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November 2024


Have you heard this?

Via Mark Levin:  1/3 of the money spent in primaries against conservatives / constitutionalists / TEA Party candidates has been spent by the US Chamber of Commerce.

Establishment Republicanism and corporatism go hand in glove, it seems.  Though today it doesn’t wear the same name as it did when, say, Mussolini was all into it.  Probably because today it wears an American flag pin on its lapel.

7 Replies to “Have you heard this?”

  1. sdferr says:

    I heard that, and then thought “isn’t it interesting that those who suffer from this monied opposition in conservative campaigns don’t seem to unanimously pop off with demands that money (i.e., speech) be restricted in law by those very ‘powers that be’ sitting in Congress today, but these same ‘powers that be’ do call for legal restrictions?”

  2. William says:

    But Fascism is defined by wearing a mustache and making speeches on balconies. And only that!

    Hmm? What? Having a spectacularly bad tan in front of cameras and swearing to sue like that matters is definitely the modern equivalent of balcony speeches?

    Nah… can’t be. I mean, if it was, wouldn’t the history channel be saying something?

  3. Bob Reed says:

    I’ve preached for years about the dangers of corporatism and the expense of corporate welfare. And I’m not surprised that the USCC was “investing” so heavily.

    As far as I’m concerned members of Congress should wear uniforms akin to NASCAR drivers, so that by the emblems and patches we can clearly know who has bought and paid for each…

  4. dicentra says:

    But Fascism is defined by wearing a mustache and making speeches on balconies. And only that!

    And not being democratically elected. They have to march into the capital with an army and conquer the place.

    Corporatism. Coprophagia.

    Po-TAY-to, Po-TAH-to.


  5. steveaz says:

    Non-profit advocacy groups are particularly vulnerable to take-over.

    Just waive money in front of their board officers and run a couple candidates, and anyone can own the thing. Anyone.

    And since most non-profits’ products can be reduced down to pro bono advertising for their patrons, they are, in essence, for-‘profit’ media companies.

    This paid media effluvium, disguised as benevolence, and hired as it is by decidedly anti-American people the world over, is corrupt. And yet this toxin mixes freely in the boundless ‘herd’ of messages bombarding average Americans.

    And then the IRS gives the white-collar purveyors of this slop a tax-break. I’m tellin’ ya, the system’s broke!

  6. sdferr says:

    Nice, or — more of the same.

  7. bgbear says:

    If people can make a living off its operation, is it really a non-profit?

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