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November 2024


“Why can’t the one Jewish State be allowed to exist?” [Darleen Click]

23 Replies to ““Why can’t the one Jewish State be allowed to exist?” [Darleen Click]”

  1. happyfeet says:

    palestinians are gross

    this is why nobody ever goes out for palestinian food

  2. palaeomerus says:

    They do, only they just call it Syrian food, Jordanian food, and Egyptian food.

  3. happyfeet says:

    In the Republican address, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida says Obama should be imposing tougher sanctions on Russia over unrest in Ukraine.*

    i for one am glad Marco fucking Rubio el cubano mas authenico has his priorities straight

  4. happyfeet says:

    *authentico* I mean

    (it’s spanish for “authentic”)

  5. happyfeet says:

    (“spanish” is english for “espanol”)

  6. happyfeet says:

    as an issue, “Ukraine” falls substantially below female circumcision but a tetch above the controversy over whether or not some illiterate NFL fags should be able to use the name “redskins”

  7. Slartibartfast says:

    Französisch is German for French.

    Those Germans have a word for everything.

  8. sdferr says:

    Aren’t the [various] deities subjects of a zero-sum game when naturally corrupted humans get their hands on them? Yeah, sure there is a horrible contradiction in the thought, but I don’t think human history chooses to argue at all vigorously against the fact of the situation.

    The sad aspect of the consequence is almost enough in itself to induce people to found a republic with guarantees to openness toward conscience. Damn shame those same people couldn’t figure out how to keep it.

    But then, they too, it turns out, tend to do what people have always done: i.e., make their deities subject to a zero-sum game. Welcome to the New America! It’s just like the old Arabia.

  9. Does this mean, Sdferr, that we’re eventually going to start worshiping a moon god?

  10. sdferr says:

    In terms of “the eventual” Bob (and that’s perhaps apropos of the highest thing represented in our politics today, i.e., “progress” as beheld by the progressive) we have a magnificently empty or dark category, the future. It’s suggestive of something far less solid than a lighted moony thing, something rather like, say, the quality plasticity. Now there‘s a twist for the twisted: the plastic made absolute. But of course, I’ve no idea at all and so make sport with it instead.

  11. bgbear says:

    Rubio is Spanish for rube.

  12. RI Red says:

    “Dumkopf” is German for happy feet.

  13. Squid says:

    I thought that was scheißkopf.

  14. PurpleVeinedGraniteCockOfLies says:

    Kopf im Arsch.

    Ain’t cinco de mayonnaise great? Brings out the best in language skills.

  15. You’re good at sports, Sd, if I may say so.

  16. palaeomerus says:

    Syria and Egypt didn’t think so.

  17. EBL says:

    And I do like cinco de mayonnaise on a turkey sandwich.

  18. EBL says:

    palaeomerus, thank G_D for the IDF.

  19. Ouroboros says:

    You mean to tell me that the Lebanese food I’ve been eating all these years is actually Palestinian food? Thank you, Debbie Downer.

  20. sdferr says:

    “Why can’t the one Jewish State be allowed to exist?”

    Because Rialto Ripples.

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