusiastic agreement to sexual activity. This plays into the stereotype that men are little more than animals, willing to have sex at all times, with any willing or unwilling partner. I hope we can all agree that this is, indeed, a stereotype that is deeply insulting and dehumanizing. If we recast consent to include both men and women, we can accomplish two things simultaneously: we can get both men and women to understand that unwanted sexual behavior is assault whether it comes from men or women, and that women are equally capable of being the perpetrators.
I’ve gotten into some very heated discussions with gender-feminists over domestic violence issues — said gender-feminists who assert it’s a Man.Problem due to PatriarchalCisHeteronormativeEarthRapingCapitalism and I assert that women are guilty of initiating DV in close to equal numbers — so I expect this to really cause another estrogen-fueled freakout.
However, the subject is serious. Beyond the female supremacy sentiments that are implicit in the “guilty until proven innocent” stance of colleges and universities, there is a tacit understanding that females are not to be held responsible for their own choices and behaviors, and certainly not for any behavior where it concerns sex.
From “free” birth control to “free” tampons to freely charging men with rape because of regret, young females are being robbed of adult womanhood.
Yes, I know. Feature not bug as feminism is just a wholly-owned subsidiary of the totalitarian Left. le sigh
h/t Glenn Reynolds
expanding the definition of rape to include more than just penetration is retarded
after shedding a tear or two (whether over sadness or hilarious laughter we can leave to the imagination), everyone can look forward to earnest marches of men, linking arms in arms walking up the street into the precincts of power and singing in plaintive voices:
We shall not be raped, we shall not be raped
We shall not be raped, we shall not be raped
Just like a reed that’s standing by the water
We shall not be raped
I was raped by a woman (non-penetrationally) but I kinda liked it.. Is there something wrong with me?
Don’t worry, it probably wasn’t rape rape.
is there an intentional paradox embedded in the headline? y’know, to the effect of a supposition that women can be taught, like, anything.
I once taught a woman not to keep slapping me on the head. It would have been Nobel-worthy if I weren’t a white male heterosexual Christian conservative.
I’d vent my outrage toward you troglodytes, but there are shoes on sale at Nordstrom.
If it was Honey Boo-Boo’s mom, I’d lean towards “yes”.
I knew woman whom I can describe only as a “cow.”
Even with the giant muumuu, you could see a couple of enormous hernias on top of hernias to compound the enormity of her midsection.
She had two high-school-aged kids and one toddler, the latter being the offspring of her and the 16-yr-old neighborhood kid she’d “seduced.”
I’d call that rape. The kid would have been put off his feed for years after that kind of trauma.