
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


“University calls the amount of white people on campus a ‘failure,’ asks for ideas on how to have fewer”

Looking for ways to limit whites on campus isn’t racism, you see.  It’s a push for “diversity” — because, let’s face it, all white people have the same ideas, same social experiences, same nurtured backgrounds, and are essentially carbon copies of one another, a kind of pale horde, indistinguishable from one another and therefore, because of sheer numbers, overdetermined on university campuses.

To argue otherwise just proves how racist you are.  QED!

Campus Reform:

A school-wide questionnaire at Western Washington University (WWU) asked the community “How do we make sure that in future years ‘we are not as white as we are today?’”

The question, released through the communications and marketing department’s daily newsletter Western Today, comes on the heels of admonishments given in multiple convocation addresses by WWU President Bruce Shepard for the university’s “failure” to be less white.

“Every year, from this stage and at this time, you have heard me say that, if in decades ahead, we are as white as we are today, we will have failed as university,” Shepard said in the 2012 speech.

And in a recent blog post on WWU’s website, Shepard echoes these sentiments, saying those who do not agree “have not thought through the implications of what is ahead for us or, more perniciously, assume we can continue unchanged.”



Listening to this pablum, or the incoherent race baiting of people like Nancy Pelosi, who sequester themselves in the most gentrified of areas, freezing out the minority element they claim to champion but truly despise, save for how they can use them as props in election year demagoguery, leads me to believe that, yes, Chris Matthews is absolutely correct:  Racism is all around us, and we’re swimming in it.

Of course, what he doesn’t tell you that it is he and the progressive race-baiters and race hustlers and identity politics front groups that make up that particular mire we’re increasingly being forced to paddle through.

17 Replies to ““University calls the amount of white people on campus a ‘failure,’ asks for ideas on how to have fewer””

  1. Drumwaster says:

    Q: “How do we make sure that in future years ‘we are not as white as we are today?’”

    A: Simple. Treat “white” people differently than non-whites, based solely on the color of their skin, because those racists deserve what they get, am I right?

    In other news, MLK, Jr. is setting subsurface RPM records…

  2. sdferr says:

    The annihilation of the idea of a University has been an awesome thing to behold lo this last century and a half or so. But isn’t the phenomenon funny in that way in which it accompanies a general decline in the wider society’s ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, and withal, which of the two to prize?

  3. Dana says:

    Well, it’s kind of simple: many colleges had quotas restricting the number of Jooooos who could matriculate, and some are trying to restrict Asians, so it could obviously be done; they just can’t say that’s what they are doing.

  4. Jeff G. says:

    Woodrow Wilson, President of Princeton.

    Everything thereafter, with short respites, nothing but shit.

  5. Dana says:

    Of course, if someone doesn’t want to be part of too white a university, there are several “traditionally black colleges” around.

  6. Dana says:

    WWU is a competitive admissions school, which rejects 60 to 65% of applicants.

  7. sdferr says:

    I tend to point a finger of accusation at an older University president — Charles Eliot of Harvard — who evidently had the brilliant idea to put the choice of the matter of education into the hands of the ignorant by definition, i.e., the students. Somehow, this plain contradiction escaped the attention of the “wise” educators from that day down to this.

  8. palaeomerus says:

    Alumni donors could fix this highly politicized farcically absurd guilt collectivist opera easilysy enough.

    Just make a few calls. Offer to shut off the money taps and let reality roll in for a while to see how the brave revolutionaries like it.

    Shake the shit out of the angry hive of professors and administrators by offering them the opportunity to either 1.) gratuitously humiliate themselves publicly by loudly and frequently letting the campus know who REALLY RUN BARTER TOWN (mammon) and who just barely knows how to suck juice through the juice box straw like teacher showed them, or else 2.) they can go looking for real jobs on the real job market with their resumes and actual set of useful skills.

  9. Pablo says:

    A school-wide questionnaire at Western Washington University (WWU) asked the community “How do we make sure that in future years ‘we are not as white as we are today?’”

    Just keep talking like that. Before you know it, you can be just like Detroit.

  10. palaeomerus says:

    So all that bitching about white flight fifty years ago followed by mandatory assigned school district busing, and now they want whites to fuck off with their dirty white loan money and go hang out in trailer parks?

    That is gamma ray burst level stupidity.

  11. leigh says:

    Those white folks who want to go to college so bad should just build their own universities.


  12. leigh says:

    who evidently had the brilliant idea to put the choice of the matter of education into the hands of the ignorant by definition, i.e., the students

    This is a strategy used by many a failed prison warden.

  13. bgbear says:

    It is like people who treat vanilla as a non-flavor.

  14. Danger says:

    “Woodrow Wilson, President of Princeton. Everything thereafter, with short respites, nothing but shit.”

    They did have 4 years of this guy:

  15. newrouter says:

    cruz control. go fer it uncle hispanic/spic. snark off/

  16. happyfeet says:

    white people are amazingly diverse in my experience

  17. Squid says:

    Easiest way to cut down on the number of white people would be to form some advisory boards to deny medical care to old white people, and give free birth control and abortions to white people of childbearing age. We could discourage young adults from forming family units, by making marriage undesirable and by making stable employment hard to find. Maybe we could also put together a way to make sure that white children are never taught the knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary to achieve academic excellence (or mediocrity, for that matter). Finally, we could assemble a media messaging machine that treats white people’s arguments and complaints as being intrinsically less interesting and less valuable than the voices of others.

    Geez, that seems like a lot to put together. We’d better get started!

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